I really do not know what kind of game you lot are playing, but there seems to be plenty of romance to me.
The relationships in this game are extremely shallow. They are all friends, the frictions and dramas they have with each other are rather silly and childish and are fixed quite easily, and apart from that, all the girls sleep with the MC in turns, since he is the only man in the house and apparently they get horny because the presence of the succubus exerts a certain aphrodisiac effect on them.
The elf girl and the red-haired human girl seem to see the MC as an older brother, who also serves them as a means of transportation and as an escort when they want to travel to their worlds. They have sex with him for the succubus aphrodisiac influence thing, that's all.
The tall Hindu girl sees the MC as a party mate when they get drunk on whiskey and she tells him about the adventures she has had as a pirate. Sometimes they have sex, again because MC is the only guy in the house. She seems to be 'bi' and have some sort of crush on the human redhead girl, but the developer doesn't go into this, or whether she has sex with Rae or some other girl in the house. In fact, no one seems to care what other people in the house do when we don't see them. Neither do the girls care when the MC is with one or another of them, nor does the MC care to investigate what the girls do with each other. There is no jealousy, nor does any character seem to have dreams or illusions involving another character.
The house is like some sort of hippie commune. They live day to day, and that's all.
Regarding the orc girl and the dwarf, pretty much the same. They're even less developed characters than the others, and frankly, I don't care for them. They don't interest me and I'd rather they weren't there.
Rae is, to some extent, the exception. She is the most affectionate with the MC and is more intimate with him than the rest of the girls, being the only one the MC can ask to sleep together or have some intimacy when they watch a movie together. She also has those breakfast 'dates' with him in the MC's world that almost have a certain romantic air, although it's not like they talk about it or have any romantic gestures like kissing or holding hands. Actually, it's ambiguous, and the relationship doesn't go beyond 'good old friends with benefits'.
Rae seems to be a sort of bisexual diplomat-spy-prostitute, and I suppose she would treat any man or woman she is forced to live with for work, or as in this case, out of necessity, the same way he treats the MC. Her deep relationships seem to be that 'lady' who appears at the beginning of the game, and that mysterious character; that girl we saw briefly when MC and Rae traveled together to various themed worlds (Japan, ancient Rome and I can't remember the other one), with whom she had a big fight but with whom she still has contact and who seems to be extremely important to her; something like an ex she hasn't moved on from.
I can imagine Rae kissing goodbye the MC at the end of the game without special drama, as she must have said goodbye to so many people she has get involved within her travels, and getting back to what really matters to her: her relationship (whatever kind it is) with that 'lady', and to try to mend her relationship (again whatever kind it is) with that mystery woman.
This game is not about romance and feelings, it's about (pretty vanilla) sex scenes, 'slice of life' scenes with the girls in the house (pretty childish one, I must say), and the main plot, that advance at snail's pace. About the MC, can't be more generic. We know nothing about the kind of person he was before going to the house, he doesn't have any special charm or skill... Maybe the dev thinks that way everybody will be more easily attached to him or represented by him, but it's just the opposite. I just don't care about him since it's just a generic dude and I can understand the girls doesn't have any special romantic interest for him for the same reason. Actually, seeing Rae talking about her long, varied and intense life, it would be really weird if she has real romantic interest for someone as bland as MC.