god i wish he'd just put them in masks already, or a paper bag i don't care he complained 2B's face was awful and i'm just standing here wondering HOW? does he have Prosopagnosia or something? can he not see how gross and character he makes the characters look by giving them horribly exaggerated looks? its like an SFM Youpoop level now. its not only the lips, its the their proportion and how he applies it to *ALL* of his customs, the fucking dead 30 yard stare that makes them look like they're either stoned out of their mind or lost all will to live. there's wrinkles in places there shouldn't be wrinkles. it like he's set up a porn studio smack dab in uncanny valley. and is it just me or do they all have the exact same skin color now? like what the fuck is he doing to these models?