Mod Ren'Py Completed Babysitter mod [final] [khumak]

5.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I liked your idea it would be nice to include in your game sharing the wife and please dont put sandbox man
I don't have time for this anymore i like to read a good history and making some choices but nothing too complicated for the game not to be boring and sickening I play these games mainly to make a good fap fap you understand ;}
The reason for the sandbox modes is to let the player find out the secrets of the people he meets and decide which ones he wants to exploit. So it wouldn't be a bunch of repetitive grinding. For instance, MC sees his wife doing yoga one day and realizes he's getting a bit out of shape himself as well. Later that night he says something about it to the wife who says she's been thinking about getting a personal trainer to help get back into shape. He can say they can't afford it or something in which case she'll continue doing her yoga solo. He could let her get a trainer, in which case she'll hire a male trainer. He could offer to get her one himself, in which case he could get a male or a female trainer. He could continue to let her workout alone or suggest they work out together. He could tell her she already looks fantastic and he should be the one working out in which case she stops working out and ends up being the one who catches him with the trainer.

Then a few times a week or whatever you get to see the workout and depending on what MC chose to do, either wifey works out solo, she works out with a male trainer who gets increasingly inappropriate, or she works out with a female trainer who does the same. Or if he tells her she already looks great she could be the one who catches him working out with the trainer. A male trainer would only have the potential to get anywhere with her but a female trainer would potentially go for either or both of them. The scene would escalate further each time so at first it's just the trainer getting a bit handsy with some entirely unnecessary "form adjustments", and eventually leads to them fucking someone.

The idea is basically to start with a relatively tame scene where MC discovers something about someone, he chooses what if anything he wants to do about that info and potentially uses that to escalate that situation towards whatever he wants. So using the above scenario as an example still some players might want MC to cheat on the wife with the female trainer, others might want her to cheat on him with either the guy or the girl, and still others might want the wife to get double teamed by MC and the trainer (whether it was a guy or a girl).

I also wanted to have it set up so that your choices do lead to significantly different scenes but most of them culminate in something hot so there's a lot of replayabillity in trying out all of the different options (or skipping ones that you just have no interest in seeing). I basically wanted at least 2 or three significantly different potential outcomes for each character for each starting event. So a lot of the sandbox events would be fairly complicated and repeatable.


Engaged Member
Aug 6, 2016
good luck on your game! Mad respect. Will we ever get a release of the images you made for the mod but didn't get to implement? Would love to see that.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
good luck on your game! Mad respect. Will we ever get a release of the images you made for the mod but didn't get to implement? Would love to see that.
I could put together a CG that includes the images I decided not to use. That's actually a good idea. Some of them were things I never got around to implementing. Others I didn't like the way the renders turned out so I was planning on redoing them. I'll try to get that put together today sometime and add a link to the OP.

Edit: Ok CG added to the OP. A bunch of the unused images are not compressed so it's a lot larger than the mod itself.
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Jun 25, 2018
Would someone be able to tell me if this has been implemented? It's titled "Day6_JoshCreeper". I have not been able to figure out how to get this scene. Thanks for your help.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Would someone be able to tell me if this has been implemented? It's titled "Day6_JoshCreeper". I have not been able to figure out how to get this scene. Thanks for your help.
I don't think I had that one implemented yet. If you were following Josh's NTR path and MC allowed Josh to do his thing each time without interrupting him you will have seen everything I implemented for it so far.

That scene was supposed to come after the massage scene I wasn't done with. Basically Josh was going to videotape it and use it to blackmail Jess into a BJ. He had a scene with Christine for that night as well that was planned but I don't think I even started rendering that one.

The basic idea for those scenes was that you could either let Josh do his thing and his stuff would eventually progress to him fucking both Jess and Christine or MC could interrupt him in which case Jess and Christine would wind up back at MC's place where MC would get to have some extra fun that progressed from one of the girls just watching the other one with MC up to a threesome. I had more fun with Sonya planned for those nights as well.
Jun 25, 2018
I don't think I had that one implemented yet. If you were following Josh's NTR path and MC allowed Josh to do his thing each time without interrupting him you will have seen everything I implemented for it so far.

That scene was supposed to come after the massage scene I wasn't done with. Basically Josh was going to videotape it and use it to blackmail Jess into a BJ. He had a scene with Christine for that night as well that was planned but I don't think I even started rendering that one.

The basic idea for those scenes was that you could either let Josh do his thing and his stuff would eventually progress to him fucking both Jess and Christine or MC could interrupt him in which case Jess and Christine would wind up back at MC's place where MC would get to have some extra fun that progressed from one of the girls just watching the other one with MC up to a threesome. I had more fun with Sonya planned for those nights as well.
I see, thanks for letting me know. I was following the Josh NTR path. I got a choice to call Jess, I didn't and he titfucked her. I'm pretty sure that was their final interaction.

Disappointed that the rest wasn't implemented, but I understand how it goes. Thanks for making this mod.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
This mod only goes to day 10?
Mostly yes. There are some minor changes I made after that but it's mostly just tweaking the bathroom scenes a bit more and tweaking some of the late game vanilla scenes. For instance I changed it so you can get the NTR path's pool date with Jess on the vanilla path after your regular date. I also changed it so the NTR foursome game over/bad ending continues on the regular NTR path instead of ending.

My main scenes end with my hot tub scene on day 10 though. I had more planned but just lost interest when the game ended.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Did the ending disappoint you? I'm surprised your motivation disappeared so quickly / completely.
My interest had been waning for several months prior to that anyway starting soon after the Yacht scene when Taboo had a falling out with his original writer. Most of my renewed interest after that point was centered around playing around with wet textures, low light renders, clothing morphing, and a few other things I didn't know how to do at that point.

The story did veer off in a direction I wasn't that excited about as well so that kind of just sealed the deal. I was hoping for more of a focus on the little love triangle between MC, Christine, and Jess. I've also started messing around with my own game so I eventually decided I would rather focus on that.

My main motivation for starting the mod in the first place was to learn RenPy and Daz so from that standpoint I feel like it was worthwhile. There are definitely some things I would have done differently if I had it to do over but overall I'm glad I did it. I still have plenty to learn but I definitely feel like I'm in a better starting postion for making my own game than I would have been if I had tried to just jump straight into that. Now if only I had more time to actually do it...
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Active Member
Jun 10, 2018
My interest had been waning for several months prior to that anyway starting soon after the Yacht scene when Taboo had a falling out with his original writer. ...

The story did veer off in a direction I wasn't that excited about as well so that kind of just sealed the deal. I was hoping for more of a focus on the little love triangle between MC, Christine, and Jess.
That makes sense then, unfortunate, but I can totally understand that. I've played a few games like that - totally into it until a certain event, and that event is so contrary to expectations that you're completely turned off. After that it's a chore just to load it up.

I'm disappointed that you're disappointed, but at least you were able to learn and grow your skills from it. As you said, it was worthwhile in the end.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Just thought I'd put a little blurb out there about what I'm working on for anyone interested. I was not able to get any of the new Nvidia cards yet but I'm planning to build a new system as soon as I can get one and then I can really dig in and start working on my games. I have a few different ideas I'm working on. Haven't decided on names for any of them yet.

Male protag games:

1. Typical build the loser into a stud type game. MC is either in college or just out of college, starts off really getting put through the wringer and the player's job is to turn his life around, make his girlfriend happy, and generally have a good time. The girlfriend will be the innocent girl next door type and will have a Jess like badgirl type troublemaker friend.

Of the games I have planned this one is the most similar to babysitter. This one will probably have a small amount of NTR just for flavor but probably not a major path for it. It'll mostly be there as a threat. There will definitely be a major path for the reverse though and MC's girlfriend will have a big jealousy kink you can unlock (basically a cuckquean path).

2. Vampire game. The idea for this one is going to be sort of like an x rated version of HBO's True Blood meets Jim Butcher's Dresden Files. MC's sire will be a hybrid vampire/succubus making him a hybrid vampire/incubus. This will also include things like werewolves and mages and will definitely have some RPG elements.

MC will be able to "feed" via both his vampire and his incubus nature with sex yielding a smaller boost without killing the target and draining the target yielding a significantly larger boost but killing the target. I also plan to borrow some ideas from the game Vampyr where you got more from a target the more you know about them (and in the case of this game probably a further boost if they're in love or at least in lust with you). This one will have NTR that is probably mostly based on physical (or supernatural) dominance so if you cross the big bad boss type too soon watch out...

3. Stargate game. Pretty much an x rated version of Stargate SG-1. Like the vampire game this will probably have some NTR that is based mostly on dominance in your encounters with whatever waits for you through the stargate. This will probably also have some RPG elements.

Female protag game:

1. Corrupting the nice guy. This one is sort of a play on the whole alpha seed, beta need idea. Basically main character is dating a nice guy, loves him but feels like something is missing. She basically can go the more typical cheater route or try to bring out her man's inner bad boy to spice things up. Corruption, temptation, helping him improve himself, etc. I find the second option more interesting but will probably have a full path for the typical slut playthrough.

I have other ideas as well but the ones above are the ones I've actually spent some time writing for already (no renders yet).


Active Member
Jun 10, 2018
Just thought I'd put a little blurb out there about what I'm working on for anyone interested. <snip>

Male protag games:
1. Typical build the loser into a stud type game. <snip>

Female protag game:
1. Corrupting the nice guy. <snip>
I would vote for Corrupting the nice guy first followed by Build the loser into a stud. They sound fun, with lots of opportunities to play both sides of the coin (NTR or not) throughout. Also the scope can be easily controlled for your first game, so that you don't lose control of the story when the Lycans attack or an army pours through the Stargate.
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Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
Build the loser into a stud can be done in many ways of course, but something that I find hot is a game similar to Angelica Origins and the character Ping.
u play a female MC and have a BF, and theres this other guy, a bit dorky and obese that the MC or the BF knows.
so, the whole idea is to chose: be strict with BF, or open up and try new things, and/or allow in different situations this dork to have a taste, or kick his balls. so 4 paths:
1. be adventurous with BF, try different things, public sex, anal, well, anything fun.
2. like 1, but also allow the dork to be part and eventually the MC gets 2 BF.
3. say no to BF, but allow dork, and eventually u take him as BF.
4. say no to both BF and dork and go a completely different route, or just boring nun-route.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I would vote for Corrupting the nice guy first followed by Build the loser into a stud. They sound fun, with lots of opportunities to play both sides of the coin (NTR or not) throughout. Also the scope can be easily controlled for your first game, so that you don't lose control of the story when the Lycans attack or an army pours through the Stargate.
Yeah I mostly agree, although I started working on the building the stud one first and am a lot further into that one. I have a LOT of story and character development written for that one. Corrupting the nice guy was a pretty new idea that I've only started on recently but I like it. Those 2 are going to be mostly story based but there may be some light sandbox/stat based stuff in there mostly to allow for a system where you can try and fail at things without having to start over to get what you want. I want to set it up where a walkthrough is not required and you can figure things out as you play.

The Vampire and Stargate games are going to be a lot more sandboxy although I plan to have plenty of in depth story for the characters closest to the main character. In the vampire game, MC will almost definitely have human female family and love interest(s) that he wants to protect from the big bad boss types. In the stargate game he'll have female team members and probably female family back at base to protect.

Hopefully I can reuse some of the backend stuff once I get things worked out for whichever game I work on first. I will probably play around a bit with all of them just to kind of get my feet wet and see which sorts of mechanics I like and which ones I don't before I really dig in and focus on 1 game.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Build the loser into a stud can be done in many ways of course, but something that I find hot is a game similar to Angelica Origins and the character Ping.
u play a female MC and have a BF, and theres this other guy, a bit dorky and obese that the MC or the BF knows.
so, the whole idea is to chose: be strict with BF, or open up and try new things, and/or allow in different situations this dork to have a taste, or kick his balls. so 4 paths:
1. be adventurous with BF, try different things, public sex, anal, well, anything fun.
2. like 1, but also allow the dork to be part and eventually the MC gets 2 BF.
3. say no to BF, but allow dork, and eventually u take him as BF.
4. say no to both BF and dork and go a completely different route, or just boring nun-route.
I have big plans for this one with multiple rivals. Initially MC's biggest rival is going to be his GF's troublemaker friend. She's basically going to start of being an absolute bitch to MC, treating him like a loser, trying to get his GF to dump him so she can find her a "real man", etc. MC will be able to turn the tables on her in a big way but initially she'll constantly be a constant threat. I plan to have a pretty big cuckquean path in there but I also want a path where it focuses on a more traditional relationship with options to spice things up with some voyeurism, exhibitionism, lesbo stuff, etc. I don't plan on having a full NTR path since I really don't like playing that but there will be some (all of it avoidable).

MC is going to start off in a seriously bad place for this one and have to build up from there so I really want it to feel like he's been used and abused initially.

Once MC has conquered his GF's badgirl friend there will be male rivals to contend with. I also plan to have a couple of male friends for MC to get into plenty of trouble with who can provide him with benefits based on how good a friend they are. My corrupting the nice guy idea actually grew out of a nice guy nerd type friend that MC has in the loser/stud game. These male friends aren't going to be rivals, more like side kicks and allies depending on whether the player decides to be a good friend or not.
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Active Member
Jun 10, 2018
Those 2 are going to be mostly story based but there may be some light sandbox/stat based stuff in there mostly to allow for a system where you can try and fail at things without having to start over to get what you want. I want to set it up where a walkthrough is not required and you can figure things out as you play.
This is how games should be, imo. There should be no game-overs / restarts because someone screwed up the events or failed to gain a stat at the right time. There can, of course, be multiple game-end events, but those are the by-design player outcomes of the game.
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Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
sounds good and a game that I would definitely want to play.

the only tip here is: try to avoid sandbox as much possible. I hate that mode and ruins the mood. and, when playing an update that need a startover, will only make me irritated to do all the "sandbox" again.
sandbox should only be allowed to do "once" and never again. but since its a game in progress its impossible to implement.

points should be all about the choices u do.
a "fusion" type of styles, vn+sandbox, could be:
- u get to a point where u get an option: start chapter 2 or keep playing.

that could be the "sandbox" mode, where u can redo 1 day or 1 week or what that chapter 1 means,
of course this means u need to implement a system that will create an "alternative" chapter 1, where it feels not the same, but u keep doing the same day over and over, but will not get to the next content until u decide to enter chapter 2.
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5.00 star(s) 2 Votes