RPGM - Completed - Yes My Lord [Final] [Doubles Core]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I fell in love when I first saw the pictures as I saw thouse pictures I was intrige by:
    1) the girl in red and black dress
    2) what the story might be
    3) how its gonna play (the fell of the game)
    And after I finnish it I can onely say that I came looking for copper and found GOLD.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    The Bubblegum Goth!

    "What a gem I've just encountered?" - I've said after finishing the game. Truly, it's hard to find a turn-based combat H-RPG which can appeal to me in almost everything. Which made me enjoy its story and characters. Surely, this is still not a masterpiece, but you should try this game.

    + CGIs are great, and there is enough of them. One of advantages of having only one or few female heroines is that you don't need a lot of H-scenes to make your game solid. All of them will be centered around only one character, developing them and making them more interesting both from plot and sexual perspectives.
    + That said, you'll be in love with the Kagaribi's character. You'll spend enough game time with her to know her and her story. Eventually, you'll start to appreciate your time with her - as for the real character. This is one of indicators of a great porn game (or for any game).
    + Authors made RPGM turn-based combat not only bearable, but also enjoyable at some point. I can't say that it's good now, but this is much and much better than standard RM gameplay (which is also standard for 95% RM porn games). I can't say if it's balanced or not, neither can say if you will like it. But this game deserves a + just because of effort of making this combat gameplay not boring.
    + I expected worse from this game, but the story is actually very good. What I expected? Well, because the main topic is necromancy and a man which was a loser in everything, I expected a lot of angst and edginess (which are quite common in porn games), but I received none. Instead, I got actually a pretty interesting story about fallen kingdom and its damned citizens which faced the evil god and the unpleasant destiny afterwards. It even fooled me in a positive way, giving me the plot twist I didn't expected at all. I won't spoil you anything, though, so go ahead and play it!
    + Sex constituent works great both for plot and gameplay. This is a porn game after all, right? And porn in here isn't "just because", but actually plays a huge role in the game. It's very hard to find the game which implement sex in environment so damn good.
    + Not only battles, but also riddles were made very good. They aren't too hard, but many of them are challenging enough. And they have a fitting reward with H-scenes for the players ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    ± Although, some are a bit tedious. I counted two: one time you'll be said to pray for the statues of the gods. You will need to click on them, but you would never guess it. Second: the mirror in the castle. I won't spoil you, but will just warn that you'll have to run back and fourth a lot.
    ± Game on start may seem a little bit too slow. It's because you (players) will sort out how to play it in usually slower place than ordinary playthrough. Which, in my case, resulted in only 2 H-scenes for 1 hour of gameplay. May be critical for some people, so be aware.
    ± This game is intended to be played. In other words, gameplay > porn. You'll have to battle, solve riddles, obtain and combine gems from fallen enemies, etc. It's not a flaw because the game is great, but, again, for some people it can be unpleasant. Advise for them - play on easy difficulty, that way you'll reduce the grinding to minimum.
    ± Main kink may be too questionable for some people. Game doesn't focuses too much on it, but if you still find uncomfortable to have sex with a reanimated body then you probably shouldn't play it. Also, there's a specific scene in the castle in which Kagaribi will become... younger. Just be aware.
    - Mapping could be better, in my opinion. I can't even say that it's critical, but still a cons. In city you will have the weird black squares on the map's borders, in some rooms you can go through walls and walk in the outer space.

    96/100 - great score for the great game. Nuff said.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best RPGM games I played, mechanics are solid and like the other RPGM hentai games out there but the story for this game is next level. It's not a long game, will take less than 5 hours to complete and the story is worth the playthrough.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    CG 4.5
    Music 4.5
    Story 5
    Gameplay 5
    World Building 5
    Character Depth 5

    The cg are pretty bland and common, but not bad at all, cute at most. Somewhat animated i loop. Not exceptional, bad good

    Even if they are nothing of very special, they good enough and not boring.
    Helps to give the right atmosfere.

    What's truly got about this game is it's story.
    Full of plot twists and very creative.
    At the end of the game i felt attachment for the characters, and quite satisfied of the endings.
    I suggest to try it just for the story

    The puzzles are done pretty well and helped give more life and depth to the world.
    Really funny to find and resolve them
    Collecting the game may be somewhat repetitive, but i got addicted to it pretty fast lol
    Setting the right gems and skills was challenging enough in the last difficulty.
    So, really a well tone job

    World Building
    I could feel the story of every map and object in it, really and enjoyable feeling.
    Even the Puzzles helped me immerse myself in this world.

    Character Depth
    I could feel the reasons behind the action of every character and their growth.
    Very rare in an hentai game

    A game that i will hardly forget.
    If you are not there just for the porn, i suggest to give it a chance.
    It's a very charming game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A great turn based rpg, fun combat and a fair amount of H scenes, I played mostly for the gameplay as I love turn based rpgs, the H content was visually pleasing despite the censorship, it's animated and helps drive the ongoing relationship between the main characters, only bad points I found was the infrequent typos, and the incorrect usage of words, for example calling a female character Lord instead of Lady, but considering the makers of this game aren't native english speakers it can be forgiven, I would recommend this game for gamers who enjoy turn based combat.

    For people who enjoyed this game, I would also recommend 'Nursery Slime', as it's from the same developer, I'll be trying 'From Frontier' next as it's another game of theirs.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    - The story is really wholesome and it put a smile on my face at the end. It's all lovey dovey between you and your female undead companion. It's the biggest selling point of this game, imo.
    - Most H scenes are animated, hot enough to nut to.
    - total playtime to get all endings is around 7 hours. It's a relatively short game (play on easy difficulty if you just want to watch the plot and ignore the grind).
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the best RPGM I've played so far!
    The gameplay is great and even if the story is a bit classic, it's well executed.
    I've never played Double Core games until now, but I look forward to playing more if they conserve the same level of quality or better
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    A little disappointed in the end.
    Certainly the story and the h-scenes are very good, but the rhythm and the grinding makes the game much too long and it's a real problem..
    Maybe 14/20 for me, don't rely too much on the general note.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A somewhat grindy RPG experience that I would recommend playing even if there were no H elements present.

    The story is excellent (even if a bit cliche at times), although hampered by the occasional grammatical and spelling errors in the translation. Watching the characters evolve as the plot progresses and new obstacles present themselves was superb. Additionally, the world building was fantastic, expanding as you slowly explore and learn the reasoning of why you're here, what caused the destruction and why.

    The combat takes a bit to get used to, but feels satisfying comboing different attacks and learning enemies' weaknesses. As you progress you unlock more and more attacks and can upgrade them. In addition to unlocking new attacks, you can also unlock a wide variety of passives, however most involve solving puzzles or defeating rare enemies.

    One of my few gripes is that there is a lot of secret stuff you can miss if you're not diligent. As such you may have to resort to scouring the forum for help if you are stumped, I did once or twice.

    Edit: Forgot to mention the music, its much better than you would expect from an RPGmaker game. The music greatly adds to the emotional, tense, and calm/relieving scenes. I never thought I could get so invested emotionally in the characters and plot.
    But the combat music, that kinda gets repetitive after a while (though what do you expect from a game with a bit of a grind).

    Some of the H-scenes are animated and some are just still CGs. Objectively its nothing spectacular, but they are all amazing because they are with the characters you've grown attached to and watched evolve on their journey.

    If you're only in it for the H-scenes you're doing yourself and the game a disservice.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this game. You get some kind of zombie girl as your servant and must find a way out of the crypt you're trapped in.
    The gameplay loops involves making this girl stronger, the methods involve using monster souls, meat and skin. Kind of makes me feel like a dark lord slowly upgrading a meat golem. I like necromancers so this just works for me.

    Edit: After finishing the game and getting all 3 endings I should say I'm pleasantly surprised. Turns out this game is actually quite special, it had some perfectly foreshadowed plot-twists. Funny how the true ending is actually the ending I hated the most though. I suppose living in denial would've been better.

    Anyway, it's really good. Probably best enjoyed with no expectations since I feel like it makes things much more impactful later on but if you're reading this review I might've ruined it.

    The only thing missing to make it among my favourites is player choice, It's just a good linear story and I can't bring myself to fully enjoy those.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, the ero stuff is actually just bonus to the amount of enjoyment from gameplay, good mechanics and keeps one interested until finishing.
    Recommend to players who like RPG games
    Characters have good animation and have decent variations unlike some RPGM games which are quite plain
    As mentioned by others, gameplay is quite linear but fighting bosses is fun learning how to perform combos against the right foes etc.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is actually quite simple and linear, it is quite grindy though and the combo in fight kinda take some time and there is not much to explore (which is I am very hoping for since the implications of the various epic battles that happening with the Sister, Assassin, and the Captain) since... well, the concept itself is very simple.

    Now those bad things aside, despite all those flaws, this game is still good one. It has some plot twist (which I did not expect regarding Kagaribi, the MC, and Foxy) and the interactions between them is actually fun and humorish, better than some of actual anime slice of life interactions. The music nailed some of the scene and dang, what an epic music they are! The sex scene also somewhat satisfying as well.

    TLDR, this is a damn good hentai game, it has a good plot, good game system, and good sex scenes One of the gold that exist in here and it is free to boot! 5 stars all the way!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    An underrated gem of a game

    + great story
    + worldbuilding
    + characters
    + OST (really didn't expect it to be such a banger)
    + gameplay has enough of varieties and skills to use (can be a bit repetitive and grindy on higher difficulty, play on hard)

    +/- translation is pretty awkward at times with tons of grammatical errors. But it's not an MTL tier shit and you can play through the game understanding everything perfectly fine (needs a thorough editing)

    It's a hidden gem, if you like rpgs with great story/worldbuilding and a banger of a music then it's a must play.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on this site.
    It filled my heart with fuzzy feelings and warmth.
    Be sure to search every nook and cranny as there are items you need on them.
    If you want a game with a satisfying story then this is your pick.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game remind me about black souls lol. (with the tickings clock and stuff)
    + Story but some of them are kinda cliche (still i like it)
    + Unique gameplay
    + 4 routes incl. with the bad one
    + Artwork really well done

    - Grindy (I suggest not playing on Deadly because of this)
    - Some translation are typos

    in conclusion: a great game
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    typical rpgm game so don't expect anything fancy. may as well play it on normal if you don't want to grind.

    bgm is not what you'd expect to hear from most typical rpgm. they chose some really good ones.

    h appeal... personally not my thing. they really tried giving the main heroine a nice figure but those zombie bruises shall we say... that hurt personally.

    story. yeah you're here for that. didn't expect that gut punch in the true route (unlocked after getting the 2 other routes). good thing that the game tells you when to save as that would have ruined my save otherwise.

    and this is made by the same group who made Nursery Slime which was a very wholesome game for rpgm standards so yeah. played it in casual 10 hours (could be reduced to 6 if in one sitting).
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my first time reviewing a game on this site, and first sorry for my bad engrish

    I played a lot of adult rpgm game on this site, and i can say that this is the best game i ever had. the gameplay is good, the story is touching and wholesome. even tho for some maybe they will hate the puzzle.. but its easy if you're not skipping the text
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This thing is awesome.
    Gameplay wise, it is just basic RPG like most J-RPG game on this forum. However, instead of focusing on inventing "novel" system that induces headache to people who are here just for the sole purpose of fapping, This game make the inherent grinding of J-RPG game less painful and somewhat enjoyable. I am appreciate that.
    Story-wise, it has the vibe of Ender Lilies. Not as good but okay, this is not a AAA games.
    H-scene: mostly vanilla with a tint of necrophilia. Vanilla sex with a walking corpse, if you will. That's it. But the dialogue with the zombie heroine is cleverly written, not to the level of Orc Incarnation, but okay, at least fun to read.
    The game is censored, wait what, isn't otaku plan supposed to release uncensored game? But okay, Japanese game is censored to begin with, so I won't complain.
    In conclusion, this is a good game. Highly recommended, especially if you like the vanilla love story of FALL IN THE LABYTRINTH and sex with zombie in DEAD END
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly good. Well above the average DLsite-fare. There are quite a few spelling errors, but the English made sense, the art was good, most h-content was animated, gameplay was pretty good for a TBS, with some expediting QoL pfeature I wish were in every TBS. Story was surprisingly good, with some subversions, a twist or two, all covered by a surprisingly wholesome atmosphere. There were only three real characters but the had surprisingly good chemistry, especially considering the premise of this game. Ill definitely keep my eyes open for more from this dev going forwards.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This one caught me off guard, I went in expecting your good ol japanese rpgm mtl game but man they've really put some effort into this one.
    First off the combat is actually pretty engaging, playing the game on the hardest difficulty I definitely felt the need to discover combos and optimize my equips and such so that in itself is a pretty big plus in my book (though by the end of the game it does get just a bit tedious cause youre too op but nothing unmanageable).

    Next up the story is pretty damn good, it's a love story and while I'd definitely prefer a better translation, this one more or less does the job, it seems like a fan translation and mostly comes across as done by someone who's native language isn't English rather than being straight up poetry.
    The art is pretty good and I was not expecting animated scenes but somehow those are in this game too, though if I'm being completely honest I wouldn't recommend playing this one if you just wanna beat one out, while the game has hot scenes, they're not really the main draw of the game and that isn't helped by the translator not having experience with the language.
    Another thing I was actually not expecting at all, the music is kinda nice too, obviously no one is playing these games cause of the bgm but it's still refreshing to see a game not using the same music that you hear in every single rpgm game that exists.
    All in all, the game has really good production value and you can tell whoever made it really put in the effort to make a good game rather than just a porn game.
    Definitely recommended if you're a sucker for love stories like I am.