Say hallo to
update number 0.4.
New Game required for some of new functionalities to work!!!
- Small addition to Damien story:
ending, you need 100 relation for a new dialog option
New location: Hospital - to unlock it have a shower at home, after few times (random) you should have a scene
New location: Police station - cannot be re-visited like other locations, you need to be taken there. Try stealing something in the market or behave naughty in the park.
Note: one scene involves fisting. I plan to add a setting for next update to turn it on/off depending on your preferences.
Farm expanded with more human interractions (not just beastiality there any more) - you need to be caught by Brian at least once (2 for stables, 3 for barn). Lots of additional actions.
Note: for next release I plan to add a setting to bypass bestiality if you are not into it, to allow you to have sex with cowboys without a need to have fun with Rald.
Travel outside the city (farm or forest) is no longer instant, you will take train or bus, you may also meet interesting people along the way
New character: Adam, he is a forest ranger in Point Erectus. Meeting him by dancing in gay bar. Additional actions with him at a bar with high streaking level
New location: Point Erectus. Adam will tell you how to find it. Have an outdoor sex with a lot of hot guys.
Family nudity: based on corruption your bro and dad will now wear less (20 > shirtless >40> briefs >60> nothing)
Public nudity: under "walk around" when in the map, new mechnism to introduce 4 levels of streaking (1 after each 10 nude walks). Check progress in Stats. To start go out of the house and undress while in the "map". Once on level 4 you will be able to go out without a need for clothes.
Public sex: walk naked around the city, others will read this as an invitation (after level 4 of nude walking)
- Night walks around the city are even more dangerous now,
rape expanded
Menu update: changed Waredrobe into Inventory - no longer accessible from bedroom but from the menu. Each outfit, underware or nothing will have a representative gif in the Inventory to represent your look.
Menu update: Energy Cheat added in the menu for fast use as a lot of people prefer this it instead of just sleeping
Cheats redone, it should be much easier for you to skip grinding even thou it is not recommended
Clothes reworked: most options removed as they were empty any way. Only body, underware and accessories are available.
- Added
new types of underware (available by default from the start). Other than gif in the inventory they don't impact anything for now.
- Small addition to bathroom: two additional scenes with bro (depending on his corruption)
in the bath
Bug fixes (thanks Archeon587 and danesparel for reporting):
- Bedroom TV return button added
- Farm conditions for visitng barn and stables fixed
- No image when checking gym locker room
- Punishment for skipping school on weekends - removed the whole section for now, will revisit it once I redo the school part
- Plus few more minor fixes here and there
Known issue:
- "</tr>" visible when viewing clothes in the inventory. I have no idea where it is coming from and didn't have time to dig more into it.
I'm getting more and more familiar with twinery and HTML in general so hopefully it will mean less bugs and more diversity in the game (different conditions and different paths).
As always I hope you will enjoy and if you spot anything missing or you have some issues please let me know.
And also if you have any special kinks or like something in particular also leave a post and I'll see if I can add it to the game
Also also, I'm discussing with admin team a change of this thread from mod into a game, as it is just keep growing

Hopefully my request will be approved so Young Marcus - Expansion will appear on its own.
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