Zombie's Retreat is a 2D action survival game where you kill zombies, salvage for supplies, rescue girls and have sex with them.
You go on a summer trip to Camp Zomi with Leslie (totally not your mom) and Rachel (totally not your sister). All of a sudden, there is a zombie outbreak. You have to protect your women and survive the zombie apocalypse. The story is set up in a way where you need to play the sequel to understand everything (From what i can tell the sequel is still in development). Kind of a generic story, but since i like anything with a zombie theme i think it's good.
Although the gameplay is basic, i think it's done really well in this game. You kill zombies ( which there are many types), you salvage for supplies, you complete quests to improve your relationship with the women and have sex with them. The boss fights are surprisingly good (considering the limitations of the game engine). The game has a small map, so all the content feels connected. Expect to revisit old areas to discover something new. As for weapons, you have a pistol, a shotgun, a baseball bat, and a crossbow. The crossbow and pistol feel the same, the shotgun deals more damage and the baseball bat is a useful melee weapon when you are low on ammo. I do feel the game is too easy, since it's hard for zombies to actually hit you and you rarely run out of food or water.
I really like the artwork of this game. The pixel art is of a very high quality, the open world is highly detailed, the character designs are unique (though i get why they might be a turnoff for some) and the sex scenes are short and sweet (as they should be).
For me, the game has an iconic soundtrack. When you are resting at the cabin, the music is relaxing but still kind of creepy. When you are exploring, the music is ominous and terrifying. The combat music has an action horror theme to it, which is also really good.
I do fell that the ending was kind of disappointing (Including the epilogue). I mean i get that the story is set up for a sequel, but i still would have liked a better ending. I also think the Z-choice option could have been explained better. Some of the characters feel incomplete, with a lack of character interactions. The game feels too easy, even on harder difficulty settings. If you go salvaging for supplies often, you will never run out of food or water.
Zombie's Retreat is one of my favorite zombie games of all time. The characters are interesting with high quality character designs, the gameplay is basic, which is not a bad thing at all. I would rather have a game that has excellent basics, rather than a complicated game with too many game mechanics to keep up with. The game is also surprisingly long, with over 10+hours of content if you take your time. Highly recommended for anyone who is a fan of zombie games.