VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - 53x – Homecoming [v0.2.8.1] [Agent 53X]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is average
    - Characters with basic personality without charisma
    - regular story
    - average renders
    - poorly animations
    - if you are looking for inc*st, this is not your game
    - the relations feels rushed

    I dont recommend play this game but the decision is yours
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Characters. 9.5/10
    Sex. 7/10
    Story. 9.5/10
    Renders/art. 6.5/10

    The game has some mystery plot and trying to build back your fathers business empire.
    TLDR: Sex scenes are poorly done but the story is enough to compensate...for now
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm writing this review after completing v0.1.8.2 back in Oct '21, then picking it back up at v0.2.2.1 July '22.

    I must've considered this one worth coming back to after the last version I completed, though I'm not really sure why.

    The writing is just OK (not bad, but not groundbreaking), the character models are average, the renders are pretty awful, and the animations are terrible. There's no auto-progression at points where there should be, so it's super annoying to have to click to manually proceed from a frame with no dialog to the next one with it included. The dialog suffers from a very blunt/direct/emotionless cadence, and has incorrect punctuation throughout (questions ending with a period, etc).

    On the positive side, the on-screen confirmation of the point system as you accrue is pretty neat. I like the 'ka-chiiiing" sound that comes with it.

    Honestly, this is probably the last version of this one I'll play through. It's just boring to me.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    It's a nonstop clusterfuck of events that don't really blend with each other that makes your head hurt after only a few minutes. The story is nonsensical and the MC is constantly making extremely stupid decisions despite being touted as this super stud that graduated at the top of his class. At a school that trains super spies that need to excel in all forms of combat training and seduction. The MC is about as charismatic as a doormat so it boggles my mind how he could have excelled at the seduction part in particular. I found myself skipping dialogue which I never do even for the bad games that I have played. There are no meaningful choices and you don't get to do anything at all which makes the game incredibly boring to play. Don't waste your time with this one
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is interesting, the MC is someone who went to some top notch CIA like school who had a father that was some kind of big shot.
    I prefer games with good stories and this game has that.
    The game has some mystery plot and trying to build back your fathers business empire.

    Characters. 9.5/10
    Sex. 9/10
    Story. 9.5/10
    Renders/art. 9/10
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is weird.

    All started cool, with a shy protagonist, and building the relationship. There is a bit of mystery but nothing too special.
    MC starts building a business. Nothing ordinary is done but the steps of building the business are at least acceptable or/and credible in world.

    Then... all of the sudden we are in the middle of a plot with the CIA, and the shy MC is having sex with his mother before we understand it's his mother. Then with his step sister, then his step mother.

    The problem is not who he has sex with! the problem is that it happens because plot. Without any effort put in this to happen, just "because" the writer wants it to happen at that moment. And that kills all.

    The game lost me at that point.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Derivative and dull, with my only emotional response being severe irritation at the cliche psychopathic sister character videoing you in the shower, and blackmailing you with the video and claiming she will get you kicked out of the house by her mother for supposedly peeping on the sister. This is literally the first exchange you have after your character HAS JUST COME FROM THE HOSPITAL FROM A MONTHS-LONG COMA FROM A CAR CRASH THAT KILLED HIS FATHER. And your character just completely lets her dom him COMPLETELY. But he gets her back by... telling their mother that it was all his idea and his fault.

    The rest is pretty much "Wow, big penis, take me." That's about it. There is not much of a story, not much in the way of choices, and is generally pretty bland, derivative, and forgettable.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    I can't really give a huge review here as I didn't get very far into the game but I'm not sure I can keep going because quite simply..... it's stupid.

    The game has all the tropes you'd expect, there's a plot that looks like they've taken the time to actual think about as opposed to just creating a "put your dick in this" simulator, the models are ok and all but I found the initial interactions to be......basic.

    The game is almost self aware. It KNOWS its a porn game so just seems to lean into it. now that can be good if it's quirky but I feel this game is doing it simply so that it doesn't need to think about the plot too much.

    After the intro where a nurse wanks off your comatose body (cause porn games are filled with horny nurses), you go home and meet a lassie. The mother figure of the game. After a little talking she tells you to go wake up some other lassie,. the angry big sister trope rears its head. She's sleeping naked cause it's a porn game so why not and you go for a shower. She goes into the bathroom and sees you naked so.... records you rubbing one out..... When you notice you're kinda pissed off but now she's talking about how she "owns" you, cause when you went into wake her (after being told to) and seeing her naked, she can now do what she wants as apparently her word is golden or something? I mean she is literally saying that accidently seeing some ass means she can record you naked and then use it as blackmail material. This game is literally saying that they are equivalent. And what's worse the MC is like "aww shit, you're right"

    Like........ what? The MC's is giving it "if I do everything you say you'll delete the video?" Fucking hell lad she recorded you without you knowing. She can do solid prison time for that and you're worried that? Tell her if she releases the video you'll call the cops and let that be the end of it.

    He's an idiot. She's an idiot. I had to stop before I became one too.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    20 different characters making you zip across from place to place with coomer-brain rotted dialogue and FAST scenes giving you absolutely no time to immerse or care about whatever the hell is happening on the story with your family, but not really blood family that needs money, but now bakery scene, but now obligatory friend of obligatory bitch scene, but now more lawyer speak scene, but now another scene introducing the 7th new character in a single day for you to not care about, the shit just never stops and lets your connect with anything . After the first few days I simply laid on the skip button, stopping only on scenes with the two main characters I tolerated and wasn't even surprised at the point where the player is forced to interact with the NPCs they care nothing about, was getting more stat increases and scenes from what the dev conductor wanted on his railroad instead of natural consequences of the choices I made, and quit..

    Seriously, this needs the kinetic novel tag. Choices only effect the possibility of triggering sex scene pitstops on this one-way tour guide speedrun.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Not sure why but I found this yesterday but it is been out a while as it looks. I liked the story line very much. It is not a game with grinding but more of a story. The models are very good for what I see in many other games I play. I give this a 5 because I like what it is and what it can become because it is not finished but it is well on it's way.

    If you like something different than a peek on your family, or grind out some process just to see a bit of flesh, this may be for you.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Just drop it after first puzzle. The references to pop culture songs and the need to google are terrible, especially for non-native speakers. I don't think that many people play porn games to solve puzzles that are required for further passage. Either add ready-made answers to the "hints", or the option of automatically solving riddles for those who do not get the slightest pleasure from solving them.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    The story it self seemed to be okay, however the sex scenes seem to be short, forgettable and so far apart from the... non sex scenes. Other than that It DOES give you a gallery mode without a fucking paywall which is pretty nicee. The renders themselves seem to be a TAD bit sub-par compared to the many other games like this, plus i've seen the same black male model in so many games!

    Other than that the game itself is a bit lacking, but the packaging is nice and rare as far as extras go.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I've given it as much chance as I possibly can at this point. It's just got so bland with some of the dumbest decisions i've seen.

    At one point there was going to be a decision between 2 of the main women which would lead to different choices and basically 2 different harems. It sounded really interesting and I was looking forward to what the dev would come up with.

    Of course the whining started and the choice was removes as were all choices about who to fuck along with some of the most bland sex scenes i've seen in a game.

    Couple that with some of the dumbest shit from an allegedly highly trained kid who takes a girl he claims is important to him to meet some people then leaves her behind without checking she's okay first. If that was me he left behind i'd be pissed but that would mean consequences and those don't exist here.

    Despite having the most Gary Stu of MC's the story was fairly interesting for a while but it never managed to shift into second gear. It's like someone took a James Bond script, removed all the good parts and replaced them with the most uninspiring sex scenes even amateur porn makers would be ashamed of.

    It had a ton of potential for a few updates but has neither lived up to that potential nor come close.

    Top all that off with some of the smallest blink and you miss it content updates i've ever witnessed.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is a bit hard to review. Its story is great and interesting, has a wide cast of female love interests, and possesses functions such as gallery and replay events that even some top rated games on this forum have yet to possess outside of modding. Based on this alone, it would've been 5 stars from me.

    However, the reason I can only give it 4 stars is cause, for a game that is featured on a porn game site, the sex aspect of this game is severely lacking. The game does decently well when it comes to teasing, dirty talk, and some foreplay such as fingering and oral. However, when it comes to actual sex scenes (ie vaginal), the scenes can pretty much be listed as non-existent. Sex scenes are pretty much left as poorly done animation loops or a single still image, some of which don't even show penetration. The quality of the scenes does vary per "day" you are on in-game, with some days being better than others, so it isn't really consistent either.

    Honestly I would say that I would have dropped the rating to 3.5 just for the sex scenes alone, but story is genuinely quite good and appeals to me as its flow is more along the lines of smut novels with actual plot. Since I can't give half star reviews, I still believe this game deserves a rating of 4 stars over 3. As long as the dev can't fix up the sex scenes in this game I wouldn't really find any issues with the game whatsoever.

    TLDR: Sex scenes are poorly done but the story is enough to compensate...for now
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is good in so many thinghs. The story, the girls, the characters and so on. It has some humor in it, could be even more, but I had my laughs. So why don't I give it 5*? The reason for that is the sex scenes!

    They are short. with not much to see. They are varied at least, that's one plus. But with longer scenes with more action I would give this a 5* easily. But if I understood another rating so is the Dev working with that. So I'll keep this and wait for new upgrades.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is not a slow burn, that gives the impression that it's building towards something interesting. Now I don't mind a game that draws out the build up, but it needs to be sexy and enticing.

    The game is mostly about the MC going about earning money for financial situations you will not give a shit about and tries to distract from how dull it is with girls in revealing outfits but you'll soon grow bored of that and their paper thin personalities.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3589835

    I used to be the kind of person who just skips the dialogue and goes straight for the sex scenes, but with this game i didn't go that direction. I was very intrigued with both the storyline as well as the way the characters developed throughout the progression of the story. It was almost as if i was reading a good book and just kept reading. It was the same with this story. If you're looking for a quick fap this game is not for you. However if you want to see how far down the rabbit hole the story will take you then download and play! Great job dev!
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Animations/renders are really well done and the story is interesting with character motivations being realistic and believable. However I feel the game offers no replayability, the script kind of drags on and could seem a bit tedious having to go through so much reading for a scene that only lasts one click. Still, it's a game that I recommend.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I am a fan of mysteries and anything with spy type stuff. This VN has a few twists you don't see coming and I like the way it happens when you least expect it. The models look good and the renders are on par with the best I have seen for a free VN. These are times I wish the updates are bigger but it looks like there is only one Developer working on this project. For over all entertainment it is a 9 but you have to be here for the story and the models not just speed through to the sex.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I am a big fan of story and this VN has a good one. I am not saying it is great or amazing, but it is more than the normal thing you see in Ren Py games.

    The artwork is top level. You can tell it is from someone who has used Daz3D for a while. Outside of the animation the Dev has gone to great efforts. The animation is passable for what is there. It is better than many I have seen but does have some room for improvement.

    This is the first time I have seen this VN and downloaded it. I just finished v0161 and it took over 3 hours. I did not play all the choices, just stayed on one path. For what I have seen on this site so far, based on image quality and story, it is in the top 10. That does not mean it would be in yours if you have been downloading and playing these game for years. I recommend giving it a try if you are new to this type of entertainment.