RPGM - Completed - Yes My Lord [Final] [Doubles Core]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice game with good story, gameplay, romance and 4 diffrent ending.
    Too bad the translation is bad or incomplete in some section that's way i didn't give full stars for this game. LOL
    I hope someone willing to translate this awesome game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally, some pure love story, thank god there is no NTR here
    the game is awesome
    interesting story, it's like 5 endings, nice eroge scenes.
    The neko costume is the best, I hope there will be more such erotic games
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a weird one for me, because the store and the aestetics of the game and story makes this game stand out as a game i really like, despite me not being overly fond of the RPGM genre.

    The story is in catching, and intriguing. but the game contains some typos and such. grammar and typos do not negativly impact my impression, but if that is something that bothers others, that might impact your experience whilst playing this game. Story and details in the game follows a natural progression, and balances inbetween gameplay and ingame combat at good intervals (by this i mean, there is sufficient storyprogression inbetween combat)

    Combat in the game is alright, its not overly complicated, and can be catered to your own preference through difficulty settings.

    Artwork and Music/Sound:
    I was quite impressed with the sound/music togheter with the artwork, and how well it paired with the story being told.
    Likes: ZanyD
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally a Japanese game that focus on something other than NTR. Played the game on easy, I hate turned base JRPG (aside from the persona series) so having that option was a neat touch, has a very good amount of content for the price, took around 10 hours for me to get all the endings and scenes. The story is good for an eroge and the endings were all satisfying in their own way. The translation is rough though, but I'm not gonna dock any points because it is still better than MTL. Go play this!
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    A good game, with a good story and interesting characters that's dragged down by a bad translation. Worth playing even without ero elements, which is good since the poor translation ruins them. It's has a few nice animations though.

    It deserves a proper translation, hoping it gets one eventually.
    Likes: ZanyD