"What a gem I've just encountered?" - I've said after finishing the game. Truly, it's hard to find a turn-based combat H-RPG which can appeal to me in almost everything. Which made me enjoy its story and characters. Surely, this is still not a masterpiece, but you should try this game.
+ CGIs are great, and there is enough of them. One of advantages of having only one or few female heroines is that you don't need a lot of H-scenes to make your game solid. All of them will be centered around only one character, developing them and making them more interesting both from plot and sexual perspectives.
+ That said, you'll be in love with the Kagaribi's character. You'll spend enough game time with her to know her and her story. Eventually, you'll start to appreciate your time with her - as for the real character. This is one of indicators of a great porn game (or for any game).
+ Authors made RPGM turn-based combat not only bearable, but also enjoyable at some point. I can't say that it's good now, but this is much and much better than standard RM gameplay (which is also standard for 95% RM porn games). I can't say if it's balanced or not, neither can say if you will like it. But this game deserves a + just because of effort of making this combat gameplay not boring.
+ I expected worse from this game, but the story is actually very good. What I expected? Well, because the main topic is necromancy and a man which was a loser in everything, I expected a lot of angst and edginess (which are quite common in porn games), but I received none. Instead, I got actually a pretty interesting story about fallen kingdom and its damned citizens which faced the evil god and the unpleasant destiny afterwards. It even fooled me in a positive way, giving me the plot twist I didn't expected at all. I won't spoil you anything, though, so go ahead and play it!
+ Sex constituent works great both for plot and gameplay. This is a porn game after all, right? And porn in here isn't "just because", but actually plays a huge role in the game. It's very hard to find the game which implement sex in environment so damn good.
+ Not only battles, but also riddles were made very good. They aren't too hard, but many of them are challenging enough. And they have a fitting reward with H-scenes for the players ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
± Although, some are a bit tedious. I counted two: one time you'll be said to pray for the statues of the gods. You will need to click on them, but you would never guess it. Second: the mirror in the castle. I won't spoil you, but will just warn that you'll have to run back and fourth a lot.
± Game on start may seem a little bit too slow. It's because you (players) will sort out how to play it in usually slower place than ordinary playthrough. Which, in my case, resulted in only 2 H-scenes for 1 hour of gameplay. May be critical for some people, so be aware.
± This game is intended to be played. In other words, gameplay > porn. You'll have to battle, solve riddles, obtain and combine gems from fallen enemies, etc. It's not a flaw because the game is great, but, again, for some people it can be unpleasant. Advise for them - play on easy difficulty, that way you'll reduce the grinding to minimum.
± Main kink may be too questionable for some people. Game doesn't focuses too much on it, but if you still find uncomfortable to have sex with a reanimated body then you probably shouldn't play it. Also, there's a specific scene in the castle in which Kagaribi will become... younger. Just be aware.
- Mapping could be better, in my opinion. I can't even say that it's critical, but still a cons. In city you will have the weird black squares on the map's borders, in some rooms you can go through walls and walk in the outer space.
96/100 - great score for the great game. Nuff said.