Yes, it is intentional, it was a feature put in the DS mod by it's author DS Sama for use in the game when it was very early on in development. It only changed a few early game variables and as the game and variables became more complicated it became obsolete. After the initial three weeks it's only use was to give false assurances to players about what path they were on. Clicking the button to change it from NTR to Loyalty path actually had zero affect on your game after those initial weeks. The only reason it existed for so long was just an oversight. If the game were more black and white we could keep that feature going, and although you can make all loyalty choices, or all ntr choices, you can also exist somewhere in the middle. For example, you can help Lauren win the school election, which places you on her loyalty path, but in the same playthrough you can have Mom railed on the beech by both Matt and Joey, placing yourself on her NTR path.