- Oct 22, 2018
- 783
- 226
have you come across the vamperella outfit for HS1 in your travels? also here is my tweaked mavis card looks like shadbase take on her which is the best version i thinkDon't even get me started on BAE-vis.
have you come across the vamperella outfit for HS1 in your travels? also here is my tweaked mavis card looks like shadbase take on her which is the best version i thinkDon't even get me started on BAE-vis.
Yes they speak like they are legit people. They sell porn for a game who is not theirs, not created by theirs and use characters without any permissions about copyrights.These modders are all the same, but the ones pissed off cuz their content is being leaked are the worst scum bags ever in the community.
- Call other thieves for sharing and downloading leaked Patreon content.
- 99% of said leaked Patreon content is made of Copyright material that these modders have no rights to sell.
So yeah, all these whining greedy bastards can go fuck themselves to oblivion for all I care.
quite hilarious, good luck with that. How the fuck he will acomplished that. its just a bunch of shapes and texture in a nutshell, unless he had some mad skill in programming or some "good" DRM service you can get it to check online periodically and i doubt that will work with the game properly and then obv the patron also will be pissed with that.uh oh, my chad Xyth is going to encrypt his mods in near future.
i do agree with this tho, the self righteous is a bit over the top and weird. no honor among thief of course especially on a site created because the kickasstorrent got shot down but .....Yes they speak like they are legit people. They sell porn for a game who is not theirs, not created by theirs and use characters without any permissions about copyrights.
But who care?
But please, stop speaking like you are a honest person surrounded by horrible thiefs, tell demons or something else.
which he obviously didIt's not unfair for them to ask some money for that work unless you are asking the price of a full AAA game for a single mod, wich would be overdoing it. ..
That's not how copyright infringement works. Every single one of these modders who do head ports are taking assets from a copyrighted game of some sort. They are not making these head meshes from scratch.I'll play devil's advocate here but I really don't think it' s fair to call modder thieves. I understand the pricing system for some cases is beyond ridiculous (Xyth), and many times the quality of the mod is not on par with the price (also Xyth). But the cash they charge is not for the asset on it's own, but rather for the work they invest in porting the asset to the game. In the case of character mods specially, you need to get the ripped models from the game they come from, work on the blend shapes, and do a lot of stuff that requires time and technical knowledge to do. It's not unfair for them to ask some money for that work unless you are asking the price of a full AAA game for a single mod, wich would be overdoing it. ..
most modders on patreon dont sell each mods but just get donation for each individual... on publicly stated opinion... this large difference in regard with legal matter.That's not how copyright infringement works. Every single one of these modders who do head ports are taking assets from a copyrighted game of some sort. They are not making these head meshes from scratch.
I've modded various games for a long time now (from Vampire the Masquerade Redemption/Bloodlines, Half-Life, Unreal Tournament, Counter Strike, Deus Ex, Fallout 3/NV/4, Oblivion & Skyrim etc so I know what I'm talking about and have also unwittingly aged myself with those games!) what these modders are doing is straight up, 100% IP/copyright theft.
The difference between modders like myself and this new breed of patreon modders is that this lot think they're owed a living and that somehow, the few hours 'work' they put into converting another companies assets means that they now own it outright. Newsflash, they don't. They're just too small of an insignificance and make such small amounts of money for company lawyers to even bother sending a cease and desist.
Some people put these guys up on a pedestal like they're the 2nd coming. What they are doing is really not hard. I cooked up a version of Quiet from MGS5 in about 2 hours years ago now just following Roys tutorial (but then I've got a lot of experience with 3d programs etc).
As for Xyth writing his own program to encrypt his mods? Yeah, don't think I really want a chinese modder who can't even be bothered to do seperate eyebrows for his head mods writing a program that phishes my pc and probably does a bit of crypto mining in the background.
TLDR. They are thieves, they sell copyrighted assets as if they own them. Xyth isn't a very good modder.
Are you the real omanko? The owner of this patreonmost modders on patreon dont sell each mods but just get donation for each individual... on publicly stated opinion... this large difference in regard with legal matter.
Or especially making appropriate morphs and some small bug fixes a little tough works, i think.
Changes to distribution of future work
Due to a number of leaking incidents in recent months, I have decided to make the distribution of my future work more limited as a response.
The thought first crossed my mind 2 months ago, when someone called 3dh made a post sharing one of my works on Zodgame, whilst misleading others regarding who the actual modder was.
Looking through the person’s post history, it seems that they have posted other mods before, some of which seem to be made by them. I don’t really understand why an actual modder, of all people, would like to take credit for work they haven’t done.
The whole incident reminded me of an individual called galaxyexpress, who ‘borrowed’ parts from the Sailor Moon costume mod that I have worked on (and a mod that I have gifted to them), and posted it as their own work without credits. The best part was when they played the victim when the post was removed from the Chinese forums, and the two-facedness when they were confronted.
While the incident caused by 3dh wasn’t as severe, it wasn’t a pleasant reminder for me.
I thought about limiting the distribution of my work then, 2 months ago, but then talked myself down since that was one isolated incident. This was probably good as I was willing to make some severe changes then.
Unfortunately, in more recent times, it appears that leaking activities have increased significantly over on Western forums.
My sentiment when I initially returned was that I was willing to make some sacrifices if it benefits the community. The existence of certain disrespectful activities has shown me that my sentiment was probably misguided.
Over the past weeks or so I have talked myself down on the severity of changes that I was going to make. The changes that I’ll be making now are as follow:
1. Some modding works will now be distributed via DM (direct messages).
2. Not all modding works will be added to the backlog; some mods will be distributed to patrons in that particular month only.
3. Tier rewards are changed accordingly:
Tier 3: you’ll be sent all newly made works this month (no waiting time)
Tier 2: you’ll be sent the first HS1 work and the first HS2 work of this month (1-2 weeks after initial release date*)
Tier 1: you’ll be sent the first modding work this month (3-4 weeks after initial release date*)
*or at the end of this month/start of next month; generally speaking, whichever is earlier
I hope these are the only changes I need to make to reduce leaks and to lower the impact that leaks have on my continued operation.
Note that for the current month (December 2020), these changes will not APPLY to existing patrons who were already patrons BEFORE this post was made, as it would be unfair to apply these retroactive changes for existing patrons.
(i.e. you’ll still be sent all works this month if you are one of these existing patrons).
Actually no, Patreon tried to pull the "its a donation" card when the EU come knocking about taxation and that didnt work.most modders on patreon dont sell each mods but just get donation for each individual... on publicly stated opinion... this large difference in regard with legal matter.
Or especially making appropriate morphs and some small bug fixes a little tough works, i think.
I see...It certainly is.
Haven't seen any, Mostly the head accessory comes with the port itself even with aki's Diao chan port.
TD78, is that you?That's not how copyright infringement works. Every single one of these modders who do head ports are taking assets from a copyrighted game of some sort. They are not making these head meshes from scratch.
I've modded various games for a long time now (from Vampire the Masquerade Redemption/Bloodlines, Half-Life, Unreal Tournament, Counter Strike, Deus Ex, Fallout 3/NV/4, Oblivion & Skyrim etc so I know what I'm talking about and have also unwittingly aged myself with those games!) what these modders are doing is straight up, 100% IP/copyright theft.
The difference between modders like myself and this new breed of patreon modders is that this lot think they're owed a living and that somehow, the few hours 'work' they put into converting another companies assets means that they now own it outright. Newsflash, they don't. They're just too small of an insignificance and make such small amounts of money for company lawyers to even bother sending a cease and desist.
Some people put these guys up on a pedestal like they're the 2nd coming. What they are doing is really not hard. I cooked up a version of Quiet from MGS5 in about 2 hours years ago now just following Roys tutorial (but then I've got a lot of experience with 3d programs etc).
As for Xyth writing his own program to encrypt his mods? Yeah, don't think I really want a chinese modder who can't even be bothered to do seperate eyebrows for his head mods writing a program that phishes my pc and probably does a bit of crypto mining in the background.
TLDR. They are thieves, they sell copyrighted assets as if they own them. Xyth isn't a very good modder.