Mod Ren'Py Completed Babysitter mod [final] [khumak]

5.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
sounds good and a game that I would definitely want to play.

the only tip here is: try to avoid sandbox as much possible. I hate that mode and ruins the mood. and, when playing an update that need a startover, will only make me irritated to do all the "sandbox" again.
sandbox should only be allowed to do "once" and never again. but since its a game in progress its impossible to implement.

points should be all about the choices u do.
a "fusion" type of styles, vn+sandbox, could be:
- u get to a point where u get an option: start chapter 2 or keep playing.

that could be the "sandbox" mode, where u can redo 1 day or 1 week or what that chapter 1 means,
of course this means u need to implement a system that will create an "alternative" chapter 1, where it feels not the same, but u keep doing the same day over and over, but will not get to the next content until u decide to enter chapter 2.
So calling it "sandbox" mode may be confusing the issue. What I meant by that is I'm trying to address some issues I ran into with my mod regarding the point system that Babysitter used and that I sort of adopted a version of for my mod as well. Basically with events set up so that they're either pass or fail you have 1 chance to succeed or fail and otherwise have to start over. I don't like that type of system because it either requires the player to get lucky and guess right or for your choices to all just be blatantly obvious to get the "right answer".

I would set up an event and set a target point value to succeed at the event but me being the dev, I have perfect knowledge of what's required for it. So even setting the value at something fairly low for someone with perfect knowledge, quite a few players were reporting that it was too hard. To me that indicates a design failure for those events. The player should be able to attempt the events without advanced knowledge, figure out how they work, and succeed or fail at them without needing to restart.

What I want to do instead is set things up so that the choices that matter are set up as sort of an introductory scene for the event where you have choices to make and you might succeed or you might fail initially and both the success case and the failure case will give you some sort of interesting scene that is worth seeing. Then you can come back to a similar scene later that starts off basically where the introductory scene left off. But this time you know what's required so if you've prepared properly (which could just be as simple as knowing the right answer now), this time you can succeed.

So you don't have to start over and you're not stuck with the "bad ending" even if you initially fail a scene.

As an example lets say MC's GF invites a couple of friends over (let's call them Bill and Jane for now). Bill starts flirting with MC's GF right from the get go and MC can let it go or put a stop to it. If he lets it go maybe he catches Bill with his hand on his GF's ass and her not doing much of anything about it. It doesn't go any farther than this but this lets the player know that failing to stop that sort of thing will probably eventually lead to his girl stepping out on him.

That first encounter it's absolutely guaranteed that things don't escalate farther than that though and there is no permanent point penalty or anything from making the wrong choice. The player just ends up seeing a little light NTR for making the wrong choice. If Bill comes over again and MC does the same thing again, then things will escalate. That's the type of thing I'm talking about.

So for the first encounter, your "score" is identical no matter what you do but you see different scenes depending on your choice. The second encounter along that path the scores do diverge and you see more of a progression in the scene as well. Using that same scene as an example, following the "correct path" MC might be the one who ends up feeling up Jane that first day.


Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
I see, but that could work perfectly in a VN-style game, lets take Project Sage, theres tons of variables and it all depend on what u did before, and its quite complex and gives u many paths.

a sandbox mode, would mean, u have buttons, a timebased events, that u click to start an event,
so, you know 20:00 a friend could arrive, but u need to be inside the house to trigger that event. and if u have enough points of this and that, will let u continue the event to any direction that u make possible, like letting hand on ass or not letting hand on ass will open different paths.

the problem with the latter, is that I need to click around and I need to know that friday, 20.00 I need to be on a specific location to start that event. and that for me is ruining my mood.

but maybe u have something else in mind for the sandbox mode?


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I see, but that could work perfectly in a VN-style game, lets take Project Sage, theres tons of variables and it all depend on what u did before, and its quite complex and gives u many paths.

a sandbox mode, would mean, u have buttons, a timebased events, that u click to start an event,
so, you know 20:00 a friend could arrive, but u need to be inside the house to trigger that event. and if u have enough points of this and that, will let u continue the event to any direction that u make possible, like letting hand on ass or not letting hand on ass will open different paths.

the problem with the latter, is that I need to click around and I need to know that friday, 20.00 I need to be on a specific location to start that event. and that for me is ruining my mood.

but maybe u have something else in mind for the sandbox mode?
I think sandbox is probably the wrong term to describe what I'm trying to do for the more story focused games. What I'm really looking to do is to have most of the scenes set up with kind of an introductory type event where you meet a new character and you get to find out how things work with them. This introductory scene is one where basically success or failure does not have a cost or a benefit. You just see a different scene depending on the outcome that hints at what that path leads to. The main purpose of that intro scene is to show you how that particular scene works, and it could work entirely different for a different character. The choices that matter come after that intro scene.

For instance you might meet a girl who wants a man to dominate her so she'll respond very well to a very aggressive approach while pretty much blowing you off as a pussy if you act like a nice guy. You might meet some other girl who will respond to that same aggressive approach by calling you an asshole and telling you to fuck off. There could be some mixing and matching as well between positive and negative outcomes.

For instance maybe you have some negative interaction with the GF leading to a fight, but then later that night leads to some hot "angry sex". Maybe you flirted with that bartender with the big tits right in front of her and she was jealous. But the fact that the bartender responded to it showed her that other women are into you, which mean's you look like more of a catch to her even if you pissed her off a bit.

So not everything is necessarily a pass/fail type scenario. It's more like, this is how the rules for this scene work, which way do I want to take this?

There could also be scenes where there is some sort of skill trigger or something where you try an event and you fail it because you're not strong enough or you don't know how to pick a lock or whatever so you need to learn that skill before you try again. I probably won't do as much of that sort of thing for the more story focused games but there might be some of it. For the RPG stuff there will probably be a lot of that.

I DEFINITELY will not be doing anything that requires memorizing character schedules. I absolutely hate that stuff.


Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
that sounds assuring! well, if we hate the same thing then I will start to believe in your idea and maybe "your" sandbox definition is fun to play.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
There's an additional idea I've been kicking around lately that I'm actually leaning towards doing first for simplicity sake. It's sort of a play on Indecent Proposal but with the roles reversed. It's based on a TV show I saw recently that I can't remember the name of. My version starts off similar but has an extended timeline and adds some mind game BS similar to what they had in "The Game" with Michael Douglas with the main theme centered around trust.

Basically the wife pitches her idea to a bunch of investors and initially gets no takers. Eventually a mysterious rich lady takes an interest and offers to give her the start up funding in exchange for a stake in the business, but on the condition that she agrees to play a sadistic little game first. She has to agree to send hubby over to rich lady's house at night and doesn't get to know what happens there. Rich lady puts surveillance cameras up all over the place where the 2 hang out both at home and where they work to make sure neither of them can spill the beans.

I'm not sure yet on how long the time line will be but probably a couple of weeks or so where scenes escalate each day. Rich lady will set up scenarios for both of them specifically to fuck with their minds and give them options to trust their partner or "make a deal". If they take the deal it guarantees that things progress farther than they might want but also guarantees a limit they won't cross. If they don't take the deal then they're left to imagine what the other person is doing. Maybe nothing. Maybe whatever nightmare scenarios they've conjured up in their mind.

The plan is to switch back and forth from the perspective of the man and the woman and not really give you the full picture of what happened from start to finish until the end.

I think that sort of thing would work well as a first try since I can limit how many locations are involved and the whole thing pretty much centers on mind games and sex so it's an easy plot to develop for.


Aug 15, 2020
I'm having trouble skipping Seen text. I've had trouble for a while now probably due to the fact the I knowingly installed a Mod that was known to cause problems. I'm also a admittedly horrible editor of the code-script text I can edit no problem, I just can't understand what the rest of the language mean in terms of play-ability. I seem to be able to skip text until I quit the game and when I open it again I can't skip from what I had read the previous play-through once I quit. I've uploaded my script so that someone who knows more of the language can help me to see what I can do to correct the issue


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I'm having trouble skipping Seen text. I've had trouble for a while now probably due to the fact the I knowingly installed a Mod that was known to cause problems. I'm also a admittedly horrible editor of the code-script text I can edit no problem, I just can't understand what the rest of the language mean in terms of play-ability. I seem to be able to skip text until I quit the game and when I open it again I can't skip from what I had read the previous play-through once I quit. I've uploaded my script so that someone who knows more of the language can help me to see what I can do to correct the issue
My mod doesn't change anything related to skipping text and also doesn't modify any of the base game's files. The script.rpy file is from the base game. The easiest way to get it working again would be to just reinstall the base game but you would lose whatever changes you made to your script file. If you do want to modify the script you might want to try using label overrides like I did for my mod. Then you can put all of your changes in a separate file and won't have to touch anything from the base game.

Here's an example if you want to try it. So you can use this to redirect the game to your mod when it hits certain events and then direct it back to the base game whenever you want.

init python:#
    config.label_overrides["vanilla_event1"] = "modded_event1"
label modded_event1:
### whatever you want to replace the base game's event with
    jump vanilla_event2


Aug 15, 2020
My mod doesn't change anything related to skipping text and also doesn't modify any of the base game's files. The script.rpy file is from the base game. The easiest way to get it working again would be to just reinstall the base game but you would lose whatever changes you made to your script file. If you do want to modify the script you might want to try using label overrides like I did for my mod. Then you can put all of your changes in a separate file and won't have to touch anything from the base game.

Here's an example if you want to try it. So you can use this to redirect the game to your mod when it hits certain events and then direct it back to the base game whenever you want.

init python:#
    config.label_overrides["vanilla_event1"] = "modded_event1"
label modded_event1:
### whatever you want to replace the base game's event with
    jump vanilla_event2
I also downloaded the Steamier Mod, which I got to work, at least in part, but which has been not as not compatible with the game as it is


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
This mod is completed?
Depends on how you define completed I guess. I've stopped developing it but it works with the final version of the game so I decided to mark it complete rather than abandoned. It mostly runs from day 1 to day 10 but the rest of the game works fine after that. I tweaked a few things later in the game as well but mostly to fix bugs in the vanilla game or add extra options to the vanilla events.
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New Member
Jul 2, 2021
(expanded scenes using a mixture of my own original renders as well as cropped images from the vanilla game)
View attachment 182509

Mod Version:final
Game Version:final

This mod expands on some existing scenes in the vanilla game as well as adding some of my own events. The majority of the mod uses my own original renders now. There are a few lightly cropped images from the vanilla game that I do use for some background shots. I also repurpose and rearrange some of the vanilla images to reuse them for my events along with my own renders.

The hot tub scene on day 10 was the inspiration for the mod and is still my biggest scene. I've only recently started adding some NTR to my mod, currently only for Robert and Josh. Let me know what you guys think of it, NTR is not really my thing so still trying to get a feel for what people want from it. I did finally manage to get the right resource for MC's hot tub but not until after I had already done most of the event using a completely different hot tub so I'm not going to change it. Most of my other scenes do use the correct resources used in the vanilla game.

In addition to adding some new events of my own, I have also changed some of the vanilla events to be more fun. For instance a lot of the game over bad endings in the vanilla game can lead to good scenes in my mod, especially with high corruption scores. I've also added things like a repeating bathroom series of events that can happen now where in the vanilla game most of the time nothing happens. Something interesting can happen in the bathroom now on most days.

To avoid breaking vanilla events I'm using my own tracking system so I don't have to change vanilla variables. So that third number you see by each character's name now is her corruption score and that is the most important score for my mod scenes. For the most part, my mod scenes do not add or subtract from the friend or horny scores for anyone so the outcome of my mod scenes should have very little impact on the vanilla game except for the scenes that I'm actually changing/expanding.

I changed the way I intialize my variables recently so a new game should no longer be absolutely required anymore between versions, but I frequently go back and change previous events so I definitely still recommend a new game. Also anything after v0.1.8i should now automatically work with any new version of the game without me having to do anything unless Taboo goes back and changes older events. When the game updated from v0.1.8 to v0.1.9 I didn't have to do anything to the mod for it to work.

(walkthroughs below only go to day 10 and are not up to date, I haven't had time to update them yet so the bathroom events, the new hot tub update, and my new creeper stuff are not in there yet but most of what's in there is still valid, just doesn't have the new stuff yet.)

Max Horny Walkthrough:

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Max Friend Walkthrough:

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Easter egg for vanilla fans who want an easy way to see some of the new NTR scenes

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View attachment 314581 View attachment 314582


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Download link below:

Recommended optional addon, Penfold Mole's excellent transparent textbox mod (this just makes all text boxes in the game entirely transparent so you only see the text):

CG link below which includes every image used by the mod as well as all the images I either decided not to use or didn't get around to implementing. Some of these are uncompressed so the CG is considerably larger than the mod:

Some samples from my events below:

View attachment 289324 View attachment 289325 View attachment 289326 View attachment 289327 View attachment 289330 View attachment 289331 View attachment 289334 View attachment 289336 View attachment 289337 View attachment 289339 View attachment 289340 View attachment 289342 View attachment 289346 View attachment 289349 View attachment 289351 View attachment 289358 View attachment 312010 View attachment 312011 View attachment 312013

Link to post detailing what settings I'm using for each character (these all use the G3M and G3F genitals):

Old version of my characters (will be tweaking these so they are a closer match to the above (these use Golden Palace for the girls and Dicktator for the guys):
Ok m very new to this platform and IDK how to install this game... I have downloaded both links from mega in android ... Can you please assist me how to get apk ... I did extract both files but didn't work for me...


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Hey Man where is your game???
It's been slow going. With prices as ridiculous as they've been for GPUs I still haven't upgraded my system to something of the caliber I think I need for a rendered game. So in the meantime I've been making a real porn game to allow me to work out the kinks in the UI, data structures, game mechanics, etc and just use real porn for the visuals to reward myself for the work on the code. I don't know if I'll ever release anything for the real porn. I'm using video so the file size gets absolutely enormous pretty quickly. The game I'm currently testing is more than 500GB.

The upside is that by the time I upgrade my computer I should have all the coding pretty much set and just have to focus on rendering the visuals. So far I have a game+ achievement system working, a working gallery, multiple difficulty levels, a character creation system based on both difficulty based starting points and also bonus points for game+ achievements earned.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Hello do you have a full walkthrough of your game. With ntr path, vanilla path etc..
I have a couple of walkthroughs in my OP but I don't think they're up to date. They should still cover most of it though. BTW this is a mod. The original game is not mine. I am working on a few of my own games but I don't know when I'll be ready to release any of them.
5.00 star(s) 2 Votes