In the mystical realm of Elysium, a new Guardian is about to embark on his first adventure outside his home of comfort and royalty. However, as he leaves, a growing darkness on Elysium begins to grow rapidly...
NOTE: Developer Notes contain important news regarding the future of the...
A World Between Us is a visual novel that follows the history of a young college student who has been unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the right time. Forced in a new dimension by unknow reasons, our main character need to make a new life before it disappears. While a new...
Sexy goddesses, sin and debauchery, desolate lands, magic ...
You will find all this in the Forbidden Pleasure.
Explore locations to find magic orbs, in each location you will find four magic orbs that allow you to open the portal
leading to the sexy goddess.
Finding magic orbs is not...
"If I own a book of magic, what would I do with it?"
Remote vision, Transparency, Mind Control, Time Stop... Use magic to play with people around you.
Do anything you like.
You live in an apartment near the CBD.
You could see cute girls walking on the street every day.
With magic...
"Witches tortured me in the past... now I have returned to seek revenge." and cast a spell with your magic wand
Thread Updated: 2021-08-12
Release Date: 2020-07-24
Developer: Peach Beach Steam
Censored: No
Version: Final
OS: Windows
Language: English
Other Games: Link
Whitewillow High is an adult visual novel where you (the hero) are chosen as champion of a goddess, but in order to be an effective champion you'll need to acquire powers...so she sends you to a high school?
This is a 100% POV game.
Thread Updated: 2021-10-21
Release Date: 2021-10-21...
At the founding of the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, in the year 990 AD, the founder of one of the houses, Salazar , realized at some point he might have to wrest control of the school from the other founding Wizards and Witches given their liberal thinking and their agreeance...
In the near future, mankind discovers the power of Psionics, which is of course swiftly exploited by the corporations running the world, rapidly leading to all-out warfare between them, with innocent people caught in the crossfire.
Years later, in the fallout of the most recent...
Time for the superhero stuff!
Take on the role of the bad guy who got the contract to eliminate a famous hero. Execute it and as a reward you will get what many villains of this city want.
Thread Updated: 2021-08-03
Release Date: 2021-06-20
Developer: AlexZeroOne F95zone - Patreon...
Nely come to start a new life in the city of townsville, from the 1st day she found a lot of strange rules... and yes, the emblematic powerpuff girls who looks be interested in nelys gender condition...
this game its a free adult parody, futanari and female only oriented, the game be...
Titans University is a parody 3D Dating sim game with a real-time day/night system game set in the DC Universe. After a possession spell goes wrong you play as a corrupted superhero, already known as the most powerful man on Earth 6969. Take control of Titans University as Terrific...
You decide to eat your work lunch in the park today, and hear a couple of girls under the shade of a nearby tree.
You decide to peep in on them, wondering why girls would be in the park on a weekday at this time...
"...!? Senpai, a creepy guy is leering at us!"
"He's definitely looking...
Dive into the amazing world of magic! In our game, you will become a student of a Magic Academy, where exciting adventures await you: battles with monsters and other wizards, fulfilling thrilling quests, and uncovering the secrets of this magical realm.
Choose one of four unique...
A small family becomes embroiled in a series of misadventures and mishaps when they come into possession of a ‘magic’ book. This leads to extraordinary events for the MC and all the women around him and to discoveries about the book and what it means to the whole world. Only one young...
KazKazuma is a 3D artist who usually makes comics and pinups of ripped futa girls fighting each other. His works also include characters from Street Fighter and other series.
Updated: 2021-07-24
Artist: KazKazuma Slushe - Twitter
Censorship: No
Language: English
Resolution: Mixed...
Our main character comes from a dark past.
He lost his family as a child and was left alone, which pushed him to the dark side, becoming callous.
He knows a lot of martial arts and is among the leading members of the anti-devil organization.
All he wants is to keep Syndra safe...
This game is a fan-based parody.
Batman is missing. Gothem now has a new defender. It's time to bring all the criminals to their knees. It depends on you whether you will be a hero and a villain.
Thread Updated: 2022-02-16
Release Date: 2022-02-15
Developer: Volter Patreon
Why? Why me? What did I do to deserve this? What... did I do...? Who... am I? You open your eyes with no recollection of the past. Soon you find yourself in a ridiculous situation and everything seems like a big joke. As you reach adulthood one thing slowly becomes clearer and clearer...
How long before it all goes up in flames?
THIS TIME is the story of a former firefighter-turned-PI, and his struggle with corruption without and within. All his life, he thought he wanted to be a hero. But when he finally got his hands on evidence that could expose the fire...