Thanks for the update
You are welcome. F95 is one of the biggest community hubs I have and it's nice to see my work appreciated.
Anyome tell where the andriod save file ?
Xuz i didn't see it in data file of andriod...
You don't need to move your saves manually on Android. Just update the app and it will automatically sync your progress with local saves so you can continue with your adventures.
Where is the witch in mortimer tower. Ican't find it.
Try going up the stairs to the roof section if you are on the upper levels. Inspect the rouble close to the stairs and Ada will open a portal to higher levels.
I somehow wish the Help function really is helpful, the hint isn't much of a help.
What seems to be the problem? Most of the time I give direct instruction like go to X and do/talk to Y.
Does this mean that there will *never* be pregnancy in game, or that it just won't be added until another vote for it comes up?
No, at least not in Yorna. I pour most of my time into preparing Live2d animation support for the new project since existing options are meh. Since there are still some domination scenes planned and in the fastest scenario the new game will release in two months - there's no time to make another feature poll and implement the winner.
Don't worry, if the second game will be successful, I'll make it bigger than Yorna and hold several polls for extra features. It's hard to plan something big without releasing even the first, alpha-like version but if the animation will click as I want it to - Cyberthing will be the project which will open up a lot of opportunities.
And, yes, some already asked me why I don't want to use existing animation plugins like Dragon Bones or just manually animating scenes like League of Corruption. These solutions lack scalability in case of the manual rig - RPG Maker's cache chokes on the sheer amount of frames it needs to chew through in a rather small amount of time. It's not supposed to do this.
Dragon Bones are closer to the mark and support atlas textures and instruction based animations. For example, 1 animation in dragon bones will consume about 10 mb of RAM to play at any moment. 10 scenes = ~100 vs ~800. Quality-wise Dragon Bones are similar to Spine and lacks some very interesting tools like built-in physics and auto-adjusting textures based on camera angle which cam reduce the workload for animators and allow more detailed action.
Well, the animator plays a huge role too but the best I can do is prepare the most useful tools for them and myself. So, I'm wasting all my time to make a plugin to support Live2d SDK 3 functional suite and make a solid foundation for future work. If you need an example of what Live2d can do you can either check Azure Lane's L2D animated skins (like Bismark's) or this vid: