Thinking back to this, I realize that I have yet to actually try any Skyrim mods.
Like, any at all. Ever.
I know where to get the game and mods, nexus mods and loverslab and so on,
but my question to you lovely degenerates is as follows:
Would any of the thousand-something Skyrim mods fit this thread?
Mods that would add something like
sexual imprisonment, slave auctions, bad (sexual) status effects, permanent traits/curses, forced breast expansion, forced transformation, forced bdsm wear, leveling down, humiliation, etc. etc. you know the drill already?
When I have time I thought it could be fun to download a bunch, and figure out which mods combined would make for the best, juiciest, most riskful and exciting 3D heroine fantasy adventure, and compile it for this thread. : )
Some more Skyrim mod recommendations for you, by each category you listed. I think these are all on LoversLab. Note that some of these have overlapping parts. Note also that even if a mod says it's LE only, it is usually somewhat easy to convert to SE so you can probably find an unofficial SE version, sometimes in the mods' forum thread. Some might also have newer versions since people often move on from Skyrim modding and someone else will pick up the mod "unofficially" - Simple Slavery++ being an obvious example; usually they'll be named something like continued, expanded, redux, NG, etc.
sexual imprisonment, slave auctions:
Simple Slavery++; Prison Overhaul Project; Deviously Cursed Loot; Sanguine Debauchery
bad status, permanent traits/curses (permanence is usually customizable):
Devious Training; MilkMod (not a lot); Corruption; Apropos; Whorecrux; Love Sickness
forced breast expansion:
Milk Mod Economy; WhoreCrux; SexLab Parasites; Milk Addict
forced transformation:
Corruption; Sanguine Debauchery
forced BDSM wear (many of these work very similarly - looting gets you BDSM gear auto-equipped, in short):
Devious Devices; Deviously Cursed Loot; Deviously Enchanted Chests; Devious Mimic Clothes; Toys&Love; SexLab Defeat; most of the slavery mods from above
levelling down:
not 100% sure on this but I know it exists with some mods. I think Whorecrux and Love Sickness have it optionally.
RapeTattoos; Sexlab Survival; Public Whore; SexLab Horrible Harassment; most of the above mods, honestly, but especially Apropos
There's more (of course) but this is what comes to mind. Most of these mods are extremely customizable. You could also get SexLab Triggers and do practically whatever you want with that - it's basically a general "if x happens, do y" mod that's a lot easier to deal with than making your own mod.
Now for some warnings: managing a publicly available mod pack is a giant pain in the ass, as despite its age, the Skyrim modding community is still quite active - versions change, things break over time. Some mod authors explicitly forbid using their mod in distributable mod packs simply because it can cause a lot of (erroneous) support requests for them. Second, you can spend a *lot* of hours just on modding and customizing mods, so be ready for a time investment getting things the way you want. Lastly, Skyrim isn't exactly the most stable and bug free game to begin with and modding it to the extreme can make things worse - the game will crash and/or break a lot while you're working things out, and less often once you do. Not much you can do other than save often. And never overwrite a save.