Walkthur for 0.9_v2 starts on page 118.
Note 1 - using the previous release save file or the final save file will get you a "do you really want to use this" message. Old saves will do this, I used my old save and saw no further problems. (An undated version of Renpy is why)
Note 2 - I do the loyalty route - but the NTR events should be available via the unlocking the gallery with the Samba App on the in-game phone.
Note 3 - The Samba App on the in-game phone is only available to subscribers to the game. SUPPORT THE GAME.
Note 4 - If you cum in the women of the game - they may become pregnant at a later date.
Note 5 - There are placeholders at certain locations at certain times after you have finished the events in this version - these are not a bug. Think of them as a heads up for future content.
V1 save is the end of prior update, the V2 save is the end of this update.
Note 1 - using the previous release save file or the final save file will get you a "do you really want to use this" message. Old saves will do this, I used my old save and saw no further problems. (An undated version of Renpy is why)
Note 2 - I do the loyalty route - but the NTR events should be available via the unlocking the gallery with the Samba App on the in-game phone.
Note 3 - The Samba App on the in-game phone is only available to subscribers to the game. SUPPORT THE GAME.
Note 4 - If you cum in the women of the game - they may become pregnant at a later date.
Note 5 - There are placeholders at certain locations at certain times after you have finished the events in this version - these are not a bug. Think of them as a heads up for future content.
V1 save is the end of prior update, the V2 save is the end of this update.