Something is messed up with your save then. Jacky has only one NTR path, not a split between Matt and Joey.Doesn't work.. When I choose the cheap date, I got the loyalty path
Something is messed up with your save then. Jacky has only one NTR path, not a split between Matt and Joey.Doesn't work.. When I choose the cheap date, I got the loyalty path
Matt/Jackie NTR pathHello everybody !
Does anyone have a save to share in the ntr path with Matt fucking Jacky ? I only have the Joey path
Honestly with how buggy the Alpha version of this game tend to be, just release the Beta versions. The update spam actually keeps eyes off the game, as mentioned.due to how short of time there was between the alpha and beta updates for this version the game didn't get bumped up on the latest updates page.
I think Matt and Vickyin the classroom is there actually something youre supposed to find when you choose keep looking around?
Download the do i load a save? i cant get it to work.
Is this mandatory because I don't seem to be able to manage it?Feel guilty.
There is in fact a mod included, but the WT mod for this game is now abandoned, it won't get updated.THE WASN'ìT A WT MOD?? CAN SOMEONE POST THE LINK TO THE MOD? THANKS. SEARCHING WONT FIND ANYTHING..damn caps