Thank you for entertaining my ideas

Ok i can accept that they would not have very potent alcohol maybe but even then... if you put enough of low-level alcohol in sheets or cloth you can at least increase the possibility of the cloth burning, maybe use it as an diversion / distraction somewhere.
I guess reddick may have a good awareness, but even he can't look through doors, so if you trip a doorframe in a way that someone opening the door would fall over it at his first step throug the door, awareness may not help that much. in the end its a matter of creativity. I mean you can evem use some stretch-clothing (pantyhose or sports cloth) to build a slingshot or something. There's no need to print weapons.
Another idea, as the MCs family members are all girls and he already opened their cabinets, what about cosmetical chemicals? maybe perfume (also highly flammable) or hairspray. Nail polish remover (aceton) is flammable and a potent solvent. if you also have some hadrogen peroxide (sometimes used for hair bleaching ) you can make some quite dangerous concoctions.
With te aforementioned wire and the batteries from the SDs it may be possible to transform the Voltage of the battery upwards to generate an electric shock, incapacitating enemies and so on.
But maybe i'm just clutching to straws here, i dislike this "omnipotent evil" - Scenario and woudl wish for something the MC could do against them. At the moment they seem invulnerable, just because some military gorilla who knows how to fight. Violence and brute strenght beats brain and creativity...? - the strong play with the weak and the latter couldn't do anything?
And then this Bald guy has the Balls to talk about consequences of actions and decisions... almost bitter irony.
At the end of the day i simply hope these guys get what they deserve, no maptter if antennas could freeze or not

Btw. its still fucking cold out there
Good ideas but I try to argue against it. Not because I don't like the ideas but because like I said I try to create a scenario where they can't just try anything only as an absolute last resort like they tried in the last episode. Otherwise the story wouldn't make sense. So don't take it as offense or something. And one other thing before. I could add these discussions about what is maybe possible and why maybe not in the game but than it would stretch the dialogues even more. And add some point it would become even too much for me.
However, my argument for any trickery like distractions or handcrafted weapons or any sort of that they would have to be absolutely sure that they take out both without risking any harm to Stella or Elios' people. Selene doesn't want her Sister to be harmed under any circumstances and she still thinks / hope (open for interpretation) that Johannes and Reddick keep their word. And a Slingshot or any kind of distraction doesn't strike me as a absolute certain win.
Regarding cosmetical articles, I would again argue that they wouldn't come with flameable content for use on a spaceship. I'm pretty sure that's even now the case for this stuff on the ISS (haven't looked it up but I would be surprised if so).
I get that 'clutching for straws'... that's the same as Elios and Selene should feel... and the 'omnipotent evil' is on purpose as well. It should drive the story. And that you say you whish for Elios that he could do something is basically exactly what I want to achieve.
So, if I don't misunderstand it. You 'feel' what I want the player to experience which makes me quite happy to be honest. Even if you might don't like that feeling.
And regarding Reddick, he shouldn't come as 'stupid gorilla'. I tried to not make him appear just like a meathead and Selene even mentioned that she things that Reddick might be even smarter than Johannes, just in a different way. But I purposely keep him a bit more mysterious. I do have a background story for him in place just like hist reason / ambition for this mission but I keep it for now.
So, I haven't finished this last update yet... but...
I'm just wondering why our dev didn't go for a nice morning shower scene with Selene instead of the flashback scene. Does he really think that we're in for those long scolding scenes where the two bearded baldies are busting MC's balls?
Come on, this is getting more and more stale and boring. And the long wait between updates doesn't help at all.
Multiple reasons for that. Selene hat a scene in the previous update and I wanted another scene with Pia (which I also really like just as Selene). My thoughts on that is that they are still tired in the morning and have to keep in mind that they should be in time for report and thus maybe not that keen on 'risking' time. And I don't want Selene to be the type for a quicky.
Two more things on that. I prioritize the story over the sex scenes. However, I also like creating sex scenes but I want them to fit in. And another point which probably doesn't sit well with many but I already said a few times... This is not a community project or community driven project. I create this game purely to my liking and for my own passion so I'll only create what I personally like and want. However, I don't mind critice, quite the opposite I'm happy about discussions like above and if I like ideas I'll include them. Many of the settings and UI enhancements I did were ideas from the community. But otherwise I want to create my own game.
I don't want to create a wank-fest to make a quick buck which I probably could but don't want. If I would want to do that I wouldn't create my own environments from scratch, my own assets, my own music, my own icons, my own framework, my own plugins, ... but I get off-track.
I know there is an audience that would prefer more sex scenes especially with Selene but like I said I prioritize the story and try to have different types of sex scenes and cast for those each update. To have a bit of variation.
Regarding the long time between updates, I'm aware of that but I don't want to rush things. This is still 'only' a hobby of mine and for me. This is not my main source of income and I don't treat it like that. I still want to do this for fun and not because 'I have to'. And even if the release here on f95 was longer I had split this update in 3 parts (for each day of this update) for my patreons. So my patreons had incremental updates / beta releases for this episode. But the first 2 were without major lewd scenes. And I don't think a update without any lewd scenes wouldn't be much welcome on this board anyway.
May I add that the fact that although MC and Selene are constantly reminded of the consequences of their failures and that the balded dudes WANT fast results, nonetheless they go to bed and never give up a single minute of their 8 hrs sleep? are they toddlers? did their union rep call and tell them they can't work overtime unless they get paid?
What the hell, how about some coffee mugs and stimulants?
I usually tried to make sure they sleep between 6 and 7 hours but I may could reduce that a bit more. That's maybe not a bad idea. Even so, they than work from morning till night under psychological stress. I know this doesn't sit well with people who work in physical labour but these long working hours are exhausting too. In a different way but still extremely tiring.
But it's true, I could have something like coffee scenes in the morning.
Dude i need the in game music so bad, ive been vibing to the club scene for too long now
Thanks, that's nice to hear. I posted some of them in a dedicated public channel on my discord. At the moment they are only available by direct link from there as I haven't made them public on youtube yet. I only wanted to do that when I created a simple video for each track. But at the moment I have other priorities than those videos.