I’ve been pretty down about the news of Viscaria's suspension, too. It’s been nearly a year since then...
Per ci-en posts, Kubel took just 6 months and 30,000¥ to develop. So why has Viscaria ballooned to 5x the budget and 8x the dev time?
I thought it might help to reflect on why Yasagure Kitsuenjo’s ambitions for the game have caused such delays—
The Cast
At it's purest essence, an NTR game needs three pillars: The Heroine, the NTR guy, the NTR'd guy.
Right out the gate, Viscaria doubles the number of heroines, from there we have separate antagonists for each of them, the obligatory backstory flashbacks for each, the sub-scenes devoted to sketching out their relationships with all the others...
Tack a calendar based system inspired by Persona onto that, and it's little surprise the dev needs a
mapping out who is doing what, where, and why.
So far, it looks like their next gap-filler "momentum building" game is paring back down to the staple NTR triangle in the name of prudence. Phew.
The Scenario
Kubel's scenario was able to be resolved in a straightforward way: a problem born of a forbidden tome can be negated by the counter tome. Things were simplified even further by having the two males leads spend all their time in their respective beds after the intro. Unless called upon for a flashback or H-scene, the game was largely Majetano running around on her own.
The mess that heroines of Viscaria find themselves entangled in is 4 times as twisted, and things are only set to get worse as new wrinkles are added like Hale's growing suspicions, Drosera and Guska diverging in goals, etc.
The H-scene side of things is also more delicate this time around, since the scene progression will be intertwined with the main plot. For Kubel, all of the main story through to the endings was able to be scripted and implemented first, giving Manuri time to bang out all the h-scenes one after another in a focused burst afterwards. This was fast, but also left them feeling rather divested from anything else that might be going on in the story.
The NTR pairing itself
There's two halves to this one.
From the antagonist side, there is the worry that Guska comes off as too much of a grody old fuck. Manuri's taste is that in the fallen route, the Heroine will come to truly love and deeply rely on the antagonist.
Say what you will about Bazria's personality flaws, but at least he's established as an experienced and cunning playboy. We, the readers, can reasonably imagine how a sheltered maiden like Majetano might eventually be won over by his honeyed lies and practiced technique.
Guska, on the other hand, is a sour, balding, broke sadsack who even the town prostitutes only barely tolerate. He might have a magic NTRman dick, but how is the more mature and happily married Flambery supposed to convincingly fall for that? It's taking more scenes than the ~40 from the initial planning stages.
For the heroine, Manuri is puzzling out how to make a satisfying True End.
We already know Yasagure Kitjuenjo has no commitment to rosy fairytale "Happy" endings, but they do want readers to be satisfied that the heroine can retain her integrity, given the circumstances.
In Kubel, the NTR target Majetano was also the player character, so having an end where she resists can align perfectly with the player's own actions and experience. It's believable and doesn't come out of nowhere.
In Viscaria, Flambery is a supporting cast member. Guska is the one actively pressuring Flambery every day, and she's in no position to refuse (besides killing him lol)
Would players be satisfied with a true end arising from these circumstances? After however many days of secret sex, will Flambery look like a shallow two-timing whore no matter what? He must have endings planned out already, but is trying to balance how to establish a path where players can still respect Flambery when everything is said and done.
Game progression
This is one from listening to feedback and replaying his first game.
In Kubel, aside from either repeatedly slogging through the dungeon, or repeatedly throwing yourself at Bazria, there isn't much to really do. It ends up lonely and busywork kind of experience, doesn't it? That's why he decided to add more game-like subsystems to Viscaria like basic shop management and stat progression.
Since the plan is for Liedna to face hurdles she has to work to overcome as she ventures further into the main dungeon, requiring pauses to build up funds and base stats, its taking some thought on how to balance smoothness with struggle.
And hey, if you've played Kubel, you already know that he's hardly a natural at game design
The limits of RPGMaker MV
Explained in the initial hiatus announcement post. Base RPGmaker MV apparently doesn't let you easily rig up more than 999 maps at once. Since Yasagure Kitsuenjo's style was to use new maps more every scene and avoid repurposing (to make things cleaner), the limit is clearly gonna get hit. I think the stats are currently at 750/999 maps with 40% of the story left to implement.
Human frailty
This is one is my take, but it must be very soul draining to write such a painstaking scenario about betrayal and the dissolution of bonds. Even if he has an NTR fetish, designing such lovable heroines and then having to write them becoming the worst version of themselves must hurt, no? There is a commitment to providing the fanbase with more powerful shamewanks, sure, but I'd bet some feet dragging is responsible for the looooong wait. The demo has a shitton of WORDS and was written over like 8 months, maybe because it's more lighthearted?
This is all just conjecture, I have no real insight into just how hardened a cynic Manuri is.
I'm still holding out faith that Viscaria will see release one day, who knows if I'll be as old and bitter as Guska by then (it'll be very immersive in that case...)
Manuri claims that despite loving to tease (more like torment) his heroines, they are like daughters to him and he couldn't stand to leave any behind.