I mean we don't know a lot though, what exactly triggered the portals? The lab near the park? If so what was happening there? The game hints that Blair world might have magic that was not discovered, the same could be about Earth, so there is definitely some plot in there.
I also remember trying to connect the people in the park to the people we push to the House, like the bench girl is Azraesha, the phone girl is Lyriel, the bike girl is Naomi but I'm pretty sure this theory falls apart very easily and I don't really like it anyway.
The house is another thing, we can't get closer to our apartment or the real house, the MC also never wonders about calling his family so it's possible he is missing for months now? Also why shouldn't we be able to reach those places? The park makes sense, so does the house since we "push it", but the apartment?
Also, I don't know if it makes sense, but it's possible the House is the real one right? Like Azaraesh says that she thought Naomi and Cait were Echos but are actually real, the house could be too, so what would that mean to the MC's parents? were they out of the home at the time? Did something happened to them once the house was pushed? We will ever get a explanation why the house instead of the apartment?
Another thing, we don't know much about the MC powers, as far as we can tell he might not even be from OG Earth but from another variation, alas inter-dimensional baby superman, of course there is the whole thing that he is attached to his Earth but who knows, since Earth has no magic could this fact be able to hide that he is from somewhere else? Can his family do magic too?
And then there is the hood guy, MC says he is familiar and he doesn't want us to see his face yet so there is definitely something going on there.
Honestly there is a lot the game could expand on yet before reach it's ending, I agree it can ignore some of it but the dev does not lack ideas on where to take the plot even if they want to keep the characters stuck at the House. Any more mystery/theories I'm missing?