No, we are potential costumers. Think like a trial phase of software, you get limited demo and if you want to full experience pay up.
If devs take any kind of advice from here thats up to them.
Fair point, only that it applies when there's finished product behind the paywall, not just another demo.
When that's the case then the whole development cycle is part of the experience.
So how do you judge when it's valid criticism from a paying customer and when it's not?
Only if you see it through? What if somebody drops out after a month or two because they are not happy with how it's going?
Should we all just stay quiet untill the whole game is completed? Probably not.
Do you have to stay actively subscribed in order to be mad at anything? Kinda silly if you ask me.
So then, if you can subscribe for a month, drop out and that makes you eligible for shitting on an entire year of development after that, what difference does it make how much you paid, or if you did at all.
You can try to put a filter on that but you will always fail. It's the internet, the only influence you have on it is soloely on your end.