
Aug 13, 2020
Good game, nice story, kinda quick paced sometimes so you need to read everything.

Some of the earlier sex scenes had me LOL (2-3 mouse clicks and they're done).

Looks like visual quality improves throughout the game. I played with sounds off (no reason).

Ladies are fine. 3.75 out of 5.


Active Member
Jul 16, 2019
Well said. Definitely way more than 3 minutes if you're not just hitting the skip button.
I didn't time myself on how long it took me to complete the latest update, but I have to agree with those who stated it was very short. Maybe I'm just spoiled on some of the other games. I really like Sorcerer. I never hit the skip button by the way I do read the story...and the puzzle did lead me to the forum here for the answer it was what cost me the most time scratching my head.
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Oct 17, 2020
Hi all

I am a friend and Patreon of the Dev. He no longer visits this site because of the hate posts but I do know he has listened to his Patreon supporter's suggestions. I don't know if a Patreon suggested the puzzle.

I am building my own game now and starting to see the real issues game dev's have. This thread has people saying they do not like the puzzle, or the updates are too short.

3 minutes of game play per update? Is this becoming the standard now. Seems like every developer is doing this.
Yeah and it sucks especially after waiting 2- 3 months. Understandable if it's like 2 weeks, but fuck!
EdselPresley and/or MGUltimate I would like to honestly ask you how long you think an update should be for this VN. What I see is the Dev makes his updates the equivalent of a day's story time. An update seems to be from waking up in the morning to going to bed. I have not read the last couple of updates, I wait for a few to be out before I download it, but the one I have finished is 'Day 20'. I went into the code and copied out the just the story text. It is over 73,000 words for 20 days of story. That is 3600 words per update on average. There are over 1662 images for scenes, not including the gui, pinups or side images. That is an average of 83 scenes per update. 73,000+ words kind of shocked me.

Here is an idea of word counts in other games or stories...

  • Word counts of J.R.R. Tolkien's: The Hobbit – 95,356 words.
  • Word counts of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stones. - 76,944 words.
  • The Witcher 3 has a Script Containing over 450,000 words.

Again, how long would your update be if you were making this VN or any VN? Can you please tell me word count and scene count you would put in your project for an update? I am not trying to provoke anyone; I am just trying to understand what people think is adequate for an update when I am having to create my own updates for my game. It seems this dev gets a lot of complaints in the size of his updates. I do not see the same level of complaints on threads I follow in the other games I play, and their updates are similar in word count and/or image count. Of course, there are updates that are a lot larger.

That was a total fail. Case sensitive, a word the vast majority of people never heard so someone has to google, minigame when there wasn't before, etc.
MGUltimate your post above, to me just looks like a rant. You can't honestly say rules exist that state a dev can't put in a minigame in their project if none has existed before a certain point. I have not played the update with this minigame, so I don't understand what you mean by case sensitive. You should be clearer in the post of what you are trying to communicate, or it just comes of as a rant or hate post.
Total fail...I did ask the dev if anyone has complained to him about the last update he created. He said no one other than a Patreon who suggested putting in the hint button. He put in the hint button and none of his Patreons had an issue. The dev also had the best month of new Patreon sign-ups he has ever had AFTER the update came out. You say total fail. I don't see this update keeping away more people supporting him, how is that a fail?

I would like to get a clearer understanding of why you see that as a fail.
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New Member
May 8, 2021
Again, how long would your update be if you were making this VN or any VN? Can you please tell me word count and scene count you would put in your project for an update? I am not trying to provoke anyone; I am just trying to understand what people think is adequate for an update when I am having to create my own updates for my game. It seems this dev gets a lot of complaints in the size of his updates. I do not see the same level of complaints on threads I follow in the other games I play, and their updates are similar in word count and/or image count. Of course, there are updates that are a lot larger.
I downloaded this a few days ago and glad I did. It has been a good distraction from the type of games I usually play. After reading the last few posts I wanted to give my input on update sizes. I personally want at least 20 mins of entertainment. I would love more but that is about the time you get on watching a 30 min TV show. Not sure why people complain here about a free game that is obvious the guy is still working on. If you have a problem with how short a developer makes an update why not just wait a few updates and then download. It is not like you pay $60 for a release that has been hyped for years and it comes out unplayable or crashes ever few minutes, that I can see complaining about, but seriously, why so serious?

I like this game.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2021
There is a difference between opinion and fact.

Your opinion is that the Dev fails if someone goes to the internet for help in figuring out how to solve a problem or understand something in a porn game or AVN.

Part of this site, and many others like it provide the information to do just that. The fact is many Dev’s are making nice incomes on games that have puzzles people search the internet for answers to or download walkthroughs.

It is my opinion that your opinion does not stand up to the fact that many porn games and AVN’s are very profitable to Dev’s that put in choices or puzzles where people will search the internet for the best answer or solution. This site is factual proof of that.

I don’t think Dev’s care if they lose some people over adding a puzzle into their AVN or game as long as the monthly checks roll in. And that is still just my opinion.
Thank You for saving Me time and $ (y)
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