Dev Report #45 (March 7th, 2025)
19 minutes ago
Hey guys, first off I want to apologize for not having the rest of E13 up yet.
I set the date of March 3rd based on the remaining render work at the time and under the assumption that I would be unpausing at midnight on the 1st which I then decided after posting that I would not unpause until later which avalanched into some problems that I've had to deal with over this week.
I'm not trying to use that as an excuse, obviously none of that is anyone's fault but my own. The rest of E13 should have been up a long time ago and then none of this would have been an issue.
I also shouldn't have set a release date until everything was ready and uploaded, it's a lesson I've learned and forgotten many times. Due to me needing to unpause pledges I felt it was only right to do so with a release date attached.
I was feeling really good and honestly thought the date was a lock until I had to take my time away to handle issues in life. I set another date for the next day and did everything I could to hit it and I wasn't able to package the update until about 3am that night.
It took me a long time to fall asleep after and I ended up sleeping in late, I woke up ready to upload but I realized I made one of the dumbest mistakes at the worst time.
I use two different Ren'py versions, one is for the PC/Mac builds and the other is for Android. I had also just re-organized all of my files. Well in my half asleep attempt to get things packaging before I slept I accidentally packaged both sides on the wrong versions. I'm not sure if downgrading Ren'py versions would break PC/Mac saves but I know upgrading versions definitely breaks Android saves.
Not only that but I had left in my "testing" file that includes all of the uncompressed renders and animations for all of E13, including old iterations of scenes.
To add the cherry on top, right after realizing my mistake I got a call telling me I had even more issues to deal with in life.
After dealing with issues and having new ones, missing release dates, feeling like a dumbass.
My mental was in the gutter again and I kinda shut down. I've been trying to fight it but these last few days have been rough. I kept trying to get it out but it felt like I was in the same spot I was in before except now I didn't have a real "reason" to be there.
I instantly hated everything I made again and I kept almost making changes but I stopped myself, though I did add some things. Mostly a few animations to the flight home scene.
With all that being said, I'm waking up from the fog I was in for a minute.
I know where this road leads, I can't let myself self-destruct again and let a miss turn into 30 misses. I'm not getting trapped in this shit again, I'm not letting a bad week turn into a bad month again.
For everyone's sake, I'm not setting another hard date but an estimated release of sometime this weekend. There is no reason it shouldn't be up this weekend. I'm going to dip away from the internet while I finish the additions so I don't get in my head again so I'll likely just be posting the update when it's ready like I did last time.
I also included the numbers for what will be in the first release of E14, that's what this dev report was supposed to focus on but I don't want to talk too much about it while you guys are still waiting for the rest of E13.
All I'll say is the first release will include 2 scenes (Sneaking in, and Family Reunion.)
We'll talk about the rest next week.
Thank you guys for everything, I'm sorry for the shit week after saying I wouldn't end up here again. I'm not staying here, I just let myself get overwhelmed and I tried to handle too many things at once. Just bad shit at the worst time but that's life and I have to respond better.
I also start therapy again this upcoming week so hopefully that will help me keep in line.
I'll talk to you guys soon.