
Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2018
My feelings on LoK are

1. It’s atilk an avatar show filled to the brim with stuff I love like great world building, action and some charming characters.
2. Korra is smokin hot sexy chocolate tomboy goddess and I’m too busy drooling over her to have any sort of issue with her. Seriously. She is all the things I want in a waifu. Worth the price of admission. I’m probably biased.
3. Okay. Salivating aside, she is a boring protagonist who doesn’t go through anything interesting, and when she wins I don’t really know why. I’m not really invested in hw struggles.
4. The villains are the highlight of the show(besides chocolate goddess and Tenzin) but they tend to have great concepts but terrible execution. All of them had some interesting philosophical points and ideological ideas brought to the story, but the best example of Amon’s reveal to show how they get screwed up in the end.
5. A lot of the new good guys were annoying. Not nearly as fun as the old ones. There some great ones like Tenzin and Lin, but they are fees and far between.
6. The romance shit was ANNNOYIIING Jesus Christ. Fucking teen drama.
7. The original cast were far more interesting than most of the new cast. I wish we got to see more of them.
8. The original was one, long story where every step was importanT and weighty. In Korra it was a new villain and story every season, and it felt like a Saturday morning cartoon “villain of the month” thing, where nothing really changes? It doesn’t feel as grand. It doesn’t have the same weight.

Overall, I think the original show was lightning in a bottle that’s hard to capture again. I think the passion wasn’t quite at the same level. I think the story was over, and they couldn’t do it again.

I still enjoyed the show. It has a lot of the stuff I loved form the original and I’m glad I watched it. It just...couldn’t have ever lived up to the original.

joe nemo

May 6, 2018
I might just be dumb but for the pass 2 hours i've been trying to get toph's dialogue up to 17/24 but whenever I try and talk or train with her she will tell me she doesn't want to talk or train.
If anyone could help i'd appreciate it.
also i took the love route just thought i'd point that out.
That's a sign that you have to do something else to move the plot forward. Go to everyone and talk to them, both village and city. Go to the tunnels and explore more. If nothing works, go around the village at night and talk to whom you can.

joe nemo

May 6, 2018
My take on LOK

The good:
Sexy avatar.
Loved the 1920s feel and the Art Deco backgrounds. The jazz soundtrack was a nice touch.
Varrick and zhu li were great. Should have been used more.
The Big Bad's in book 3 were cool.

The bad:
Almost everything else.
Korra never goes on a hero's journey where she could grow into something other than a spoiled brat.
Plot and lore is inconsistent even within LOK.
Crapping all over the ATLA cast.
Suyin Beifong was a cunt who didn't deserve anything she got.
Tenzin is a clown.
Kya was a new age hippy bitch.
Technology became the new magic for the writers. A giant robot in the 1920s? Sure, why not
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May 30, 2020
My take on LOK

The good:
Sexy avatar.
Loved the 1920s feel and the Art Deco backgrounds. The jazz soundtrack was a nice touch.
Varrick and zhu li were great. Should have been used more.
The Big Bad's in book 3 were cool.

The bad:
Almost everything else.
Korra never goes on a hero's journey where she could grow into something other than a spoiled brat.
Plot and lore is inconsistent even within LOK.
Crapping all over the ATLA cast.
Suyin Beifong was a cunt who didn't deserve anything she got.
Tenzin is a clown.
Kya was a new age hippy bitch.
Technology became the new magic for the writers. A giant robot in the 1920s? Sure, why not
Its funny how Korra being extremely hot makes up for a lot of the show's failures just because its fun to see her hop around with those thick chocolate goddess titties. Its a shame she wears that animal skin around her waist, I'd love it if we got more shots of her butt.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2018
That's where we disagree. I happen to like LoK more. Most of the complaints I read about it can be attributed to "it's not the same as ATLA". But I'm glad it's so different, I don't need to experience all the same beats as the original show.

I could go into a whole diatribe about this, but if you're still working through it I would say at least watch through Book 3, which most people consider the best season.
Getting into an argument about how the complaints aren’t justified is probably fruitless I agree.

But I’m interested to hear what made you like Korra more than the original series even a general idea would be fine.

I’ve literally never heard of a single person who likes Korra more. Fascinating.
Hey guys! I am currently writing a detailed walk-through of Book 3, but I wanted to ask if you think that this would be still relevant or interesting for this community. What do you think?
These games generally don’t need a walkthrough but book 3 is probably the one in need of it the most.

There’s a way to get kinda “stuck” tot he point where you have to use console commands to get unstuck. The way forward is weird sometimes. Yeah. That sounds good.
Hey guys, heres a fun little thing I came up with
Whats your favorite sex scene from each book?
It'll be formatted like this, first the book, then the arc (love or slave) then the girl, then the specific scene, and then why you like it, because why list them if you don't explain why its your favorite?
Book1: you know? I think I’m gonna replay book 1. I have saves at every major conversation or sex scene. So why not?

Book2: Haha. I haven’t played book 2 in quite awhile either. 2 years? 3? Specific scenes are hard to remember. Maybe I’ll replay that too.

Ty Lee’s very...athletic sex while calling you daddy was nice. The foursome at the end of love route was nice IIRC. It’d been awhile. probably not fair.

Book 3: love, June, the final scene of her story where she rewards you and lets you have your way with her. There are a lot of good scenes. But soemthing about the way June like dreads herself out for you liek that. It activated some kinda mating mechanism in my brain. Plus I like her and like the positions.

Book 4, slave(obviously) Korra. I could honestly just say anytime Korra is ashamed, or desperate or jealous gives in or begrudgingly lets you do things. Humiliation and such aren’t my fetishes but I’ve become addicted with Korra. Just her looking ashamed and crying is amazing now. Strange for me. But the scene where you’re messing around with Korra while her mom is in the other room. This kind of sneaky “might get caught” isn’t my thing at all. This was right after Korra became jealous of you and Zhu Li and then you just go into her home and do whatever you want with her. But the naughty horny look in her eyes when she starts getting into it, just...was like pure sex being injected into my veins.

I think in general I just really like Korra? So anything she does I’m into? XD
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May 30, 2020
Getting into an argument about how the complaints aren’t justified is probably fruitless I agree.

But I’m interested to hear what made you like Korra more than the original series even a general idea would be fine.

I’ve literally never heard of a single person who likes Korra more. Fascinating.

These games generally don’t need a walkthrough but book 3 is probably the one in need of it the most.

There’s a way to get kinda “stuck” tot he point where you have to use console commands to get unstuck. The way forward is weird sometimes. Yeah. That sounds good.

Book1: you know? I think I’m gonna replay book 1. I have saves at every major conversation or sex scene. So why not?

Book2: Haha. I haven’t played book 2 in quite awhile either. 2 years? 3? Specific scenes are hard to remember. Maybe I’ll replay that too.

Ty Lee’s very...athletic sex while calling you daddy was nice. The foursome at the end of love route was nice IIRC. It’d been awhile. probably not fair.

Book 3: love, June, the final scene of her story where she rewards you and lets you have your way with her. There are a lot of good scenes. But soemthing about the way June like dreads herself out for you liek that. It activated some kinda mating mechanism in my brain. Plus I like her and like the positions.

Book 4, slave(obviously) Korra. I could honestly just say anytime Korra is ashamed, or desperate or jealous gives in or begrudgingly lets you do things. Humiliation and such aren’t my fetishes but I’ve become addicted with Korra. Just her looking ashamed and crying is amazing now. Strange for me. But the scene where you’re messing around with Korra while her mom is in the other room. This kind of sneaky “might get caught” isn’t my thing at all. This was right after Korra became jealous of you and Zhu Li and then you just go into her home and do whatever you want with her. But the naughty horny look in her eyes when she starts getting into it, just...was like pure sex being injected into my veins.

I think in general I just really like Korra? So anything she does I’m into? XD
Korra is not the best written character, but I wanna pump her tummy full of babies, thats for sure.
Odd note, normally I hate pregnancy, and I hate the idea of having children, but the idea of getting Azula, Katara and Toph preggo, and Korra too, (even though its not a thing yet) really gets me going. Not interested in getting someone pregnant in real life at all, I'd be an awful dad, but in the realm of fantasy, with certain characters, s'nice.


Active Member
Jun 13, 2018
Korra is not the best written character, but I wanna pump her tummy full of babies, thats for sure.
Odd note, normally I hate pregnancy, and I hate the idea of having children, but the idea of getting Azula, Katara and Toph preggo, and Korra too, (even though its not a thing yet) really gets me going. Not interested in getting someone pregnant in real life at all, I'd be an awful dad, but in the realm of fantasy, with certain characters, s'nice.
I identified a lot with this comment lol. It would be one of the worst things that could happen to me, having children, but I have over 30 in games like princess conquest.

Mr. Manticore

Dec 27, 2018
I hated Legend of Korra. Ironically Korra is the character I thought had the most potential but was squandered like most things in the show. Destroying the past lives ruins Avatar as a concept, even this fucking porn parody appreciates the value of the past lives.


Active Member
Jun 13, 2018
korra started the series by mastering 3 elements since she was a child (maybe 4 years old) and, ironically, she did shit from start to finish.


Aug 11, 2017
That's book 2, and Ty Lee's content is entirely optional. If you flirt with her enough she has a few different back room sex scenes, including a piss scene. Not my cup of tea, but her paid for sex stuff is great.
no sir in book 3 i meant suki towards the end asks for the tips from the tavern if she can keep it cus she needs money to save up to rescue the other kiyoshi warriors and get back at azula
May 30, 2020
I hated Legend of Korra. Ironically Korra is the character I thought had the most potential but was squandered like most things in the show. Destroying the past lives ruins Avatar as a concept, even this fucking porn parody appreciates the value of the past lives.
Wait hold on what? The memories of the past avatars never come back? I thought by the end of the series they'd find some way to reverse that...

korra started the series by mastering 3 elements since she was a child (maybe 4 years old) and, ironically, she did shit from start to finish.
If they didn't wanna go through the ropes of mastering the elements before, thats fine, but having bigger and bigger threats to the world as we know it just makes all the threats seem hollow when Korra finds a way to fix them.
First season was Amon, and I fucking love Amon, hes scary, hes cool, he has badass powers, hes way too overpowered but thats fine because he felt like a threat, hes been the best one so far.
Second season is like, the civil war, and crazy uncle wants to destroy the bridge between the spirit realm and the mortal realm and just let it mix...? Like... ok... thats fine.
And then he succeeds, supposedly "destroying the world" but uh... nothing happens? Just some vines that are scary for a bit and then we forget about them the second she leaves Republic City.
Third season its like... litterally a group of anarchists, all are ridiculously overpowered benders with stupid superpowers that just smash through everything in their path like its nothing 90% of the time... and like they want Korra to join them... or something... what? Where were these guys before? Like, why are they so amazing, why is Lavabending just something that exists now, shouldn't that be like mudbending for earth and water, where both Earthbenders AND firebenders can do it? Since its both? And then another Combustion Man? But its a girl now? Like... why? Is she related? No? Yes? They don't give a shit apparently... then like theres this double amputee and shes got water arms and stuff and shes like, better than Katara at the end of Book 3 for some reason... what the fuck even- Oh and of course then theres Zeheer or whatever his name is, airbender guy, who ironically is the most explained one, but the least interesting.
I don't even fucking know what they're gonna do to try to top this shit in season 4...
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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2018
Lavabeding kinda makes sense since lava is just...molten earth. But then where does the heat come from? Yes. It should be a tandem fire thing.

Book 4 villain might be either disappointing dumb or refreshing for you.
May 30, 2020
Lavabeding kinda makes sense since lava is just...molten earth. But then where does the heat come from? Yes. It should be a tandem fire thing.

Book 4 villain might be either disappointing dumb or refreshing for you.
Less than 5 minutes into Season 4, Airbenders have ditched the staff/gliders for wingsuits

Another problem with Legend of Korra that only gets worse as it goes on...
Remember in ATLA? When non-benders existed? Remember when not every character involved in any combat sequence (besides Asami and shes literally the only one) was a bender? Remember when the Fire Nation army was like, 70% dudes with spears?
I remember. Thems was the good days.
May 30, 2020
Lavabeding kinda makes sense since lava is just...molten earth. But then where does the heat come from? Yes. It should be a tandem fire thing.

Book 4 villain might be either disappointing dumb or refreshing for you.
Gotta say I do like the new villain in Season 4 tho. She lowkey making a lot of sense, but I'm a huge history nerd and have great respect for conquerors and strong, merciless leaders so, I'm biased.
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