
Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
Just catching up on chapter 4 and 5 and i really liked both chapters, one thing i like about this game is that every girl arc is really different, you never get bored of the same setting and you have a really good contrast between all the girls, it's never boring. The size of the updates are also really good, it's not your usual 10 minutes update that some games go for.

About Harlow, the way i see her character is that she never exprienced anything physical or at least not much (i might be very wrong here), she knows how everything works biologically but she never experienced it, so she's curious, trying to find ways to learn more about it and at the same time experience it herself, so i'am ok with everything so far, would i like if she became a stripper? probably not... (i don't think she'll) would i drop her path? probably not, but we'll see.

Vanessa is my kind of character, i know her character archetype takes more time to develop so i'am willing to go for the ride.

Marissa, is an interesting character aswell (she's the hotest model to me), usually i stay away from characters like her (i mean it, i really stay away) because they are too slutty, but nothing so far gave me that impression. I'am a little worried about the rich dude because you know where it usually leads, but i also know that tension is needed to make a good story and so far the dev haven't done anything that makes me doubt his intentions (and it doesn't make sense overall) so i'll keep trusting him and i'am onboard for the ride also.

I'am a bit on the fence with the new girl (student), i'll give her a couple updates before i form an opinion about her, but she's a bit shady (first impressions).

The other girls are more straight forward, so i'am more interested in their past/backstory and relationship development.

The dance contest was fucking funny, not sure if it's because i'am awake for almost 30 hours but i laughed alot, especially on the comments about the "armor".
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Active Member
Aug 28, 2020
VNs are not art, I´m afraid. You are talking about art. You can´t compare VNs (or videogames in general) with artistic films or literature. Videogames, so far, are entertainment. Maybe in the future will be made the "Citizen Kane" of videogames, and videogames will be considered art. But it´s not the case so far. And the definition of "entertainment" is escapism of reality.

Anyway, it´s laughable to think that this VN (or any other VN) can be "instructive", used to "show criticism of real life", "suggest potential for future", etc. I don´t think even the dev has ever thought about his game in those terms.

And yes, a villain of a game can be an unpleasant character (although the best villain has some kind of attractive and generate both repulsion and attraction. Think about Dracula, for example), but, if the players can´t stand the MC of a VN and/or the Lis... the VN is a disaster. It´s not that players can´t stand the characters of this game (I think), but truth is that there are 26 pages of comments here, and I would say that about half of that are people that complain about the characters. And think that most of the people doesn´t bother in even leave a comment if they give a try to a VN and doesn´t like it. They just delete de game from their HDs and forget about it. Maybe that´s the reason there is ONLY 26 pages of comments after 5 updates of this game.
friend, i've been following your comment threads and you had me interested.... until now. you are clearly intelligent and have put a lot of thought in you comments. whether English is natural or not you made interesting and compelling statements. but here you have reveal you 'naivety', this IS ART. Many video games are ART. ART can be thought provoking, emotional, exciting, it elicits raw reactions. ART is Entertaining. and 'instructive'??, well if you learn Nothing from ART then you failed to experience it. because You cannot 'relate' to the characters does Not make them shallow or unrealistic, it simply means, You can not relate.
(my guess; you are in you mid 20's working on you masters degree, come from an upper-class family and feel you are cultured and well rounded. and i mean this with No disrespect. you simply have over looked the Vast differences people experience)


Game Developer
Nov 1, 2020
Hey, everybody. I've been reading through all of the comments. I'm listening and taking everything into consideration like I always do.

First off, I just wanna say thanks for keeping everything civil. You can feel one way or another about something and you can discuss it. You can disagree on things. Just try not to attack anybody personally, one way or the other. I enjoy reading all of the feedback but I don't like having to sort through personal attacks. I can't actually police that. It's just a personal request you're free to ignore.

For those of you who like the game, thanks. You're enjoying the journey so far and you want to see where it goes. That means a lot to me to have that kind of trust. I can't promise you that you'll enjoy where you're going and where things end up but I'm really trying not to let you down. I know it's tough to put trust in someone to not screw something up. That's just what trust is. If you like what you see now, I'll try to give you even more of that. No guarantees but I'm trying sincerely. You'll always get the best from me because it really does mean a lot to me to get your trust and I can't say that enough.

For those of you who don't like the game, thanks for giving it a try. I know your time is valuable. Trudging through a game from an amateur dev and not finding anything redeeming in it is tough. It feels like a giant waste of time. Or maybe you were hoping to find something new to play only to be let down. It wasn't intentional on my part. I appreciate your feedback and I'm always trying to improve. If you don't like what you see so far and decide you don't want to continue on the journey, you don't have to explain it to me or anybody else. If you think the game sucks, then it sucks. That's fair. Thanks again for just giving it a chance.

I'd like to leave the recent discussion at that.

I'll be around, so feel free to give me suggestions or ask me questions on other things if you want. Thanks for playing.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Apr 10, 2020
Trudging through a game from an amateur dev and not finding anything redeeming in it is tough.
Armature or not you and everyone else deserve a chance. The biggest problem is grant you understand one persons story etc. etc. but this I supposed to be about character build up not just for Harlow but also the mc. I have been writing for years and what I and everyone else are seeing is a character being torn down what was once interesting is becoming unlikable.

Let me tell you about one person I did a bio for at the request of his family. He was a old man he had been through Vietnam he did things most not understanding the situation would have made him into a monster. I continued to go to his house daily for a few weeks. Before I was done like you and Harlow I knew his story I knew his life I knew things he had done that would make your stomach churn. These are things he didn't do because he wanted to they where things he did or risk being killed if he didn't. I wrote his story I could have outright wrote it as told but I knew better. I tweak here and tweaked there I turned what you would call monstrous acts he had not choice but to do into heroic acts because if he didn't do them people would have died. after a few months I was done and I handed the manuscript to his son. the next day he came to me crying. he knew things his father had done but instead of turning his story as told out I made his action those of a hero because in reality that's what he was. he died not long after and his family now has a loving and long lasting memory of a hero not a monster. .

As I understand I know you have your idea and know Harlow better but these people don't know and what they see is someone they love turning into the monster they would hate. sometimes you just have to look around and think how am I really portraying her look at the comments and realize your turning her into something you maybe should not turn her into. because once you do you create that memory and you cant take it back.
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Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
She never ever give you any satisfaction ..
She is not a good person and lacks any people skills.
So is it just me or when you can get a choice to go in for a kiss with vanessa after the dance she always stops you
Good thing the guys in the fund raiser gala are all up to give MC a lotta advice,
seeing who he hangs with to get ahead, MC needs all the advice he can get.

Golden Trump

Jul 8, 2021
Can't you just say YES or NO . Its like asking for a solution to a single math problem from teacher but he starts lecturing about the whole chapter.

As for the answer i think she ain't giving you a kiss but later on will send a photo of her to MC

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
They did not go there 4 the crap service now, did they?
Also .. the drinks were from the opposing party, so all is good if it was plastik.


Oct 21, 2020
Which version? Depending on where you saved in a previous version, you might not have the new code from an updated version. You might have to roll back farther in your save, so that when you play through in a new version, it updates to the new code. Sorry, I try to test as many saves and versions as I can but sometimes I miss stuff.
I have the same problem and this is the first time I have played. I played straight through from Eps 1-4, but after the Ep. 4 review it went back to the main screen. I've tried a few things but always end up back in the same situation. I am attaching my persistent file. Hope that helps.

Great game by the way! I guess I may be a bit more perverted than some here but I'm really looking forward to seeing Harlow and Marisa get it on.


Oct 21, 2020
I have the same problem and this is the first time I have played. I played straight through from Eps 1-4, but after the Ep. 4 review it went back to the main screen. I've tried a few things but always end up back in the same situation. I am attaching my persistent file. Hope that helps.

Great game by the way! I guess I may be a bit more perverted than some here but I'm really looking forward to seeing Harlow and Marisa get it on.
OK I worked it out - don't know how I missed it - I was using the WT mod for Ep. 4. Hopefully this may help Jack'son as well.


Apr 2, 2020
AMFA is such a good VN... originally played it when Episode 2 came out, and its really developped into a class act. The presentation is really good, the dialogues are quality, and the choices are entertaining and witty. Nice work... keep it up!
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2020
I wish I knew. I go off their responses, but I wish there was a guide to what works when and with who...
Yea, I go off their responses too. With Vanessa, it seems knight is the right choice. Erika, I'm choosing joker and sometimes I flirt. Harlow, I guess flirt is a good choice, but yea, it would be good to see if there is a right way to approach each one.
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4.20 star(s) 96 Votes