apart from wrong past tenses "i didn't told" etc. there hasnt been many bad engrish examples, no?
Just on one set of scenes, the news report playing on the convenience store TV, during the scene I mentioned in my post, where the MC goes for bandages for dad and just completely forgets about that, there are several lines that are not how a native English speaker would talk. Below are just a few examples...
"Could any of you want to tell us..." which should be either "Could any of you tell us..." or "Would any of you want to tell us..."
"It turns out that Magic Grand actually bought the property of the building." which should be "It turns out that Magic Grand bought the building." or "bought the property" Do not need the "actually" but that is not the real issue, do not need both "building" and "property", that was being redundant. While native English speakers are at times redundant in their speech, they rarely are that jarring with it. Then just a few sentences later, that same "bought the property of the building." is parroted back by the interviewer.
"Violence and things were not necessary to execute." That sentence is both bad syntax and a contextual leap, they don't explain anything about violence prior to this and the reporter doesn't follow up on it, they just then jump to stuff about "hookers".
"It is also said that Magic Grand provided the girls for them to agree to move out." That sentence makes zero sense. Maybe they are trying to say "They sent hookers as a bribe to get the owners to move out." If that is the case, word it like that but that also does not jibe with the idea they used "violence".
"All words are considered, thank you for your time." Another sentence that would never be used by a native English speaker. "Thank you for taking time to speak with us." would work in this case.
Those are from just one scene, there are lines like that throughout every dialogue scene. It isn't the worst Engrish I have seen in games, not by a long shot but it is enough that it breaks immersion.