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Feb 8, 2019
They're not opinions. They're irrefutable facts... ok well, the snark ARE opinions xD
But based on said facts.

It's no different than ex: How Watchdogs had notably reduced graphics from the trailer.
It's irrelevant if YOU still think "it looks okay". It was STILL falsely advertised.

You haven't done anything to warrant calling them incorrect.
At most, you've only expressed that they offend you.

You went out of your way to bitch about me bitching about how much the game fucks up. Then tries to deflect having to take responsibility for your actions. And now: Just going with a "You're wrong because I say you are." while admitting you're too lazy to try and read, let alone debunk any claims I've proven.


Aug 21, 2017
I'm bitching at you for bitching in the first place when there was no real need to. I'm counterbitching. So stop your bitching and I'll stop mine.


Feb 8, 2019
And as properly elaborated: If a developer is so incompetent they repeatedly shit the bed. The solution is NOT to throw a blanket over it and go "Schh... just ignore it and sleep atop the blanket with nose plugs." every. single. time. that they shit the bed.

Just like I'll call out a AAA game that advertise a game with "no macrotransactions!" to then ~2 weeks after launch, slip in every single pay to win under the sun as "timesavers" since "people were complaining that playing 50 matches to unlock 1 item wasn't sustainable, so they're offering a solution!". Or heck, ubisofts latest "It's not a subscription model! You're however only allowed to play for each month you stay subscribed!".

We are LONG past allowing people to blatantly lie. And people like YOU are enabling them.
Stop. Excusing. Frauds/hacks. If you want to bitch on someone: Bitch on them. Not the people calling out their bullshit.


Aug 21, 2017
Here's my question. WHY do you even care? It's just porn. It's not like the guy's your boyfriend or something, right? Did you PAY for this product? Did you or someone you know get harassed by this individual?

If not, what are you even doing here, on a free site for porn, bitching for no good reason? I do it because I'm bored out of my mind. What's your excuse?


Feb 8, 2019
I've already answered that. Because 1: It's falsely advertised.
It's that simple.
I do also know people that got defrauded and harassed by the creator. But that's at most secondary.
It all boils down to: He lied. Repeatedly. And keeps doing it.

As an example: The MLP fandom had a 100 % rate of fraud when it came to: 18+ Art folios that contained female characters, with anyone remotely famous. The first honestly advertised art pack came out in 2019.
Some example being: A censored art pack that you had to pay $20 extra to unlock the uncensored original pictures off. Nowhere was it mentioned they would be censored. A "female only" art pack that x4 times promised that there was NO PENISES anywhere in the ENTIRE art pack. There was more male than female characters. They then pulled that shit 2 more times. Each time denying they ever lied the prior times. Or a "futa art pack", that contained 0 futa.

I'm a strong advocate for that you should get what you pay for.
And yes, the games here are "free".
But, let me just do a simple example: Just hypothetically: Say you want to play a loli game. You browse the loli tag. Find one that looks good, it promises "hot yuri loli sex". You play for 1+ hour, that the game requires you to do before you come to the first lewd scene. And... the lolis transform into big burly men, and start having buttsex. Then you find out this is ALL the game has. So, you quit and look for a new one. Now: Repeat this 20 times. Similar result each time. Now: you'd be justifiably miffed.
Now, say you 6 months later find a sequel to said game. By the same guy. And he promises the same loli content, yet its just burly men having anal. It's not relevant that "they used to be loli!". It's NOT fucking hard to tag a game correctly. People SHOULD be able to browse and find games based on preference. Without needing a CSI investigation to know if it's actually true.

And I guess its's a bit of a side-hobby for me. Before tumblr was shut down, I had run a decade long blog of calling out BS. And not once being wrong. (specifically about calling out fraud.) So, I every now and then keep whistleblowing if I come across it.
"Fraud is just a business model!" is something that keeps cropping up, that I keep trying to squash. Since it ruins it for anyone trying to make an honest living off of porn.
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Aug 21, 2017
If that happened, yknow what the logical thing to do would be? Move on and stop obsessing.
That would be what I would do, since I am a rational human being. Bored, yes, but rational. You, however, are a different story. These longwinded paragraphs in an attempt to "make your point" on porn boards really aren't helping your case, nor doing anything to adversely hinder Palmarian's sales whatsoever. People are here to snatch free patreon content, so they don't care regarding how these people work typically.

If you do want to voice your opinion, it's better to go to places like u18chan on forum topics relating to this.
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Feb 8, 2019
I wouldn't call it "obsessing" when it's ONLY if I come across a new update of it. I do not actively seek it out. But it still pops up in my feed from time to time. Like, if I'm browsing and see a known criminal trying the same shit they have 8286 times before, I call them out.

Yes, most fans are too stupid to care. But it generally gets at least a handful of "Wait a minute..."
And you are correct there are better places to expose this BS. Over here, the only people it really affects are people that came here to check out a certain game, before deciding to buy/support it. Heck, that's how I do with any content.
I've seen a few people in other threads decide not to support a certain artist due to stuff like this. Granted: There's no way to tell if they actually had any plans to do so to begin with.

And somewhere like that is probably better. Not sure how U18 is specifically, but I know many places nowadays has made it against the rules to tell the truth. Like, FA passed their "pro-criminals act" that made it against the rules to call out any art thieves, frauds or people that stole money or never delivered. Since that is now classified as "harassment". Not familiar with how u18 handles that though.


Staying Mysterious
Oct 13, 2018
No Vacancy [v11]

List of playable characters
[M] = Playable as Male character
[F] = Playable as Female character
[M/F] = Playable as both characters

1- Dilara the Receptionist

2- Ken [M]
He is in the 2nd floor. Depending the dialogue you choose, you'll play a different scene.

3- Drex [F]
He is in -1st floor.
Depending the dialogue you choose, you'll play a different scene.

4- Stefan [M]
He is in the first floor
Depending the dialogue you choose, you'll play a different scene.

5- Kaito [M]
He is in the gaming area, at the left of reception.
Depending the dialogue you choose, you'll play a different scene.

6- Herm Palmarian [M]
She is in -1st floor and you have to click on the right side on the screen to go to her hall.
Depending the dialogue you choose, you'll play a different scene.
·First scene, you can click on protagonist cock to change the way Herm Palmarian jerks it off, then click on him to change speed and cum.
·Second scene, you can click on her dick to start licking, clicking on her balls goes to lick her pussy again, clickling on her cock whick licking her cock starts blowjob, then click again to change speed and cum.
·Third scene, just click over them to change speed and cum.

7- Jesse and Blaze [M]
The are outside of the hotel.
When you are at reception, click at the bottom side of the screen.
When you are outside, click in the right side of the screen to return to reception.

8- Liz [M]
She is in the first floor. Click on the right side of the hall and you'll see the new green door.

9- Axcess [M/F]
He is in the left corridor, in front of the Gaming Room. You'll notice there is a new door there.

10- Alice [F]
She is in -1st floor and you have to click on the right side on the screen to go to her hall. Same room as Herm Palmarian.
Depending the dialogue you choose, you'll play a different scene.

11- Gideon [M/F]
He is the 2nd floor at the right side.


Staying Mysterious
Oct 13, 2018
Have they added a female PC yet? Or do they still lie about there being one?
Oh! wait are you asking about female characters the male MC can fuck? Or are you asking about characters the female MC can fuck? Sorry your illiteracy left me a bit confused.


Jun 3, 2017
Have they added a female PC yet? Or do they still lie about there being one?

Think they class playing as the pink receptionist lady as being a female protag. You just click something next to her head or offer to take over her shift I think.
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Feb 8, 2019
Oh! wait are you asking about female characters the male MC can fuck? Or are you asking about characters the female MC can fuck? Sorry your illiteracy left me a bit confused.
My bad if the grammar was a bit off. I was simply asking: Has a playable, female character been added to this game yet?
Actually on that: Has he added any pussies to the game? Or do all females just share the same, identical one still?
And, I will elaborate further on the "female PC" in the comment below:

bro what there's been fem PC available since like about the beginning
Uh, no. There's NEVER been a female PC in this game.
It launched as a HTH clone with a playable male. Nothing else.
Months later, he added the "more males version", but for some reason lied and called it the "female version". Despite all this did was allow you to play as more males. You could play as the male receptions, the male guests, the male bartender.

And then, years later, he re-launched the game. And AGAIN: claimed to have a "female PC". Despite lacking ALL of the bare minimums to be considered a female PC.
- You never get to play as her. It's always from the male's angle in the scene. Just like for the male PC.
- She NEVER has a single orgasm. Not a single scene is EVER focused on her. It's always the male.
- While the male does have a few scenes where he pleasures another man and is left hanging. That is ALL the playable "female NPC" has. The game as the male PC is to get off. You go around and pleasure yourself with any NPC you can. and roughly 99 % of all cases: He cums. That is the goal of the game. The male PC also neglects 100 % of the female NPC's he fucks, not letting them cum. Yet... that is ALL the so called "fem pc" does. She goes around and pleasures all the men. Never gets off. She can't even have sex with any of the women, because "there's no penis to make cum". (Atop the fact that only male characters can have unique penises.)

She shares NOTHING with the male PC. You play a completely separate game with 180 reversed goals.
If this was pokemon: If you play as the male trainer, you win by defeating the opponents. If you play female trainer, you "win" by being defeated.

So yeah. Unless he's gotten of his lazy ass and actually made the female playable, don't claim she is. Calling it "female version" and getting to play as more men, doesn't count.
Hope that was coherent.
Feb 5, 2018
Have they added a female PC yet? Or do they still lie about there being one?
You can literally play as the female behind the desk if you click the clock, there's a big message on the first page here and in the in-game tutorial telling you this. Do you want the female MC to have a dick or something, because that would kind of go against the whole "female" part of "female MC", bro. You can play as the female MC in 3 scenes, the male as 7 with one as overlap. I don't see the issue, here, especially considering all scenes are commisioned. I think you just missed the button now you're crying about it.

I'm with you on a lot of issues with the games, but are you really going to write 400+ word comments every update instead of just downloading an 8mb free version and checking it out yourself? Rate and move on instead of getting this triggered over something you're wrong about and people using the word "shemale", you spaz. It's a shit game, but it's a free game. Female PC is limited, but you can play as her (something you've somehow missed for the six years you've been upset about it). Move on lmfao

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Feb 8, 2019
First screen on the game, there is a time clock on the wall, below the clipboard. Click it, and female character.
Again: No. You click that and you get to play MULTIPLE MALES.
Then you get to play as whatever male character you interact with. That is quite the OPPOSITE of playing a female.
That's like claiming you play the females in a "slave trainer" game.

You can literally play as the female behind the desk if you click the clock, there's a big message on the first page here and in the in-game tutorial telling you this. Do you want the female MC to have a dick or something, because that would kind of go against the whole "female" part of "female MC", bro. You can play as the female MC in 3 scenes, the male as 7 with one as overlap. I don't see the issue, here, especially considering all scenes are commisioned. I think you just missed the button now you're crying about it.

I'm with you on a lot of issues with the games, but are you really going to write 400+ word comments every update instead of just downloading an 8mb free version and checking it out yourself? Rate and move on instead of getting this triggered over something you're wrong about and people using the word "shemale", you spaz. It's a shit game, but it's a free game. Female PC is limited, but you can play as her (something you've somehow missed for the six years you've been upset about it). Move on lmfao
With all due respect: How are you this dense?
It CLAIMS you can play as female. It NEVER lets you however.
Seriously: If someone told you that "Paw Patrol" is a show about cats, do you go "Oh, I love the police cat!"?
And people commission that you can play THEIR character. The only PC's is the male, and all the commissioned (and starter) males. You can't play a single fucking female character. I'd be more confident in saying that you can do a no-kill run in Doom.

I have tried this game for 5 years straight. And not once, did it EVER contain a playable female.
If that lazy, inept fuck, wants to keep lying every. single. update. I will call him out, every. single. update.
And yes, I could probably dig through each update, every single time to see if he got off his ass and added a female PC. Or if he stopped copy pasting loli vags, and drew an actual pussy for once.
And facts don't lie. I'm not wrong.
Claiming you can play a "Female PC" in this, is like claiming you can play a female PC in Doom. If you wanna claim that "Doomguy is a transgender woman!" then that's cute. But it doesn't change the facts.
I mean, fuck: Even your print screen proves you wrong. It shows you playing as a grey, hyper lizard dude. Yeah, he looks VERY female.
You can't play a female PC in this. You've never been able too. Just like with Crowjob and other hack games.
- She can't cum.
- She doesn't have a SINGLE scene about her.
- ALL her content plays like the male's scenes, in which you are the male.

I am pointing this out because people would throw a tantrum if the male PC was this worthless. Or if they offered as shit customization with their male OC's as female. Ie: Nothing.


New Member
Jun 1, 2020
I'd be more confident in saying that you can do a no-kill run in Doom.
Well you actually can do that for Doom 1 and the vast majority of Doom 2, called pacifist runs, only the Icon of Sin is practically impossible due to the extreme odds for the strat that works, requiring tool assistance to really be done.

More on point, it sounds like you have a very narrow definition of what a protagonist is considering if you object to how she's handled here, you would also have to object to the overwhelming majority of porn whether real or fictional. Personally in the scenes with her I'm imagining myself as her getting boned, not imagining myself as the dude, despite being a dude. So in that one instance I have just proven your position to be opinion, not fact, you are simply trying to present it as fact.

Now in regards to the game itself, I simply remember the original being better, just like how the original version of High Tail Hall was better, or Crowjob.
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2.40 star(s) 7 Votes