RPGM - Completed - Zombie's Retreat [v2.0] [Siren's Domain]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Remarkable game, even iconic if can be said. It felt like a long game, with long story, so i'll point out only the things i disliked(or could've been a bit different) about the game. It will be faster and easier.

    - First of all, i find the grind slow and boring. It's important for any 2dcg game to find a way to keep you interensted in it aswell, alongside the story progress, but here it's just too blunt and repetitive. If instead of finding the goods on the same spots, in the same amount, and even fighting zombies spawning on the same spots, little variety could've been perfect. Atleast there's cheats, so i focused only on the game story. So it's not a big deal, but feels like a missed oportunity for more.

    - I love the drawing overall, actually so realistic and accurate, with exception on their boobs size. In most games, it's either their boobs or the MC have 30 cm. long schlong which actually can stay erect. And as a bonus to fit inside the whole just like that, without killing her. I actually can't get over it sometimes. But atleast they have charm, so it saves the day.

    - Not a fan of so many characters introduction, when there's only by 1 sex scene for some of them. I don't see the point, if feel meaningless. You can't build any liking to the characters like that, when on your second interaction with some, it's already their sex scene. If the game kept it more compress, only focused slowly the build around the mother, sister, and some other characters necessary for the story, it would've been really way more captivating.

    - The auto-saving messed up my saves. Until i realise the game auto-save each new day automatically over your last save, it was too late. I don't know if it's some mistake with the last game updates or intentional, but atleast an option to disable the auto-saving could've been of help here.

    - It's a game about zombies, i love everything about them. But here i didn't felt the thrill, only, until some in the late stages of the game. Somehow if the fear of them or the consequences of such outbreak were enclosed better into the story or into the characters and their dialogs, it would've been something different for good.
    I feel like it's rare to find good 2dcg games, there's always something mess'd up about them, but this one stood up among the best ones, no doubt, even thou i would've liked those few things i mentioned to be a bit different. Definitely worth attention and trying!
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    bogUSA the bogmeister

    Lovely game with gorgeous MILFs.
    Animations and pictures are very nice.
    TBH I'm usually not into RPGM but this game is actually fun.
    IMHO its more action packed fun than sex porn fun.
    There lots of walking and beating up on zombies.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is pretty good.Just don't do it in one sitting. The characters' personalities are diverse and unique enough. The scenes are OK, the art is Good. Not a good fap material . Still would recommend.(y)
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I'll be quick as it is one of the first +18 games I played, I give it a good rating, I had good moments and the story itself is not that bad, it's a shame it's short, but being short it's good for those looking for something quick. For me it is a game that I recommend.

    The only thing I didn't like is that the +18 scenes have no context, that is, there is no reason why those scenes are there.

    Summary (SCORE: 7)
    o Character Design/Visual: 7/10
    o Background music/sound: 8/10
    o Plot: 7/10
    o Animation: 6/10
    o +18 Scenes: 7/10
    o Gameplay: 7/10
    o Interface: 7/10
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    — the game's story is nicely written and well-structured
    — a lot of content, additional photo gallery
    — pretty fun gameplay, at least at first several hours of the game

    — quite simple animations, very short looped scenes, which just getting faster
    — game is linear, you can't skip girls or choose what to do
    — it is subjective aspect, but I found arts a little bit unattractive (town of passion arts are much better)

    — all girls have ENORMOUS breasts, surely not for everyone and not for me
    — incest
    — milf

    despite my little displeasure with the arts, they are far from bad or disgusting, and I definitely recommend this game because of its unique fun gameplay and not bad story
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Definitely would recommend. Nostlalgic for me as it's one of my first hentai games played. Big-titted women in a zombie filled world? Count me in! The gameplay is actually really fun and it's more than just a harem simulator. You should definitly give it a try!
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I give this a 3 only because it's unique.

    There is no RPGM combat, instead, you run around the map shooting zombies. The movement is your typical tile based RPGmaker game and you can only shoot up, down, left, and right. While not overwhelmingly fun, it's different and serviceable. Whilst killing zombies, you go to predetermined loot spots that respawn every 2 days in order to keep your supplies up. You can also use certain supplies to create tools to get supplies from other sources as well that also respawn every 2 days. Basically every 2 days you run this loop around the campground to keep your supplies up. You also can spend time advancing the plot to open up new areas and girls.

    That's basically your core gameplay loop. It can get monotonous.

    The story is serviceable. Interesting enough to hook you for a bit, but that's about it. The characters on the other hand are terrible. Just your average braindead cock hungry porn logic characters.

    The art is basically what you see in the banner. There are slightly animated scenes. As a personal gripe, I'm not a huge fan of inhumanly massive tits/ass and/or extreme body proportions. I don't personally know anyone that actually is. Yet here we are with a game that has nothing but.

    It doesn't do anything outright bad and the gameplay separates it from most other porn games, so you'll either enjoy it or get a lukewarm feeling like I did.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Simple but fun gameplay. If it gets boring and repetitive, you can just play on a higher difficulty. Wish there were more scenes for some of the girls but the scenes that are there are great. Excited for the sequel!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games ever made. Everything is immersive and well thought . 100/100 story. Hope they make another but till now wasn't very pleased with the results. Maybe some some NTR would have made this game even nastier
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of final version1.1.0
    4.5/5 stars
    Game time: about 7 hours to get all scenes on easy mode
    Gameplay mixes it up from standard rpgm but nothing crazy
    Really nice art with a good number of girls
    Scenes are animated, although it could use some work in smoothing it out
    Voices for sex moans
    Good pacing
    All the girls look almost exactly the same, especially body type wise. If that's your favorite size of boobs, this game was perfect, but I would have liked some variety.
    This might just be a mobile issue but the controls were too unruly against bosses and I ended up just having to use the easy cheats to face tank them all

    Overall a really nice game with good length and plentiful in scenes. Just would like to see more variety in the girls and less choppy animation, but these are minor gripes for an overall fun game.
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Bob Bee

    Overall 4/5, a well made RPGM game that keeps you entertained be it through progression ,characters, story, and / or secrets

    Gameplay and Progression 4.5, an"RPGM" game with pretty simple combat and resource management, the progression i think is the stronger point as a steady stream of content is unlocked over the course of the game keeping things interesting

    Story, Mystery, and Horror 4/5, Nothing too amazing but the story and mystery kept me entertained throughout. As a horror there were definitely times where it felt like horror game for me

    Characters 3.5/5, i think most are very generic, some are better and more interesting. Also all of girls are extremely busty, like EXTREMELY

    Art 3.5/5, Sprites are very good, portraits are top tier, scenes however can really vary in quality. Also MC is a child, its off putting
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    What's there not to love about this game?
    • Great Art Style
    • Scenes are Animated
      • Each girl have at least 4-6 scenes
    • Story is Unique
    • No Grind Necessary
      • Built in Very Easy Mode
    • Characters have different outfits
      • Including certain holidays
    • Dialogue isn't cringe
    Created with passion and care!
    Siren's Domain behind the coding and ScarletAnn behind the Art is an unstoppable duo
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game with really good girl models and a simple but enjoyable gameplay. Not too grindy, you have to gather resources like food/water to survive but you can build a garden for food, a building for water, medical herbs etc.

    The H-scenes are really simple and repetitive, so the only good thing is the graphics of the scenes. Those scenes has sound, with moans and cum sounds, but too zombies or weapon shots sounds.

    In my opinion, its better as a game than as a adult game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This one gave me a solid 20 hours of fun playing and unlocking the contents.

    1) Gameplay 10/10: Actually excellent gameplay in a porn game, not some mindless braindead grind/fetch quest snooze fest that you have normally. The gameplay aspects is simple yet well-designed: you need to collect resources, build and crafts, combat zombies, encounter boss fight, discover secrets, gather items to unlock story and solve quests to progress with all the LIs in the game. It was actually FUN to play and not burdening at all and is deeply relevant to the story.

    2) Visual 8/10: The world and environment is normal RPGM pixel style; LIs have beautiful design with sexy and hot body and outfit. There is some inconsistency in the quality of the renders, especially between some early scenes and the sprites of characters (clearly they changed artist midway) but if you love busty women you sure will love the girls offered in the game.

    3) Porn 8/10: unfortunately quite vanilla; some animated some not so animated; but what makes it standout is the sense of progression: every time you unlock a scenes it is through progressing the story of the LIs or completing some quests, which brings a lot of satisfaction. Some LIs has dominantly more scene than others but variation-wise it covered a lot of fetishes.

    Overall a really enjoyable experience, consistent, silly yet fun.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Beat the game on normal. Very nice simple gameplay and full of busty women. Animation is good and all the scenes are repeatable. You can also earn a few alternate outfits for certain girls that unlocks extra scenes. The story, as if we're playing for plot, seems simple but goes a bit deeper and naturally segways into Zombie's Retreat 2. Honestly, a must play for MILF lovers and I'm considering going into a Hard Mode run just for the fun of it. 5/5, stay alert, stay alive.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Zombie's Retreat is a short survival-ish game where you, as a teenager, get into a zombie situation with your mother, sister aunt and other older women with very similar body types. The gameplay is basically scavenging a couple of places, grinding to find wood and metal to create the new object needed to proceed while improving your relationship in an insanely fast pace with your blood relatives and random older women. The combat is very simple, inspired on old Resident Evil games, you have low ammo, you have to dodge, and later you get to kill everything. There are nice bosses to fight, some secret scenes and a good amount of scenes despite being a very short game. The art is nice, good on the static sprites but get a downgrade when you get an actual scene. Specially if is animated, it does not look very good compared to other art ingame. You will notice that every female character is pretty much the same model with a couple of tweaks, even more when certain scenes are just the same as others but with a different quasi-equal girl. Games like that usually get you by the slow progression and build up. There is none here, despite a character being your mother and other your sister, the relationship happens almost instantly. One would expect a bit more of development to finally get the scenes. But my biggest gripe with Zombie's Retreat is that half of the scenes you get were drawn in a specific angle in order to avoid body parts to show. I Believe this has to do with censorship, a common occurrence in japanese games. The scene is made to avoid having to put mosaics on it. For me it soured the game since I never knew if the next scene would be even worth getting considering the hidden parts. Very unfortunate decision from the developer. Not only that, the game is very strictly vanilla, without many different options happening or different stuff, so it is also a bit boring. I do not recommend but also don't say it is a mediocre game, it is just a bit bland.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    4/5 -> Typical RPGM graphic, drawings are good but could be better to be honest

    5/5 -> Zombie Apocalypse with some plot twists here and there. Simple but very effective

    5/5 -> Good mechanics and I really like boss fights, wish more games were like this.

    5/5 -> They are all basically big boobs girls (not complaining xx), and I really like the designs. Good job!

    19/20 -> Fun game, good story, nice gameplay, beautiful girls. Can't wait to play the second chapter!
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game, has a unique combat system which is the standout part of this RPGM game. Art and scenes are pretty good. The premise is good, though the story itself is not interesting. Fairly easy to obtain the scenes which is good. 7.7/10
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is solid, takes a fair amount of time to manage resources/continue on path to next scene.

    Art quality is fine, not the best, not the worst. Minimal voice work which is really just moans, which I prefer instead of cringe dialogue, so good job there.

    The progression felt too forced for a lot of the characters, and overall there wasn't really any scenes the stood out to me as much as town of passion for example. I would recommend playing through it, but it is by no means a masterpiece.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Overall the game is fine, the real selling point here is the art which is really well done overall. My main issue is that the gameplay sucks, if you want a game to play here then it's very barebones, and the actual gameplay isn't really interwoven with the H content very much. Beyond that it's a bit slow and often times it feels empty. Still, if you don't mind some subpar gameplay and meh writing then the art is definitely worth it.