VN Ren'Py Abandoned The Good Guy [Ep.1] [NwB Games]


Active Member
Jul 4, 2017
Just my 2 cents on the whole "good guy" thing being a good guy and having a spine are two separate things. First there's more then one way to handle a situation, and second going easy on everyone and never retaliating in any meaningful way is not being good that's being stupid
{often when we have the "good guy" they always either forgive or just ignore any time a female does anything to them (blackmail, abuse, or just plane making there life a living hell)}
otherwise any woman who has ever had her abusive husband or boyfriend locked up for beating them would be a bad person. Retaliation does not make you a definite bad person. It's the reason and motive behind it that will.(in my opinion) Taking action to protect yourself and those around you is self defiance, but wanting to hurt them because they hurt you is being vengeful.

Then again right, wrong, good, and bad. That's a complicated subject, and once you get into more complicated situations it becomes even harder to judge. Then also people wont see eye to eye on some situations. But I do hope you will not have that (all the wrong she had done was ok, and forgive because she had xx happen to her in her past) that I usually see in these types of games to make the evil bitch character "not so evil and just misunderstood" or whatnot

Always reminds me of that story I saw on the news about two decades ago about a woman who got a std from her boyfriend because he didn't tell her. Then she went around having sex with as many men as she could to purposely spread it to them until she was arrested. Her reasoning being "she was hurt by a man so she wanted to hurt as many men as she could" although in the end one man gave it to her in the end she purposely gave it to at least ten IIRC.

Now how the dev handles this whole thing only time will tell. Just as you cant judge a book bye its cover you cant really judge a game buy its beginning. I've seen any good games devolve into trash, and I've seen trash evolve into gold

Man of Steel 2013 he killed zod to save that family. For years they always had it where if superman killed he would become evil, or his shining image would fade. Honestly it was a breath of fresh air, and something I've always disliked about most so-called "heroes". How is it always worse to kill that one bad guy then to let them run around and kill thousands. They always break free.
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Jan 21, 2019
Thanks for taking the time to give this feedback.

I'm literally copying some of the phrases here and pasting them into my notes for this project.

You understood what I want with this VN.

It will be hard work as this is my first experience telling a story in this format, but I really hope to create complex and compelling characters for those who follow this project.

Thanks again for the objective feedback.
No problem at all..
Glad that you understood my intention in my message. :)

I just call it how I see it.
And trust me, I wouldn't waste my time typing for 5 mins if I didn't see something I found interesting! :LOL:

Ideas can make, or break any piece of concept.
So maybe set a "end goal" and aim for it.
Anything from start to finish can be flexible, but if don't have a end "set in stone", you might drift away from your initial idea.
Which in turn can get very messy...

I'm no story writer, or game developer. But even in what I do; a creative idea can go so awry it'll end up far from the idea that "started it all". If I had no idea from the beginning, as to where I wanted it to end.
And in those cases, the idea might get scrapped. :LOL: (I dabble with/compose music)
Don't get me wrong. A free-flowing idea, can often flourish into something good aswell. "Happy accidents".
But I think that might go bad quicker than anything in more complex ideas, like a game. :p

And you Sir, from all I've read so far, got a good idea!

Again, looking forward to see what you come up with! :)


Jan 21, 2019
Pathetic in chapter 1, badass from chapter 2 onward, sometimes display some human weakness but quickly shrug it off = (y)
From what I've read and understood, this is kinda what the dev is aiming for.
But maybe also have the other option aswell, leaving the game all up to the player to be experienced how they see fit.

As humans we all got flaws and weaknesses. But also strengths.
Strengths and weaknesses are up to each and every individual.
As you've mentioned.

Some likes to be punched, over and over, without shedding a tear.
Others like to do the punching, or command an army of slaves.
I know, these are kinda opposite "extreme" examples.
And most people are able to see right from wrong. But, there are some cases, people can't see what they are doing, is wrong.

It'll be impossible for the dev to implement all variables, but if he can do some, it's a win in my book.

I've not checked this VN myself yet, but read pretty much everything from the OP to each and every single comment.
And gotta say I like the Dev's ambition.

So in this VN, we might be looking at a MC that is a the breaking point of his life.
Which way he'll go, would be up to you...

So going from a little bit less than a punching bag, to a footstool.
OR From a little bit less than a punching bag, to Batman, or if will, The Joker.

Time will tell!


Active Member
Jul 4, 2017
No problem at all..
Glad that you understood my intention in my message. :)

I just call it how I see it.
And trust me, I wouldn't waste my time typing for 5 mins if I didn't see something I found interesting! :LOL:

Ideas can make, or break any piece of concept.
So maybe set a "end goal" and aim for it.
Anything from start to finish can be flexible, but if don't have a end "set in stone", you might drift away from your initial idea.
Which in turn can get very messy...

I'm no story writer, or game developer. But even in what I do; a creative idea can go so awry it'll end up far from the idea that "started it all". If I had no idea from the beginning, as to where I wanted it to end.
And in those cases, the idea might get scrapped. :LOL: (I dabble with/compose music)
Don't get me wrong. A free-flowing idea, can often flourish into something good aswell. "Happy accidents".
But I think that might go bad quicker than anything in more complex ideas, like a game. :p

And you Sir, from all I've read so far, got a good idea!

Again, looking forward to see what you come up with! :)
Makes me think of the TV show Heroes season 1 vs the rest. Season one was well thought out, and put together, and the future predictions paned out. The rest were disjointed they "predicted" things that never happened and the writing felt rushed.

I would say if your going to have a plot twisted or as you add significant new elements. Try to think of the conclusion, or where this is going next, and how will this connect to the rest of my story. The key to a good story (in my opinion) is good planning, and documentation/ (we as humans are forgetful) 6 months or a year/s down the line that awesome key story point you thought of may be forgotten by the time your ready to implement it.

Also like I said in the dead moon survival thread when it first came out. It is to soon to say where this game is going or to see how the developers vision will pan out. In the end those that currently like it may not, and those that currently dislike it may like it. Even if the game is not currently for you I would suggest coming back after a few updates.


Active Member
May 9, 2020
You say I'm safe, but nope if she is a LI and she is getting fucked by someone else that is not the mc then this game is not for me.
Anyway, good luck and thanks for the reply.
Can you explain what is the scene before I decide to try the game?


Oct 16, 2018
Please, just change "Landlord (masculine, she is a woman!)" to "Landlady", and "Landlord Man" (WTF was that? XD) to just "Landlord"
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Engaged Member
Jun 16, 2019
He goes to see his sister in her bedroom but the whole time it is her mother's name that is shown.
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Active Member
Apr 9, 2020
Yeah such an overused and annoying trope. Always either just "good" and "bad" , "cuck" or "asshole" , "doormat" or "bastard", so freaking black and white.

Maybe one day we'll see more neutral anti-hero being a badass from start to finish? I mean who cares if he "ger better toward the end"? I certainly don't want to sit through the majority of a game just for that.

Pathetic in chapter 1, badass from chapter 2 onward, sometimes display some human weakness but quickly shrug it off = (y)
Pathetic in chapter 1, slightly better in the last few chapters = (n)
People don't go from pathetic to badass, average to badass and reverse are possible.
Also pathetic chapter 1 = bad first impression and of course you only get one.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2018
Man I thought you guys were exaggerating over how much of a pussy the MC is but you were spot on the guy is a complete doormat.

I hope he changes pretty soon the game is already filled to brim with most of the usual tropes bitchy older sister who is a possible cam girl, cute younger sister who is in love with her brother, Mum who is a neglected housewife, dickhead dad (who is surprisingly not dead) and a bitchy female boss for the possible femdom content, which I really hope is avoidable.

Hopefully the next few updates prove me wrong because I don't see anything about this game that makes it seem any different from others. The renders are pretty good though.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2020
Yes, in the Good path people will try to take advantage of him but I believe in my hero. I think he'll come up with counters that don't have to be that bad or mean for his antagonists.
He'll come around. It's not gonna be easy but we won't have to kill everybody he loves to get to it.
The idea is not bad but I think you should be careful, the problem I see in that is, maybe if the player decides to be "the good guy" but everyone treats the mc like the errand boy, it can affect how the players see those characters or possible LI, that is if you are good with them and everyone tries to take advantage of the mc, I don't think the player could see them in a good way later and if they don't like to play the "bad guy" they lose interest in the game.

Do u plan to make the paths by points (each choice gives points "gg","bg" and depending on the amount is the path or events that are developed ) or the player selects how to act with each separate character, that is, the player can choose "gg" with XX character and with another "bg"?

An example: If players want to be "gg" with little roommate :KEK: but "bg" with bitch boss, is that possible?
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