any1 know how the hell do u push the big red button on the dungeon ?
the bad MTL doesnt explain sht
im currently at the stage where its suppodes to be a building with 2 recepcionists and 2 elevator,
when u enter the left elevator uwill enter the enemy dungeon where i think u need to open doors by hitting the wall buttons
sadly pressing Z, space , or enter only claws, and doesnt do anything to the button
edit :
i think this is a bug ?
i felt weird how at the dungeon, theres 2 stage
1st one is the swarm where supposedly u use Z key to kill mobs to gain power or whatnot
and 2nd phase is the classis turn based rpg VS boss
theres something in this MTL version making the attack button/Z innefective
i mean the enemy swarm doesnt even attack us, just blocking the way
so weird
Edit 2 :
Nvm, got a workaround
Download a Japanese 1.03 version from nyaa
Transfee the MTL version saves to the japanese one
Load the save, press the button, pass the gate, then stop at the room before the boss foght. Save again .
Transfer that save back to MTL ver.
We just passed the bug, yay