We talk about Rae here bro,she is very experienced in sex and have done with a lot of people,mostly important people in exchange for information or whatever her madam want her to do.This time,she work with MC(current master),as you can see,she already ready to do her job as a slave in the beginning of the game by offering him sex but it turns out,there is some misunderstanding,but she still do her purpose and continue her mission,also satisfy her new master libido.As for escort,she work there before
(I dunno,maybe there is some guy that she want to get information from,so she need to sleep with him in order to get him spurt the information).
She is like Black Widow except she is serving her master and do whatever her master or madam ask her to do.
I dont think I should call her a slut because she doesn't really fuck around,but she does gain alot of sex knowledges by sleeping with a lot of people.