contents.font.size = Font.default_size
in Window_Base.rb. Font.default_size is defined nowhere in the files and changing it to an arbitrary number hasn't fixed my issue. Can't find anything defining the used font, or if that is even changeable.What is the game?Enigma vb unpacker is not decrypting game. I have gotten encryption key. Is there any other method to decrypt game.
Was going to say the same thing when i got home. Thanks Flazeo.It's all ready unencrpyted, you'll need to open it with rpg mv editor or trans ++ to get cracking at it.
As for the pictures use Rpg maker Mv decryptor from github it mainly used for getting pics free.
For me, ~100-130 dialogues in one day. But yeah, it depends.Thanks for the guide!
I'm actually attempting my own translation project now but I'm mainly relying on G-Translate & DeepL and then reworking the sentence so it makes sense in context and grammatically.
How long does it usually take you to finish off a translation?
Some of the on-screen text is not in the rvdata2 files, it's instead stored in the scripts used to supplement the default features of RPGM. In my experience, the Scripts/Vocab.rb and numbered .rb files are the usual places. Quest-Texts might also be stored in the Map or CommonEvents files under a different parameter code than normal dialogue. Some parameters are also defined in System.rvdata2 rather than Actors (note, don't change Switches or Variables as those are used internally, but Parameters and Equipment Types IIRC are only for display purposes). If you have a text editor like Notepad++ you can open all the game files and 'Find All in All Documents' and that works to hunt down rogue untranslated pieces.I'm actually translating "Little Braver" into german just for fun. But i still have the problem that i don't find some texts to translate in the files, like "Quest-Texts" (when you look into your Journal, what to do next etc.) and if i translate the stuff like "Handjobs, Titjob, blabla" all the sexual stuff/encounters your "character" had are way off (like, the numbers are not IN LINE)... someone got any tips or solutions?
I only can avoid this by not going over the letter limit for example:
"Raped: 0 -> Vrgw.: 0" then it fits, because i only used 5 letters like in the english translation.
But if i do:
"Raped: 0 -> Vergewaltigt: 0" it is not in line, please see the picture attached!
View attachment 1009007
*yes i know Sperma geschluckt is too long anyway, i can shorten that later*
Also i can't seem to find "First Partner" in the files "Actors" either, that's weird.
I am using Translator++.
You'll need to download Ruby to use it, but