
Jul 21, 2023
By the way, does anyone have the 3 "legendary" mons (Moostar, Whisker and Soliche) at lvl 75 or lower?
I can't see their stats when their stats drop to lvl 75 in the tower.

If you could screenshot what their stats look with a Soul boost and a Bond star/+10 stars, that would be great.

I might also need to make a new save again and intentionally keep Chikeflare and the legendary low lvl through Cheat Tackling a lot just to see what lvl 75 Chikeflare stats look like. But I probably just try to compare her stats with every other mon to determine her relative stats. keeping Chikeflare as low as lvl 75 sounds like too much effort to do and not relevant when she is banned from the tower setting her to lvl 75 anyway.

edit: Well at least I know Chikeflare agility isn't verry good, it's tied with Moostar. Her other stats all seem relatively high, but I have to see whose stats she matches at the same lvl and setup.
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Mar 23, 2019
I beat all of them with Chikeflare, Moostar and Soliche.

Moostar sweeps teams if they don't interrupt the Def + evasion buff stacking
Soliche Burn + high power can usually beat 1 or 2 enemies or at least the burn allows Chikeflare and Moostar to stall the enemy out.

And Chikeflare can cycle through Flawless Advance, Justice Strike + Tyrant's Blow combo, heal up and stall with Soul Shield.
Having debuff immunity is very importantas that's one of Moostar's only weakness, dying to DoT.

I also swept the 23 trainer challenge with Moostar and Soliche + filler
Worth mentioning that the 23 trainer challenge is actually a 3 parter, there's 2 more 23 trainer fights before a true endless mode.

There's 3 exclusive trainers within the 69 fights with some repeats.


Jul 21, 2023
Worth mentioning that the 23 trainer challenge is actually a 3 parter, there's 2 more 23 trainer fights before a true endless mode.

There's 3 exclusive trainers within the 69 fights with some repeats.
Didn't know that, guess I could try the tower again when I resume my run


Moving on to the next Yarimons stats and suggested moveset

Darurira: 302 hp, 288 atk, 132 def, 124 agi (a very slow hard hitting mon with a lot of hp but low defense)
1. Blazing Passion Fire signature move
2. and 3 are fire moves to cycle through fire skills faster with Internal Combustion Engine and for STAB,
could replace one for Scorching Breath if you don't like the bad accuracy or recoil dmg
4. Earthquake as coverage against water mons.

Deathsickle: 224 hp, 253 atk, 126 def, 211 agi (Glass cannon)
1. Dark signature attack
2. and 3 for Dark STAB
4th skill is whatever, you never use it, since it's always worse than STAB attacks and it's way to frail to do any debuffing
Parry might actually be the BIS to stall a turn for Melacholic Resentment DoT

Mesalassa 221 hp, 238 atk, 172 def, 205 agi (a bit of a generalist that leans more towards offense and frailer side)
Basically same set as Deathsickle since dark STAB always does more dmg than any other moves it has, it could run parry and replace one of the dark STAB's (replace Shadow Edge probably) to buy a turn for Melacholic Resentment DoT
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Jul 21, 2023
Plantory: 308 hp, 186 atk, 211 def, 93 agi (a very slow defensive mon)
1. Realm Shaker, Earth signature move, three turn CD
2. Life Energy to restore 50% hp since it's a tank, three turn CD
3. Spark Flame, 80 atk 100 acc fire move for Internal Combution Engine to reduce cooldown and coverage against air enemies. Three turn CD
4. Perfect guard just to stall time, could run Earthen Punch/Victory XXX, but it's just weaker than just stall turns to reuse Realm Shaker. Three turn CD

Saurmander: 263 hp, 241 atk, 157 def, 150 agi (slow and frail but high attack)
1. Fire Signature attack
2 and 3 for extra fire STAB to cycle through
4. Earthquake as Coverage against Water mons

Inferniball: 254 hp, 207 atk, 157 def, 225 agi (a bit of a fragilie speedster)
Basically same setup as Falconix, healing doesn't make sense on a frail mon and all non STAB attacks are worse in basically all situations


Jul 21, 2023
Sealebrity: 230 hp, 207 atk, 141 def, 265 agi (fragile speedster)
3 Water STAB and Whirlwind for coverage against Earth enemies
other skills don't make sense on a fragile mon or are worse than Water STAB

Kazuraon: 262 hp, 205 atk, 189 def, 172 agi (a generalist that leans on hp)
3 earth STAB and self healing move.
Every other skill doesn't make sense as it's weaker than using Earth STAB

Kingeist: 221 hp, 225 atk, 141 def, 258 agi (a fast glass cannon)
3 dark STAB, the last slot is kinda whatever since every other skill is just worse than using Dark STAB.


Jul 21, 2023
Platilem: 221 hp, 205 atk, 271 def, 91 agi
Goldlem 221 hp, 271 atk, 205 def, 91 agi
These two have the same stats but atk/def reversed, they are both slow

Platilem is a slow tank, Melacholic Resentment to DoT and stall with Perfect Guard, Justice Strike as coverage vs other Dark and Great Fury to setup some sort of sweep
You can replace a move for Earthquake/Earthen Punch, it sucks that it doesn't have any STAB.

Goldlem is a slow offense, but has Light Flash to get the jump on enemies.
Great Fury to boost own attack and Perfect Guard to stall a turn for Light Flash 3 turn CD.

Fluffiose: 285 hp, 189 atk, 172 def, 205 agi, (a generalist with a lot of hp.)
Basically 3x Wind STAB since anything else is just worse than wind STAB and Willow Wind to stall a turn to reduce their cooldown.


Jul 21, 2023
Kayvin: 338 hp, 207 atk, 157 def, 141 agi (a lot of hp, but bad def and agi)
Two earth STAB, fire for coverage vs Wind and healing move

Patriolf: 252 hp, 222 atk, 157 def, 238 agi
Matriolf: 252 hp, 157 atk, 222 def, 238 agi

Same stats but atk/def reversed, both are fast

Patriolf is offense focused while Matriolf is more of a tank

Patriolf has Justice Strike for +2 Acc and then spam STAB Bolt Blaster 110 with 1 turn CD
Tear apart against Light enemies

Matriolf just 3 fire STAB + Meteor against Water

Both Wolves have Divine Power to double the chance of applying secondairy effects, might be something for Matriolf as she isn't brute forcing her way like Patriolf spamming Light STABs of that high Atk stat


Jul 21, 2023
Colrokksus: 278 hp, 205 atk, 255 def, 115 agi (a slow tank)
Two earth stab and Perfect Guard to stall a turn so it can cycle between these 3 attacks.
Magma Blast for Coverage against Wind.

Caurora: 270 hp, 174 atk, 174 def, 241 agi (a speedster with a lot of hp, but low atk/= and def) Three Water stabs and Willow Wind to stall a turn to cycle between attacks.
Everything else is just worse than water STAB

Bunee: 545 Hp, 93 atk, 144 def, 177 agi (maybe the worst mon in the game? that atk stat is awful and not very good defense, the most standout is that gigantic hp pool)
We don't run attack damaging moves because that atk stat is so pitiful that we rely on Status for damage, but how are we stalling out enough turns without heal or defensive abilities? That Personality is also a joke, the only attack with a beneficial side effect is Diving Kick 30% def debuff, that attack stat is so pitiful that def debuff isn't doing anything.


Jul 21, 2023
Howlabout: 221 hp, 271 atk, 141 def, 205 agi (Glass cannon with very high atk)
Just all Dark STABs, the options are so limited as everything is worse than Dark STAB
and it's low defense means it doesn't want to waste turns debuffing enemies

Hanniru: 254 hp, 199 atk, 190 def, 157 agi (generalist with higher hp for lower agi)
2 Earth stabs, Spore Shower is kinda weak, but it really has no other good options.
Life Energy for heal and Old Scar Incisinto cause Laceration.

Chikenslither: 237 hp, 238 atk, 172 def, 189 agi (generalist that leans on offense)

Just all Fire stabs, since all the Dark and non elemental attacks are just worse than fire STAB, it can use Soul Drain to heal if you want to drop a Fire STAB.


Jul 25, 2018
Could you do Mystifox? In particular, I'm curious as to how all of the EX mons that our rivals use stack up, I feel like Hikari got done dirty by giving her a generalist. Either an attacker or a tanker likely would've been more dangerous.


Jul 21, 2023
Toriron: 318 hp, 214 atk, 189 def, 141 agi (generalist with a lot of hp but low agi)
Just Typeless STAB and Willow Wind to stall a turn

Kurotorofu: 237 hp, 189 atk, 255 def, 157 agi (a tank)
Here is one exciting tank, Melancholic Resentment to apply DoT, Body regen for heal,
Soul Drain to deal damage and heal and Perfect Guard to stall a turn to get Body Regen faster. (don't use Coating, because all status changes disappear every turn due to Kurotorofu Personality skill)

Minotauron: 335 hp, 255 atk, 157 def, 91 agi (a slow mon with high atk and hp)
Very bland, just all Typeless STAB since Brute Force Personality skill doesn't need anything else. It's too slow and low defense to setup Great Fury sweep.
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Jul 21, 2023
Mystifox: 237 hp, 222 atk, 157 def, 255 agi (frail speedster)
Two light STAB, which is basically all it needs for offense.
Aura Enchantment and Vortex against tanks to outlast them.
You can drop a move for Thunder Jammer if you want a 3rd STAB to cycle through, since Mystifox is frail that it might not have time to setup the defensive skills

Clops: 269 hp, 222 atk, 157 def, 222 agi (above average atk and spd and hp for lower defense)
3 Earth STAb since it doesn't need anything else with Brute Force Personality Skill.
Great Fury to start up a sweep, since it's not slow.

Pandit: 254 hp, 225 atk, 141 def, 225 agi (basically Clops trading hp and def for a bit more atk and agi)
3 Typeless STAB and the 4th slot is just filler, Merciless Iron Fist to debuff the enemy, but it's usually just not stronger than any STAB except vs Light


Jul 21, 2023
Tickly: 252 hp, 222 atk, 157 def, 205 agi (generalist with higher atk and hp for less defense)
2 Light STAB, it's Personality skill One-shot Gag debuff enemies atk -1, so it can setup debuffs from Vortex and Strange Soundwave if it's not spamming Light STAB

Trickor: 302 hp, 222 atk, 157 def, 172 agi (same atk and def Tickly, trading agility for more hp)
All Dark STAB, since anything else is just worse than that.

Gardenia: 285 hp, 222 atk, 205 def, 157 agi (High hp with low agility)
3 Wind STAB and a Water attack for coverage vs Fire


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2019
Tickly: 252 hp, 222 atk, 157 def, 205 agi (generalist with higher atk and hp for less defense)
2 Light STAB, it's Personality skill One-shot Gag debuff enemies atk -1, so it can setup debuffs from Vortex and Strange Soundwave if it's not spamming Light STAB

Trickor: 302 hp, 222 atk, 157 def, 172 agi (same atk and def Tickly, trading agility for more hp)
All Dark STAB, since anything else is just worse than that.

Gardenia: 285 hp, 222 atk, 205 def, 157 agi (High hp with low agility)
3 Wind STAB and a Water attack for coverage vs Fire
I can't wait for you to reach the three Legendary faeries.

84, 85 and 86.

Funfact: I owned the challenge tower with those three!


Jul 21, 2023
Could you do Mystifox? In particular, I'm curious as to how all of the EX mons that our rivals use stack up, I feel like Hikari got done dirty by giving her a generalist. Either an attacker or a tanker likely would've been more dangerous.
Ah, I did them in Yarimon Encyclopedia order, but Mystifox is posted now.
I don't know what EX mons stats look like, but it should be similar to their normal form but higher I would assume.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2019
Ah, I did them in Yarimon Encyclopedia order, but Mystifox is posted now.
I don't know what EX mons stats look like, but it should be similar to their normal form but higher I would assume.
Yeah the EX Mons are NOT in the Yarimon Dex sadly!


Jul 21, 2023
I can't wait for you to reach the three Legendary faeries.
Biggest problem is that mine are too high lvl, but I can show you a sneak peak how I can handle the problem:

Moostar vs Matriolf

Same atk and def, Moostar trades all that agility for a ton of hp.

Moostar's agility is tied with Chikeflare and Kazuraon.

So Estimated stats so far
??? HP (less than 368 because it's lower than Cosmosis lvl 115)
157 atk (Same as Matriolf)
222 def (Same as Matriolf)
172 agi (Same as Kazuraon)

Edit: Also Chikeflare stats are nuts if you compare them to Kazuraon, much higher hp and atk and more def and tied agility.
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Mar 23, 2019
Ah, I did them in Yarimon Encyclopedia order, but Mystifox is posted now.
I don't know what EX mons stats look like, but it should be similar to their normal form but higher I would assume.
Yeah the EX Mons are NOT in the Yarimon Dex sadly!
In-game files (Yarimon_DB) for the Japanese version have dex entries for nearly all of them apart from Athena's + Chikeflare herself.
Base stats are also located there - one thing to note is that the Chikeflare you use in the final battle + Chikeflare post-end is actually two separate yarimons in-game, with the former having significant higher stats + Wings to the Future


Jul 21, 2023
In-game files (Yarimon_DB) for the Japanese version have dex entries for nearly all of them apart from Athena's + Chikeflare herself.
Base stats are also located there - one thing to note is that the Chikeflare you use in the final battle + Chikeflare post-end is actually two separate yarimons in-game, with the former having slightly higher stats + Wings to the Future
Oh! Do you have a link for that? But I will resume my work to also confirm if the stats are correct. Also getting a better feel how their stats fare to each other
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