Before questioning my maths, I suggest you read a bit more carefully. I did not say "50% of her body", I explicitly said "50% of her clothing".
People generally wear 2 layers of garments: undergarments + over/outer garments = fully clothed.
So, if she's only wearing 1/2 garment layers, she's "half" naked/half dressed, denoted by direction of travel.
The rest of your description, for what she wears around the house, is unfortunately irrelevant.
He was not talking about what she wears in the pool, or the bathroom. Be a bit hard to wash if she's not naked in there!

He was specifically referring to the image & you questioned it, so I answered.
is half naked in the image.
We see her fully clothed in the kitchen, the lounge & on the doorstep.
We see her fully naked in the bathroom.
We see her in her underwear, so "half naked", as he rightly said, in the image.
I just google it, to be sure, but "half-naked" still means "partially clothes", "reveling a lot of one's body" or "topless/botomless".
And as"Half-naked" doesn't state how much is "lot's body" and how big "partially" to qualify as "half-naked".
You wrote:
Bra & panties is precisely half-naked.
Fully clothed is 100% clothing.
Naked is 0% clothing.
Halfway point, in her underwear, 50% clothing, is half-naked.
I'm not questioning your math here, mate. If you felt insulted, then I'm sorry, but how could I know you're sensitive about your math? I just felt like doing math joke, because there is no way underwear, in this case Naomi's panties and bra, could cover enough of her body to qualify as 50% clothing to your description.
I mean if fully clothed is 100% and 0% is naked and 50% clothed, hafl-way point, is half-naked, then it can't be only her underwear, because bra and panties cannot cover 50% of her body, meaning covering more than enough to cannot say she's naked, yet not enough to say she's fully clothed, so right in the middle, which is 50%.
But this won't get us anyware. So upper statement is completly irrelevant. Same goes for how may layers of clothing people are wearing and to why Naomi is wearing so much clothes, but as I wrote, maybe not clearly enough, she's doing it because it's cold inside the house and to not embarrass Cait. Normally she would walk naked with right circumstances. So, what do we do? Because, as I wrote, it won't get us anyware and we have to define what is 100% clothing.
So how do we get what is 100% clothing? Well, that's easy. We have to define what is 100% clothing for a room by... agreement.

But few examples first.
Naomi is fully clothed (100 clothing) for a pool wearing her bikini, even it it doesn't cover 10% of her body, because it doesn't matter, because we agreed bikini and swuimsuit are clothes for pool.
Naomi is fully clothed (100% clothing) for attic gym wearing her gym clothes, even if it doesn't cover 50% of her body, because we agreed gym clothes are clothes for gym.
So... now it's time to define what is 100% clothing for Naomi in her room. I would say it's Naomi wearing only panties, because that's what she's wearing most of the time there, thus I'll risk a statement Naomi wearing bra and panties is
overclothed for her room.