
Aug 31, 2019
I was expecting this to have at least a bad ending route where the harem gets NTRed from the MC since storywise it has been hinted at but it seems a lot of vocal people that thinks NTR is even remotely close to the 2 NEW characters is just sad. I was watching this thread to scratch an itch in the form of where you fail to protect your survivors and get punished for it but it seems it would always end in a simple game over screen. Time to wait for the game to be completed, since the art is VERY GOOD.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2018
Awright. Now that the game is officially kinda sorta over, time to rate the girls

1. Mayor Talia. By FAR hottest girl in the game. Not sure why but her smile does insane things to muhdick. I was expecting someone a lot more reserved, but instead I got best mommy. That nursing handjob tho... Diamonds.

2. Natasha. Looks wise, definitely my type ALL the way. My god. She also had a fun quest and hey, probably the only virgin in the game. I don't usually like "good girls" but it worked here.

(I just realiozed that she's one of the few young girls I've ever seen from Scarlett Ann. I don't know if she(pretty sure scasrlett is a woman?) has a mom fetish or if the people who commission her have a mom fetish. Either way, nice change of pace)

3-4 are tied

3-4. Caroline and Rachel

Rachel. I don't really like the whole "bitchy teen sister" thing, but I do like me some punk/goth chicks and it really works with Scarlett's style. I also love brunettes. This is the most MILF looking teenager I've ever seen. She's hotter, looks wise, than the sister from AZL. But I like AZL sisters personality more.

Caroline.Hey. She ain't no aunt Jessie from AZL. Jessie was way better but...Redhead MILF man. Can't resist.

5. Leslie. It is weird for the Mom to not be #1 for me. maybe because she feels less like a mom, and more like an aunt? Your moms friend? Caroline feels more like a mom. Hmm. She IS smoking hot and has some of the best scenes.

6. Jessie. Redhead MILF. I dig her personality. I wish she warmed up to you more and had more scenes.

7. Clara. She gets points for being a surprise crossover. Kinda feel bad for her son since we kinda NTR his mom away from him...well, she was a Ho anyway. I like purple hair.

8. Ashley. Ain't nothing wrong with her. She's a bit boring, and another blonde. Whatever. Feels like she belongs in the 90s. Why are lifeguards son popular in western porn games and why are they always blonde? Baywatch?

9. Natasha's sister. Eh. Maybe cuz she only has one scene? She has a lot of stuff I theory? But I'm not feelin her that much for whatever reason. I don't like her face, which is funny cuz it's like the one time this artist drew a different face, XD

10. Cherry. Nah...not my thing. the whole "poison ivy monster girl" thing...not for me. Human form aint much better. Just not for me. i understand why others like her.

11. Ann. Why the fuck is she even in the game? Oh look, ANOTHER blonde, and she's bland, and she causes controversy, and she actually wants another dude. The L001 stuff aint a big deal to me, but like, fuck her anyway. She is also annoying to reach. Only one scene a day, and you have to go all the way to the underground lab and back? Man, seriously. Fuck this ho.

Okay I know whyu she is in the game. THis is literally a copy of the end of AZL. L001 is a copy of AZL final boss(a shota turned monster that created the rape zombies) and his mum getsmad if you kioll him. Still fuck her tho

Huh. there are fewer girls in this than I thought. Still a good amount.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2018
wait what the hell they call that NTR =]]]
I'm fking LMAO now XD
they wibu too much too know what NTR mean
BTW: It's not even called cheating...
Just to clear this up, as someone who was a bit annoyed(I wasn't really freaking out, but this did annoy me a bit and I wish I knew about Z choice beforehand.)

Some reasons people might get mad at this is are

1. Dude is basically an evil version of you. so it seems a bit more plausible he could steal
2. It's implied that he's stronger than you and COULD fuck you up and take your girls if he wanted to, which is just not an implication people like in their porn games. I know it pisses me of in games where you get beaten up and the dude basically says that he CAN steal your girls.(happens a few times) Not pleasant idea.

Those kind of ideas are what actual NTR revolves around. By the real definition.

3. I don't agree with this one, but MC challenges him and then backs off. Kinda makes the threat seem more real,and ya know,the whole, challenging your manhood thing?

4. Honestly, MC kinda asks for it? I got spooked a bit because you actually fuck his girl for no reason? I assumed I was going o find this guy at my house, just for revenge. Like he would actually be justified wouldn't he? XD

5. And yeah, some people justd don't like the idea of another guy screwing any of the girls that you can svcrew, even if it's obviously silly, like here. This can gets silly sometimes.

It just feels kinda....let's say jarring in a game that is basically a comfy little harem thing at this point. eh. Just a bit tho.

I was expecting this to have at least a bad ending route where the harem gets NTRed from the MC since storywise it has been hinted at but it seems a lot of vocal people that thinks NTR is even remotely close to the 2 NEW characters is just sad. I was watching this thread to scratch an itch in the form of where you fail to protect your survivors and get punished for it but it seems it would always end in a simple game over screen. Time to wait for the game to be completed, since the art is VERY GOOD.
I was expecting a bad ending too.

To be fair, its kinda implied. In AZL if the zombies attack the girl and you don't save her.....yeah. It's...kinda implied that...yeah.

If you die in this game we all know what happens. Which is why it's silly that the girls wander off if you don't get enough food. Like, are y'all brain damaged?

In a game about rape zombies I am kinda surprised we don't get a "game over"screen with the obvious implications, but, doesn't seem like something anyone wants. Or very few people at least.
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May 23, 2020
I was expecting this to have at least a bad ending route where the harem gets NTRed from the MC since storywise it has been hinted at but it seems a lot of vocal people that thinks NTR is even remotely close to the 2 NEW characters is just sad. I was watching this thread to scratch an itch in the form of where you fail to protect your survivors and get punished for it but it seems it would always end in a simple game over screen. Time to wait for the game to be completed, since the art is VERY GOOD.
Just take a look at the patreon comments.They are literaly holding the game hostage.Siren tried with the Z patch and eventually gave up.What's funny is they keep calling everyone cucks and a guy is dropping his support because the girls in the sequel wont be virgins.
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Deleted member 324588

Engaged Member
Dec 9, 2017
You'll quickly find that the one thing people fear most is the idea that they aren't the harem protagonist of their dreams. Example: I moderated in Studio FOW's discord channel. They're busy making Subverse, a kickstarter-backed space RPG smut game. There are 10 ladies in the game to romance, but they'll also sate themselves with the mantics (monsters the scientist chick makes as support units in combat) when they feel like fucking.

This led to hundreds of comments complaining and fearing of being 'cucked', despite us clearing explaining that A) cucking would imply the Captain (the player character) isn't aware of it. He is. If anything its just more fap material for him. B) its entirely consensual, the ladies are doing it of their own free will. The universe Subverse takes place in outlawed sexual deviance, so they're effectively defying an empire by being open with their sexuality. And C) THE SCENES TO VIEW WITH MANTICS ARE ENTIRELY OPTIONAL TO UNLOCK AND VIEW.

It was tiring, and eventually one of the staff just put their foot down on the entire topic. But me when I say the mere idea that anyone could possibly lay with a virtual girl that isn't you in your mind...they will go nuts.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 2, 2017
like i said every one has there like's a dislikes but the choice is up to the dev what he want's to do. if theye do not wish to put it in the game that is there choice and i will respect what ever they pick to do because it is there game.
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Jul 11, 2017
like i said every one has there like's a dislikes but the choice is up to the dev what he want's to do. if theye do not wish to put it in the game that is there choice and i will respect what ever they pick to do because it is there game.
That way of thinking is nice but in the end he is not making a game in his free time, he is getting paid by the patrons that don't want NTR.

That being said some people are way too paranoid about NTR being introduced.


Active Member
Sep 26, 2018
That way of thinking is nice but in the end he is not making a game in his free time, he is getting paid by the patrons that don't want NTR.

That being said some people are way too paranoid about NTR being introduced.
I avoid games with the NTR tag myself, but wouldn't dare complain about it or kink shame it. If any game has the tag, I just don't play the game. Introducing NTR to a game that never had it after so many updates just wouldn't make sense to me, but if the developer wanted to do that, it's their choice to make.


Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
I avoid games with the NTR tag myself, but wouldn't dare complain about it or kink shame it. If any game has the tag, I just don't play the game. Introducing NTR to a game that never had it after so many updates just wouldn't make sense to me, but if the developer wanted to do that, it's their choice to make.
There is a difference in avoidable or optional NTR content and forced NTR content though... I'd agree with you on the forced NTR... but if a game contains optional NTR content I would still play it, while avoiding that stuff all together.... as long as that doesn't mean avoiding all smut aswell


Active Member
Sep 26, 2018
There is a difference in avoidable or optional NTR content and forced NTR content though... I'd agree with you on the forced NTR... but if a game contains optional NTR content I would still play it, while avoiding that stuff all together.... as long as that doesn't mean avoiding all smut aswell
True and same here, pending on the game.


Jan 5, 2018
ZOMBIE’S RETREAT [v0.14.4 Beta]

Win: (735 MB)

Interesting but since I don't recognize the website you're linking and there's no post on the patreon yet I'm going to wait before downloading.


Active Member
Apr 22, 2018
Interesting but since I don't recognize the website you're linking and there's no post on the patreon yet I'm going to wait before downloading.
To be clear i can't speak on the validity of the website but the 0.14.4 has a patreon post from end of may.
It's just a bug fix version no new content.

Ghostly Hale

Active Member
Jan 26, 2018

Don't touch that other site posted 3 or 4 posts above.
bout the game. it's not ntr, we haven't banged her nor does she belongs to the MC in any way whatsoever! Who fucking cares if she gets smulted out by the dead? Hell, so long as he stays off my front door step he can have her.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2018
That way of thinking is nice but in the end he is not making a game in his free time, he is getting paid by the patrons that don't want NTR.

That being said some people are way too paranoid about NTR being introduced.
He IS making a game iin his free time. They are supporting him, he is not their employee though.

A good way to spot the difference is,ironically, dictation of content. He is making the game he wants. He decided on the content, the artist, the characters, etc all on his own with maybe some input from the audience. People see that, and decide that they are on board.

If he was an employee he'd just be making the game he was being paid to make. It would be " I want you to make this thing, like this, in this way.". It isn't.

He could keep making the game with no patrons. He could close his patreon and stop making games right now. He could shift entirely to..I dunno, selling watches tomorrow if he wants. It would be people's choice of their own free will to support it or not.

He started this with no input or prompting. He woke up one day, said 'I'm gonna make porn games". This is his project.

If he WANTS to keep patrons he CAN appeal to them, to the extent that he feels comfortable. It is advisable. But it isn't a requirement and he really doesn't have any obligation

Hell, as far as I understand, he went against the wishes of the patrons to some extent starting this. Some people weren't comfortable with two projects at the same time, some people don't like all the HUGE TITTIES. Some people don't like the mostly milf content. Some people don't like straight shota, etc.

He is making the game he wants to make at the end of the day.


Jun 30, 2018
Whoa. Been a little time out of the games and now there is a war happening here! Still didn't play the new version so there is NTR now? Honestly, also don't like if the game has that but depending of the case i don't have problems if appears. As long as the context is plausible.

If is like those JP games where the story is literally !@#$ then even I drop.
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