I found this game while searching op mc,
I like badass mc with fighting scenes ( animated fighting scenes),
Can I expect please tell me?
An over powered main character?
Yes and no.
For the normal fights to lower the threat level, yes he will be over power for those.
For the Visual Novel battles, You probably will seem strong to attack their weak points.
However you will not seem over powered all the time.
There will probably be points through its full game, where you can beat people fast
Such as a fighting arena where you have to do 3 fights each day for 3 days.
However during this you are very much reminded you are still not at some peoples level,
when 2 of the people can easily beat you.
And just to point this out.
The visual novel style battles are done beautifully, telling a story while doing turn based "choice" style attacks.
I'm using choice in quotes for a reason, as you will see different attacks in visual novel battles.
As well as speed dodging/block. Which if you are a fan of DBZ, there is a sound effect that should ring a bell

It takes away from it feeling like a grind specially when you fight some fat guy telling you think of "dragons" before he does a silly attack. I got a couple of wtf's out of it.
The important battles will always have a story told during the fights.
You can purposely make them harder of course but its not wise as you will likely burn out.
Over powered maybe towards the end of the game which this is still in its start it feels.
You're going to have to wait a bit before you get really strong.
This game is more about story than you feeling over powered.
Give it a try honestly, its worth at least that.
I cant promise you will love it or like it.
But I think it may spark an interest for you.