RPGM - Completed - Zombie's Retreat [v2.0] [Siren's Domain]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game.. I love it
    The story is great and the animations are good
    I would prefer it to be smoother but all the characters look great
    A shaved option is always important too! can't emphasize it enough!
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Overall it's a decent game, but game design wise the creator needs to improve a whole lot.

    Story/Writting (2 stars): The writting has very few or no typos which is a plus, but why is everyone german for some reason!? "Ya" this, "ya" that lol... if this was one character that had this mannerism it would be fine, but all the characters speak the same, so lame. Characters should feel more unique.
    As for the plot, very run-of-the-mill zombie with mysterious group and hidden labs, nothing new. Add to that some unneeded and irrelevant fantasy stuff, and the result is pretty bland.

    Gameplay (2.5 stars): A bit grindy and pointless. It worked fine for A Zombie's Life, but straight up just repeating it here without improving on the formula is so bad. There is potential in this kind of scavenger gameplay, but this amount of pointless RNG ain't it chief, it's just artificial padding at best, pure annoyance at worst. Also, RPGM really doesn't lend itself well to action gameplay... zombies hitting you when they shouldn't, awkward turning to shoot them... maybe a turn based approach would work best.

    Art/Animations (3.5 stars): Art is... about fine. Same artist from AZL but with definite improvements, but the art still lacks some level of professional polish. All the girls look the same face, look like a k-pop star with maybe the exception being Serena. Also all giant boobs. I don't mind it too much, but some smaller or flatter ladies would be nice for variation. The animations are welcomed and a plus for sure, but at this stage I expected more given how the quality level remains more or less the same as was in AZL... there's a lot of room for improvement in the movement of the characters.

    I could give this a 4 stars overall for the effort, but given how the game should be more polished than what it is since it's a spiritual successor to AZL, meaning that it had at least a base concept to work upon. But most people already gave it 4 or 5 stars, so I think a reasonable 3 stars will fit in as well, with the hopes that this pushes the dev and artist to refine and improve in the areas that are lacking.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    A really good game with nice scenes, cool gameplay, and fun story. Theres a good walkthrough avaliable if you want to find all the scenes and collectibles. I personally found the ending a bit lacking, but its a solid game overall. Id defnitely recommend :)
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    A light, fluffy zombie survival game. Holed up, you have to scavenge for food and supplies. Slowly you meet characters here and there and find out more about why the apocalypse hit.

    This is very comparable to A Zombie Life from Nergal. Out of the two I find this game to be the better one - far less grind and in the end more entertaining.

    The characters and plot are breezy. It's not too demanding. So if you want to have fun for a few hours give this a whirl.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a decent game. I really enjoyed the survival gameplay and having to explore and scavenge for things. The game looks great too, especially the new art style, though a number of the characters look the same, particularly the blonde ones. And there are a lot of sex scenes, all of which are well animated and really hot. Also, most of this game can be done without a walkthrough, which is great design.

    But while I did enjoy the gameplay, I didn't really enjoy the story or the characters. The story itself is okay for the most part, but overall feels like a prologue to another game, which brought down my enjoyment. Most of the quests are fetch quests, where you either scavenge for items the girls want or scavenge for items to build items that the girls want. Speaking of the girls, none of them are particularly interesting and they all jump on your dick way too quickly. For example:
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    Plus, most of the girls' questlines end pretty quickly and only 2 of them get any character development, though it's very brief:
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    For these reasons, I didn't enjoy this game all that much. The gameplay is spot on but I think the story and the characters needed more work. At least this game sets up a sequel, so hopefully that one fixes the problems with this game (assuming it ever comes out).
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Unknown Developer

    Really interesting game. It's obviously heavily based on A Zombie Life by Nergal Nest (even the artist is the same, Scarlett Ann), but considering that, in my opinion, that game was never completed (there were a few plans that never saw the light of the day, like remaking all the earlier scenes to have the same player as the later ones), that's not a bad thing at all.

    The gameplay quite nice, it's not challenging, but having to scavenge for food or metal or wood eventually becomes a chore. I just think that the addition of the baseball bat was bad because it made fighting the zombies and clean the outside area not being costly which defeats the purpose of them coming back, again it becomes a chore to clean the area again.

    The story is simple but nice, it doesn't try to be more than it actually is, which is good because I hate when a story tries to be big, with many plot twists, and genius plans, just to make a big mess of plotholes and a bunch of loose threads. This one has a beginning, middle, and end, with a cliffhanger at the end hinting a sequel later, which I hope it gets made, because it's worth it.

    The sex is ok. Again it took the initial idea of Nergal Nest, and made simple, short, and repeatable animated scenes. And while it does work, I felt that they were too short, and you didn't have many options on most periods of the day, for example, in the morning, only aunt Carol has a scene, but that's just because you can do her examination scene at any time, midday, only Leslie and the mayor have a scene. Of course, there are some scenes that can be done anytime by taking a girl to a certain place and doing it there, but then you stop the action for a few seconds to take the girl there instead of just speaking with them.

    Another thing I didn't like was that the extra characters, don't interact at all with the family and their scenes are just reskins of scenes of girls of the house, and they are just a few.

    Well, that's it. I can't give it 5 stars, because there have been things I didn't like. But sincerely, I wonder how will the developer make a sequel. I mean, the idea of the game was to unlock the scenes with the girls by doing things, but in a sequel, they would all already be wanting his cock from the beginning, which would kill the progression, and if the developer just resets their affection for the main character, it would be a plothole. Maybe, if something happens, and they all get teleported and scattered to another place, and you have to find them one by one, and have to make them feel safe to be able to have sex, might work. I don't know, I just hope it doesn't come full of plotholes (like a certain other game I gave 5 stars just to see the sequel make every single mistake I praised the first to not make) and has more easy to access sex scenes in the base. Also, only a single anal scene? Please, so many girls and only one like it and she has to be drunk? you can do better than that.

    Edit: I just finished the epilogue, I liked the crossover, I just thought it was too shallow, but I liked the Scarlett Ann style art of the characters. And a plothole in Ann story, already, I just hope this isn't the prelude of a disaster.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Originally thought this would be a solid 10. Maybe my expectations were too high. About 5-10 hours of gameplay.

    Story 4/10

    The original premise seems promising. You're in a camp. All the males turn into zombies except you. You're trapped with your family. Hot times a-coming.

    However, tons of flaws and plot holes kind of ruins it. I know I know, this is an adult game. What's plot? Well, this game tries to introduce plot so I'm going to judge it.

    Why are you trapped? You can't leave, like ever. But what's stopping you? This is never really explained.

    One of the girls was trapped in a room the whole time before you discover her. She was trapped in there for weeks of time. What'd she eat?

    The actual story is... confusing. Something to do with werewolves, dragons, and vampires. I made one of those three up, try to guess which because the other two are canon. There's also a bad group of people, but you never see them.

    Gameplay 7/10

    Quite enjoyable gameplay. It's a survivalish game where you have to scavenge for food, water, and bullets. Fighting is kind of jank since you need to face towards an enemy to shoot them, but to face them, you walk towards them. Closing the gap towards the zombie.

    Couple of unique types of enemies. One of them invulnerable.

    Boss fights are unique and interesting. There's only so much you can do with a WASD + shoot game but the boss fights were done well.

    Art ???/10

    The art is why I had such high expectations for this game. There's something about balloon boobs that does it for me. ScarlettAnn's art is a work of art.

    So, the art was great! Why isn't this a 10/10? Because they had at minimum 2 artists, probably more like 4 artists, who all drew in different styles. The normal character art and the adult art are wildly different from each other and it's jarring.

    In a vaccuum, both are good. When they're supposed to be one and the same... it's weird.

    Wincest 5/10

    Ahh yes. The wincest. You fuck your mom. You fuck your sister. You fuck your aunt. If there was enough budget you'd fuck your dad too.

    But overall, it's meh. More or less because the story was weak the wincest is kind of weak. Without the proper set up, wincest is just regular porn.

    Overall 5/10

    Solidly center. Neither good nor bad. To take this game to the next level would require exponential more effort. Better story and more consistent art.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    A very solid title and one for the fans of familiar encounters. Solid art, though there is a bit of pallet swapping in some of the later scenes, and Siren's writing is always enjoyable to read through.

    The different difficulty levels are a nice feature and the game runs with very few bugs, none of the bugs I encountered were game breaking.

    I took about 6 hours to play through the whole thing, having played a few pre-release builds.

    TL ; DR - Diffenitely worth a go with a good balance between game play, art and story. Also, big titties.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the Best H game out there. A must play. Hot looking characters, great animated sex scenes, fun quests that are not too easy or complicated, simple but also mysterious plot...........................................................................................................
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Publius Clodius Pulcher

    ✓ Excellent art, distinctive but sometimes it still has an amateurish quality that I embraced better and found more enjoyable in Town of Passion, a cartoonier aesthetic than this one. Love them both, tho.
    ✓ Vast amounts of content.

    ✗ In a game about a zombie apocalypse should be more grotesque content, not just plain, boring, unimaginative sex. Having the narrative tools to spice up the sex scenes but not using them is a mistake, imo.
    ✗ Combat mechanics could be more complex and character development it's pretty lacking.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Its such an awesome game, nice controls and a good art and background story, easy mechanics and a line quest that you wont need a guide to enjoy spend time playing it, an awesome developer, beside that i consider that its really detailed and well worked.
    Some updates take time, but this one make you whort it, i mean for real.
    Also who doesnt like a Zombie theme around this time, have another games, that you could consider related or maybe paralel to this one, so i recommend check it out too, also what else its good, well it is focused on make the player enjoy it, and not only sell the idea of the maker, so that its a point in favor and to make it better than some other, at least i think so.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Over the course of its development, Zombie's Retreat garnered a reputation for one of the quintessential 2D porn games and for good reason. It's a well written, relatively bug-free, well-drawn, finished game from a dev and an artist that consistently produced content for a solid, what, two years? This is how you do this indie porn game gig right.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome, just like Town of Passion. Good quality animations, decent gameplay, intriguing story, still updated even long after anyone expected it to. Only complaint is we need more anal scenes in these games.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a game that any time I see an update, I do not hesitate to download. I know that it is almost guaranteed that there will be actual content in the update and not just some bug fixes or something.
    Thanks for the developer and the art sketcher ! you all are the best ! :love: (y)
    love the animation and the art sketch man , this is the good rpg game , dont let the good content fade away..
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few RPGM games that are enjoyable to play, where the gameplay justifies the software used. Scavenging and zombie-killing are simple and straightforward. But the best part is the harem feature, coupled with a basic "brothel management" feature, where you make your bitches comfy and feeling protected enough by this game's "wonderboy" MC to fuck them more. Players feel empowered and nice sex scenes give them appropriate gratification. Thumbs up!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a game that any time I see an update, I do not hesitate to download. I know that it is almost guaranteed that there will be actual content in the update and not just some bug fixes or something.

    I really enjoy this game. I love zombies so thats a bonus for me right there. There are custom sprites as well that actually match the character which is a bonus.... too many games just use generic sprites that only kinda resemble the characters and its annoying.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm not a huge fan of RPGM games but this one is pretty good

    - Decent number of characters to have some fun BUT they all have the exact same body type
    - Story is ok, a bit too wacky for my taste but overall it's fine.
    - Decent quantity of fap material but it does take some time to get there, and every scene is just one animation played at different speeds... Moans add a nice touch tho
    - It's not too grindy. The only thing you have to repeat a lot is going around the map looking for items on the same spots, which doesn't make sense, but whatever.
    - Quests are fun-ish. A little bit too simple tho. Wish it was more like Town of Passion, with puzzles and stuff
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    The Lewd Gamer

    It's a great game, the art is awesome and I love that you can play it without a walkthrough (you never get stuck). I actually followed one, but it was after enjoying the full story. It was to get extra scenes and to test cheats. I can't recommend this game enough. Great work.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is a spiritual clone of A zombies Life, so the question is, is it better? Or as good?

    Kiiinda better in some ways?

    Gameplay. Gameeplay is easier and more streamlined. But less variety, difficulty and depth .This might be better or worse? Eh? I think about even with ZR being less frustrating

    Combat: AZL's combat was a lot less clunky because of the melee system. ZR has more intricate boss fights....that are annoying because this game system is not designed for them. Still, props. I say they end up being even.

    Story: AZL seemed to take itself more seriously. This game is magic, and a tie-in with ton of Passion. I like that in the first game, the main character was basically a rape zombie, without the rape...or the zombie. I like the datalogs for both. SO,...about even.

    Girls: Now this is an interesting one. ZR has more girls. A few of thjem are copies. The ones that are copies of AZL are worse than their AZL counterparts and in general I like thie AZL girls more in terms of character. ZR has a few standouts that are new..I say AZL wins but by a small margin.

    Scenes: Oh man AZL takes this pretty strongly. There are a lot more scenes, and they're all really good. Including 3somes and even 4somes with all girls.ZR has great scenes, the animation is better, and Scarlett has become a better artist, but it's kinda no contest.

    In the end a recurring them is, AZL has more content and depth, ZR is far more streamlined and fun. Still one of the better games oin the site and ends up being good. It does end up docked a point, still. I;d give it a 4 and a half stars if I could

    SIren is a good dev, with a good schedule and good tastes. He's more reliable than Nergal, ironically. Siren has my trust.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Albino Bushy

    Huge tits, great scenes and finally, a good survival game. It has three dificulty settings but it tells you to play normal for the intended experience. Pick normal if you want to have a fun time with the game. It is exactly what is advertises. You should definitely get the game.