
Apr 4, 2019
your right i have no clue what it cost me to put myself through 4 years of college because i only needed 2 years for a associates degree in business im sure she can pull 150 grand out of her ass like i did working for 10 bucks a hour busting tires in a tire shop since i had no experience either. I also didnt have someone with connections that could help me like she does with the mc but i digress your way smarter at this then i am at figuring out character building eh.
good to see that you're self aware. it's a step in the right direction towards harlow haven.


Devoted Member
Nov 20, 2018
look I love your game but Harlows story to me is just typical and she is one of the characters i like th emost and not just visually though she is to me one of the best looking ones in your game. working in the bar is one thing but the strip club... i know the shit that goes on in those places and i just dont like seeing a li in that kind of situation in any game and with her intelligence its beneath her.
See this is the key issue, you disassociate intelligence with being a stripper. Who is to say a stripper can't be smart? Harlow is an intelligent girl yes, but perhaps you don't know but it is hard to pay for school especially university and given that she has two jobs, it seems that she is having to pay for it all herself with no outside help. Why work at some place for like $10-$13 an hour (because any higher paying job won't hire her given that she has no work experience in her field like any other college student) when she can be a stripper and properly pay for class.

Her having a job being a stripper perfectly captures her character, an intelligent girl working in some dump for money because she's a broke college student.

Sounds like good character development to me.
How many people do you know who have a ton of potential but whose current circumstance dictates an undesirable job or position? That's something like half the world. Yes, Harlow is intelligent. Yes, she has to pay for school however she can. Also, BTW, I think being a stripper is beneath anyone, even if they actually love it. I think all people are worth far more than being in a job like that. But that doesn't mean someone is suddenly "less" because they do a job like that.

I would guess there are a huge number of people in the world who feel a sense of regret (at least), if not outright shame, over past jobs or other experiences. Sadly, it's a part of life. I don't think any less of people when they have been or even currently are in positions like that. I agree that the job is below Harlow, just like I think that kind of job is below everyone. But I also think people like that (including Harlow) are amazing, not only in spite of but even because of their commitment to their own future, even at a huge cost to themselves in the process.

Just my own 2¢ / 2p.

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017

Forever and for Always

In your arms
I can still feel the way you want me
When you hold me
I can still hear the words you whispered
When you told me
I can stay right here forever in your arms


Mmmm, baby
In your heart
I can still hear a beat for every time you kiss me
And when we're apart
I know how much you miss me
I can feel your love for me in your heart


'Cause I'm keeping you
Forever and for always
We will be together all of our days
Wanna wake up every morning
To your sweet face, always​


Feb 21, 2020
Please DEV, i like this game but why so many options every 1 minute (its just confusing) calm down on the options ! i wanna engage in the story not keep answering question ever 3 renders, I just cant see the point in it, in 30 seconds ive 3 x 3 options ! Could cut Half the options out "Be a Good Guy or Villain" etc etc JUST LET STORY FLOW !!!!!!!!! Not for me

Understand for all times are hard .... But the dev's are just "Milking" when they should have so MUCH "times on their Hands" YOUR IN LOCKDOWN! there is no excuse! DEVS and too Patroens etc (im busy) WE IN LOCK DOWN! to all Patrons Salute
Last edited:


Engaged Member
May 9, 2018
But I feel like I have to say something just to give some perspective from the dev for anybody who might care.

The first is that I know where Harlow's story is going. <snip> But I'm the only person who actually knows Harlow. I know her backstory. I know what makes her tick. I know her complete personality. <snip> I know how her story is going to play out. I know how everything comes together. <snip> And I'm the only person who knows this. Nobody else does.<snip>
This is something that can't be stated enough and everybody seems to forget all the time. But it's a double edged sword. Of course from the dev's side this a good thing and keeps people interested, but the flip side is we all form our own suspicions, hopes and fears based on who we are and we like and dislike. I love Harlow, she's probably my favourite of all the girls, but admittedly I'm concerned about something because it's hinted at something I don't like and in my opinion is over used and overplayed and exists in what feels like 99.9% of these games. I have no idea where the dev is going to take her but have my hope and fears.

I know I get a lot of support and I've read enough comments that say they've enjoyed the game. I'm not quitting and I want to finish this story, if only for myself. I enjoy releasing the game to Patrons because they're eagerly awaiting it. But I dread the moment it gets leaked here because the negativity feels a lot more vocal than the support. With every update, I'm just waiting for the negativity and complaints. It's clockwork.
From what I've seen so far I have no reason not to trust VenusWaltz but at the same time I live by a trust nobody motto. Only time will tell. And VenusWaltz if any my comments have fallen into those negative ones you mentioned, I apologise for that. You are doing a fantastic job with it.

It is also human nature that we tend to focus on the negative rather than the positive, so I can understand why the negative might seem more vocal. Honestly the game is fantastic. The fact there have been so many comments regarding Harlow show that people are invested in her and care about her. If they didn't they wouldn't say anything. Every one of the girls is unique and their different personality shines though. I hate Vanessa's bitchiness, and would have turned her down at the first meeting given the chance, but now I'm really intrigued by her and want to know her story.

The writing, the pacing, the visuals are all good and I'm looking forward to more of the same.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
Understand for all times are hard .... But the dev's are just "Milking" when they should have so MUCH "times on their Hands" YOUR IN LOCKDOWN! there is no excuse! DEVS and too Patroens etc (im busy) WE IN LOCK DOWN! to all Patrons Salute
Forgot to take your medicine?
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Engaged Member
May 9, 2018
Understand for all times are hard .... But the dev's are just "Milking" when they should have so MUCH "times on their Hands" YOUR IN LOCKDOWN! there is no excuse! DEVS and too Patroens etc (im busy) WE IN LOCK DOWN! to all Patrons Salute
Last edited:
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GFX Designer
Aug 16, 2020
Please DEV, i like this game but why so many options every 1 minute (its just confusing) calm down on the options ! i wanna engage in the story not keep answering question ever 3 renders, I just cant see the point in it, in 30 seconds ive 3 x 3 options ! Could cut Half the options out "Be a Good Guy or Villain" etc etc JUST LET STORY FLOW !!!!!!!!! Not for me
May I give you one urgent advice?
At least try getting the hang of this games' concept before posting such a misleading and stupid statement plus a crappy review based on your own misunderstanding.
Instead of showing your lack of abilities in research and appropriate social behaviour with your absurd comments even following, you should read the many hints in this thread about these "choices" you failed to understand or
just keep calm and let those enjoy this game who are apparently able to get the hang of it!

There are enough games on this site for limited people like you :rolleyes:
In other words: go away and spam other threads with your shit :poop:!


Jul 25, 2020
hello i have probleems to install the multi mod .
must i install the scripts file inside the game file or outside
thanks in advance


GFX Designer
Aug 16, 2020
And @VenusWaltz if any my comments have fallen into those negative ones you mentioned, I apologise for that. You are doing a fantastic job with it.
Couldn't have said it better, so I double that apology, VenusWaltz!

I've liked this game since its very start here and even with some issues I may have with it from time to time,
I still think your "A Man for All" is in the Top10 of all VNs listed and presented here on F95!
In so many regards it's better than most of the other "games" I've played so far - and that was quite a lot.

Keep your flow to the story and your depth to the characters - and I will try to be more patient and less critical :)...
Thank you for your hard work and efforts in creating something special!


Devoted Member
Nov 20, 2018
VNs are not art, I´m afraid. You are talking about art. You can´t compare VNs (or videogames in general) with artistic films or literature. Videogames, so far, are entertainment. Maybe in the future will be made the "Citizen Kane" of videogames, and videogames will be considered art. But it´s not the case so far. And the definition of "entertainment" is escapism of reality.

Anyway, it´s laughable to think that this VN (or any other VN) can be "instructive", used to "show criticism of real life", "suggest potential for future", etc. I don´t think even the dev has ever thought about his game in those terms.

And yes, a villain of a game can be an unpleasant character (although the best villain has some kind of attractive and generate both repulsion and attraction. Think about Dracula, for example), but, if the players can´t stand the MC of a VN and/or the Lis... the VN is a disaster. It´s not that players can´t stand the characters of this game (I think), but truth is that there are 26 pages of comments here, and I would say that about half of that are people that complain about the characters. And think that most of the people doesn´t bother in even leave a comment if they give a try to a VN and doesn´t like it. They just delete de game from their HDs and forget about it. Maybe that´s the reason there is ONLY 26 pages of comments after 5 updates of this game.
You have an excessively narrow view of art. No wonder you're so unhappy with much of it when you encounter it. Perhaps you should be more openminded to experience more enjoyment from what's created. You also seem to think that approval by the masses constitutes what is high quality. History has shown that to be far from true, but I'll let you sift through content from different times and places to get more life experience. Ofc, I'm betting you'll just say I'm wrong, assume you're right, and move on. It's your call, but you're missing out on a lot the world has to offer.


Dec 4, 2020
having played to chapter 5 it seems the MC is an idiot, hes chasing round after half a doz georgous girls and there all playing him for their own end and not giving anything away. they just tease him with maybe something in the future.
not having a go, cause thats been my real life. the good guy goes home alone every night.


Engaged Member
Dec 9, 2017
Enjoyed this update alot

Seems things are getting alot more intense

3 main antagonist to look out for

But the king wont back down from a fight :cool:


Devoted Member
Nov 20, 2018
having played to chapter 5 it seems the MC is an idiot, hes chasing round after half a doz georgous girls and there all playing him for their own end and not giving anything away. they just tease him with maybe something in the future.
not having a go, cause thats been my real life. the good guy goes home alone every night.
If the MC has never had sex with any of the women, you've chosen very poorly.
4.20 star(s) 96 Votes