3.50 star(s) 6 Votes


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
Very much liking the sound of revamp where you can even stay virgin.

Definitely way better than the first version of the game.
....but why? Isn't the entire point of the story the fact that she made some terrible life choices? Pushing against this narrative makes no sense.
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Sep 13, 2017
Wow this is reaaaaally similar to Emergence (Shindol). At least the first sex scene. Not that I'm complaining. The dialog is almost identical.

Edit: This is literally emergence.
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Disabled Account #1278362

Active Member
Mar 8, 2019
Ok, so reading some of the comments and seeing that this is a revamp I am a bit confused. It looks like the original was yet another "hang on for the ride as your female MC is abused over and over while you have no control", does that change in the revamp, will the player be given some choice in the matter?

I love games with female protagonists, but even moreso than games with male MCs it's important that I have control over who I choose to do sexual stuff with.


I would like some clarification on the transformation tag, how much "transformation" are we talking about? boob job / facelift or more extreme partial body transformation or very extreme like gender / race?


Sep 13, 2017
The whole plot of this game can basically be summed up by "its Emergence."
Which would be cool if it weren't so linear and let you actually free-roam and make your own choices. What's the point of retelling the exact same story with zero adding content or divergence?


Game Developer
Aug 2, 2017
Late over here, but rest assured I'll be replying to everybody tomorrow. Glad to see people enjoying things and criticising them.
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Active Member
Oct 11, 2018
...but why? Isn't the entire point of the story the fact that she made some terrible life choices? Pushing against this narrative makes no sense.
Yes, but I want to decide whether she loses her V-Card or not and whom she will lose it to.
Different scenes can also be of different quality.

I'd like to see the
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Nov 19, 2018
The game has some really good screens i just wish it had a gallery to rewatch the sceens in


Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
I am not a fan of RPGM games, but this plays quite solid. Mot of the time it is easy to understand where to go and a lot is automated.

But the choices are "fake" - I think I only had 4-5 choices up to now and at least 2 of them didnt change the outcome, but only the corruption value. (Drug - you will always take it, but only get half the corruption - as an example)

Then there is the general extrem slow pacing of the engine. Text speed is slow and all that. Compared to a renpy game it feels like a slug, but that is true to 99% of all RPGM games.

The base idea with the therapist is quite good and all, but I prefer games with more choices that alter the story. Here we just follow the dark path the MC has already been taken.

I am just at the Dinner Date, and I am not sure that I will play any longer because of the whole slowness of the game/engine.

So for ppl that dont have a problem with RPGM engine games, this might be nice game ...


Nov 19, 2018
I am not a fan of RPGM games, but this plays quite solid. Mot of the time it is easy to understand where to go and a lot is automated.

But the choices are "fake" - I think I only had 4-5 choices up to now and at least 2 of them didnt change the outcome, but only the corruption value. (Drug - you will always take it, but only get half the corruption - as an example)

Then there is the general extrem slow pacing of the engine. Text speed is slow and all that. Compared to a renpy game it feels like a slug, but that is true to 99% of all RPGM games.

The base idea with the therapist is quite good and all, but I prefer games with more choices that alter the story. Here we just follow the dark path the MC has already been taken.

I am just at the Dinner Date, and I am not sure that I will play any longer because of the whole slowness of the game/engine.

So for ppl that dont have a problem with RPGM engine games, this might be nice game ...
Agree the game can just aswell have been made in Renpy there is so little walking where you controle the main char that it dos not really matter and the game speed is really slow pace thanks to the RPGM engine also the limit of saveslots will be a problem down the line but love the story love good 3d rendering of chars but just a real shame its in RPGM can only hope for a Renpy port at some point


Nov 30, 2018
This is turning into quite the impressive game. I played it straight up resistant and yet everything is in place for her to go down a straight up path of corruption from here on out. The amazing thing about the story, from the resistance perspective, is how believable it is. Even as she tried to do the right thing . . . nice work. I'm gonna go back and play less resistant paths to see how they play out, but so far, color me impressed. Your rework of the game is outstanding.
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Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
I would like some clarification on the transformation tag, how much "transformation" are we talking about? boob job / facelift or more extreme partial body transformation or very extreme like gender / race?
Key addressed the transformation thing here #114 . All optional, but if memory serves me correct the only transformation that won't be optional is the blonde hair. Looks like Chloe will be her mentor in many ways.


Engaged Member
Jan 23, 2018
Cool story bro, but since you don't care, why should I care about what you advise me to do then ?

Bad games/authors should be called out for what they're and shamed, and good games praised instead. Some authors ask for payment for their poor skills after all. This one is a bad/uninteresting game, even for a smut game, for a multitude of reasons that you don't even seem to contest.

Since this site and these forums in particular are all about discussing and rating games, my advice to you is that we should continue doing just that instead.

If you thought that the game was any good, and I was wrong, I'd be interested in hearing an explanation of it.

Each person's view of what's bad and good is different. It works the same way as musical tastes, or movie tastes. It's pointless to go on a forum and trash something you don't like, because other people obviously like it, and your negative opinion really doesn't matter much. Most devs like to hear constructive criticism, which helps them to tweak their games to better fit what their fan base likes, but comments like yours are far beyond constructive criticism. Your comment dove straight into "this sucks...because I said so" type negativity. Ain't nobody got time fo dat. :) lol


Feb 3, 2019
Okay i played this game 2 months ago and havent try this update....
My thoughts are:
The creator did an amazing effort with this game with good graphics and a storyline - thats all the good i can say about it plz dont mind me
All the other aspects are terrible, like-
1. its a tragedy of an innocent right from the start
2. tragedy and tragedy and no fun until the end
3. shows how a really smart girl can be so dumb like those are her first days on earth
4. very little reality which can be applied to funny games but not this one
5. there was like 1 choice after 15 mins of playing.....and even though there were some choices it will still end up being a worse situation for the protagonist
6. always a win win situation for bad people but always a loss for the protagonist
All i wanna know if it remains like that after the update too

markus T

Engaged Member
Jun 11, 2017
This is turning into quite the impressive game. I played it straight up resistant and yet everything is in place for her to go down a straight up path of corruption from here on out. The amazing thing about the story, from the resistance perspective, is how believable it is. Even as she tried to do the right thing . . . nice work. I'm gonna go back and play less resistant paths to see how they play out, but so far, color me impressed. Your rework of the game is outstanding.
Obviously there are differences but every choice you make leads you to the same outcome....basically her life is completely turned upside down and turned to complete shit. In the end it doesn't matter.....your choices really don't matter since all paths lead to the same outcome. I went with the corruption route all the way through and then tried the resistance path to see how the choices would affect the outcome....was a little disappointed because the only difference in the outcome was some dialogue. Obviously the scenes change like no sex = no sex...ect ect.
Its either be the good girl until the great descent into corruption or be the bad girl all the way through to the descent into corruption. Olivia's reaction made her sound like a complete hypocrite with what she did for 2 grand lol and then calling belle a slut in the end.
Looking forward to more chloe crossovers though.
Poor belle though...thats straight up suicide tragedy there with how everything ended up for her....I guess its called broken youth for a reason though:):p
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Amahl Farouk

Well-Known Member
May 13, 2018
I played this game ages ago and nothing is really all that different. Old fish wrapped up into today's newspaper. Pity, it's a nice game, although the choices don't really have any effect on the outcome. Still it is playable, seems to be bug free. But man its going to take 50 years to get a decent update at this rate.

Devs get so hung up on coding tweaks they forget what sells a game - new content
3.50 star(s) 6 Votes