That is interesting, the story moved more now that you mentioned it but still, i think that these are some things that we expected (Malcolm and Sylvia it was very clear i think):
-Finally someone noticed the mc having that headaches, i initially thought about some dark things like concussions or even being fatal too (i think that it will have some importance to have some scenes with Nicole) but i do not think so, it is too much for this story, imagine an ending in the love path in which the mc dies and Nicole is devastated, the patrons will eat Orb alive, better to not give him ideas X) (it will be very underwhelming).
-The love scenes are so good but i still think that they are very little well used, that final one was great to have some lenghty and interesting talks with Nicole about some important things, she trust and loves us too much, it was the perfect moment.
-I disagree about the realization that Nicole have feelings for us in this update, i think that happened after the lovely date in Little Pond, she was even missing us so much that she was extremely sad.
-Beeman is in his "place" so i asume that in the place that he was with the sister or the place where he killed his brother, you are right about the intruder (same hair and eyes) and about Abby, i think that these are leftovers of the night that we spent with her or another person, but it is very unlikely because there is not anyone that appeared in the story that could be linked right now unless is some friend of hers but i think that another character in this particular situation will be odd.
.Still thinking about what Vicky said, "a long ago betrayal by us", that left me curious.