point is that the
potential consequences were much worse than an early leak. Whether one or more artists pushed the boundaries in their time is not really relevant.

[Funny that
that was your problem with my analogy rather than the absurdity of comparing this VN to the work of timeless masters.]
Anxiety about early public leaks is obviously about the fear of losing subscribers/patrons,
i.e. "Why should I bother supporting this dev if their stuff is leaked publicly almost at the same time patrons get the early releases?"
All I was saying is that disappointing updates seems like a much faster way to lose patrons.
That's it for me on the subject. Just hoping the game gets back to making some real story progress with the next update, and that it is released relatively soon since this one was so thin.

I've enjoyed the game so far, but let's stop wasting time with all the ancillary (and not very attractively rendered in some cases) characters and
start progressing with the main ones, shall we?