An open letter to the entitled brats who think they deserve an update every week,
Might I humbly suggest you sit your happy ass down, build a game from absolutely nothing, support a family with a wife who is currently unable to work, have a full time job, a life outside of your mother's basement, and see how often you manage to make massive game updates with no one but yourself and one other person working on it out of the goodness of their pervy little heart (we appreciate you,
Every last one of you that things
any dev is "milking it" because they're not updating on
your schedule should probably go out, see the sun again (in case you've forgotten what it looks like, it's the big hot thing in the sky probably wants us all dead), maybe talk to a real, live girl once in a while, and understand that writing (and rewriting several times, I imagine), script translation to the Ren'py framework, game programming, 3D rendering, the twitchy hell of animating in DAZ, and what I can only assume is hours upon hours of banging heads against desks after reading all of the whiny, judgmental, childishly impatient posts people make because they don't have a shiny new bundle of pixels to add to their fap folder whenever they want one...takes a metric fucktonne of time when you're trying to balance a real life alongside it all.
For fuck's sake, go to SS and check out the Proof of Life post from two bloody days ago if you want to know where the progress stands. Even if you
don't want to dig your greasy little mitts into your unwashed Spongebob sweatpants and come up with a dollar to unlock the post, you can tell by the big, blurry green smudge that they're getting damned close to being finished with the update. Beyond that, if you would actually
read this thread, you'd know that
WillTylor and
strenif are contemplating doing smaller updates moving forward after this one so that it
won't be so long between them. Hell, you might even stumble across a few explanations as to why this update has taken so long. TL;DR? I got you, boo. Life happens. I realize that the concept may elude some of you, but when the shit hits the fan, real life is generally more important to devs than spending weeks rendering out new images and videos of your favorite incestuous family so you can paint your keyboard with yet another load of socially inadequate, angst-riddled baby gravy.
Seriously. Just chill. If you feel like putting money toward supporting a dev making a game that you're
obviously interested in, great! I'm sure it's appreciated, and helps to offset the mewling, toxic vitriol that bubbles up all over this thread when someone feels entitled to an update
right now. If not...don't support the game, and put a lid on your cockwasher instead of piling up reasons for the devs to get sick of your ignorant whining and shut the whole thing down.
This post was brought to you by beer and a growing intolerance for the useless flotsam of the human race.
Thank you for your time.