
New Member
May 2, 2019
2 years just to get cucked, omg. Ik she's nothing with us and she still has a husband but common. The villain fucked our love interest when she didn't wanted. I usually avoid to read these kind of plot when reading adult stuff. Idk what to say.
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Dec 6, 2018
Ohhh I glad you mentioned this and I love that little detail!:love: You're talking about how Nicole hesitated to shower with MC (Us) and we're holding out our hand, waiting for her to take it. First she hesitates and looks at it but eventually she grabs our hand and joins us. I LOVE THAT!:love::love: And I agree, I hope we get another scene like that in Part 13 and in future updates. Also thank you for understanding and relating with my shower comment. Hehehee.:LOL:

As for deal 18, I did playthrough it using the "Replay Gallery" and I got to say there could've been a way for us, who are in the "love path", to have that sex scene too. But I'll discuss if you want me to or if you have played it yourself. But please let me know. I also agee on, I hope we get a couple of sex scenes and maybe even a mini date with Nicole again in Part 13.

I'm really glad that dev Orb also confirmed and reassured that there will be no incest in "A Mother's Love". I'm a little fan of the incest theme in games but it really depends on how it plays to the story. And I agree that it will hurt the story if we found out that Nicole turns out to be our real mom. Since we already established that MC (Us) plans to marry Nicole when our mission is complete. So I'm really happy that dev Orb said that there will be no incest in "A Mother's Love.

Someon did share a theory here, I forgot again the peson who made it (feel free to comment on who is the person who made this theory) but that theory suggests that our parents in the game are not our real birth parents. Our real birth mom is MC's (Our) Aunt which our "parents" visited when we had our first date with Nicole and the first time she wanted to have sex with us.

I have no theory on the whole Vicky situation. When she said the line "..... betrayal" I was very surprised. Did we do something to her in the past? This just raises more questions. Perhaps showing her the video that we took from John's computer might give us some answers.
I always thought that the parents are not the real parents, i actually read that theory, but i read a theory that said the contrary so it can be possible that they are real parents too, 100% sure that the blue folder holds the answer in this case. The Vicky thing is the biggest mistery right now for me because (in my route) i helped her with the sister and to not get her fired, so imagine my confusion, i need answers in the next update X). I do not use the gallery because that scenes do not happened during my game so my brain thinks that these scenes do not exist and even when i watch them i do not feel nothing, it bores me even, but i watched the "deal" 18 and yes, objectively it is good, if you want to talk about it please be my guest, basically i am paying the PLUS version to not use the gallery, my mind works in very strange ways X).
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Apr 11, 2023
I always thought that the parents are not the real parents, i actually read that theory, but i read a theory that said the contrary so it can be possible that they are real parents too, 100% sure that the blue folder holds the answer in this case. The Vicky thing is the biggest mistery right now for me because (in my route) i helped her with the sister and to not get her fired, so imagine my confusion, i need answers in the next update X). I do not use the gallery because that scenes do not happened during my game so my brain thinks that these scenes do not exist and even when i watch them i do not feel nothing, it bores me even, but i watched the "deal" 18 and yes, objectively it is good, if you want to talk about it please be my guest, basically i am paying the PLUS version to not use the gallery, my mind works in very strange ways X).
Yeah, I really hope we find out what that blue folder contains. About Vicky, I have to start from the very beginning since I can't recall if I snitched or didn't snitch Vicky when she was trying to blackmail or tell John that we're bothering her. Hopefully we'll get answers when Part 13 releases. I am playing the "PLUS version" as well and the "Replay Gallery" is fun (especially for some private time for me (Hehehe) if I want to relive or experience new or the sex scenes I've encountered again) but we all have our personal preferences. Besides I'll be reliving those sex scenes and moments since I'll be starting the game from the very beginnning again.

About deal 18 there could've been a way for the people who are in the love path (I'm in this path) to unlock that sex scene. Since the trigger of that sex scene is when MC (Us) plays with Nicole's breast which will cause Nicole to wake up from her sleep and scold us and eventually leading to deal 18. Here's how I imagine on how to unlock deal 18 for the people who are in the love path. Instead of playing Nicole's breast, we kiss them instead and after kissing them a few times which leads to Nicole waking up, scolds on us and says some "cheesy" dialogue like, "Instead of kissing my girls (boobs) why not kiss me on the mouth?" After that sudden dialogue Nicole kisses MC (Us) which will lead to a heavy make out session and eventually lead to sex (deal 18).

Just out of curiousity and this just came at the top of my head. Did MC (Us) lose his virginity to Nicole? Since we don't use condoms everytime we have sex or make love to her. What do you think (anyone can share their thoughts about this)? Because even before we started to have feelings for Nicole and if we're still in a relationship with Chloe; MC (Us) uses condoms when we have sex with Chloe. If we broke up with her or if we're in the "Chloe is Strange path" she loses her virginity to Beeman (since I remember a piece of dialogue where Beeman said to Chloe that he'll be taking her virginity since they didn't use a condom).
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Dec 6, 2018
Yeah, I really hope we find out what that blue folder contains. About Vicky, I have to start from the very beginning since I can't recall if I snitched or didn't snitch Vicky when she was trying to blackmail or tell John that we're bothering her. Hopefully we'll get answers when Part 13 releases. I am playing the "PLUS version" as well and the "Replay Gallery" is fun (especially for some private time for me (Hehehe) if I want to relive or experience new or the sex scenes I've encountered again) but we all have our personal preferences. Besides I'll be reliving those sex scenes and moments since I'll be starting the game from the very beginnning again.

About deal 18 there could've been a way for the people who are in the love path (I'm in this path) to unlock that sex scene. Since the trigger of that sex scene is when MC (Us) plays with Nicole's breast which will cause Nicole to wake up from her sleep and scold us and eventually leading to deal 18. Here's how I imagine on how to unlock deal 18 for the people who are in the love path. Instead of playing Nicole's breast, we kiss them instead and after kissing them a few times which leads to Nicole waking up, scolds on us and says some "cheesy" dialogue like, "Instead of kissing my girls (boobs) why not kiss me on the mouth?" After that sudden dialogue Nicole kisses MC (Us) which will lead to a heavy make out session and eventually lead to sex (deal 18).

Just out of curiousity and this just came at the top of my head. Did MC (Us) lose his virginity to Nicole? Since we don't use condoms everytime we have sex or make love to her. What do you think (anyone can share their thoughts about this)? Because even before we started to have feelings for Nicole and if we're still in a relationship with Chloe; MC (Us) uses condoms when we have sex with Chloe. If we broke up with her or if we're in the "Chloe is Strange path" she loses her virginity to Beeman (since I remember a piece of dialogue where Beeman said to Chloe that he'll be taking her virginity since they didn't use a condom).
Yes, that could be a very good way to integrate and have that scene in the love route, the medium corruption one can fit perfectly in the love route, even if we did not have any scene i would have liked at least a long meaningful and lovable conversation in that setting at least, that is why i said that the build up was wasted (I mean, another thing that i want to nitpick is how can be that the mc fell asleep after seeing Nicole with her lingerie for the first time, i would have do even backflips in the bed to keep myself awake X) but if that is the devs choice, then it is what it is).
The virginity thing, i do not know in another route but in my caso, the mc did it previously with Chloe at the start of the game (and the only time), so by that logic i think that they did it before starting the game, it would be strange time to do your first time just minutes before meeting her parents ( and at the same time the future love of the mc, that meeting was a blessing for the mc and for us too).
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Apr 11, 2023
Yes, that could be a very good way to integrate and have that scene in the love route, the medium corruption one can fit perfectly in the love route, even if we did not have any scene i would have liked at least a long meaningful and lovable conversation in that setting at least, that is why i said that the build up was wasted (I mean, another thing that i want to nitpick is how can be that the mc fell asleep after seeing Nicole with her lingerie for the first time, i would have do even backflips in the bed to keep myself awake X) but if that is the devs choice, then it is what it is).
The virginity thing, i do not know in another route but in my caso, the mc did it previously with Chloe at the start of the game (and the only time), so by that logic i think that they did it before starting the game, it would be strange time to do your first time just minutes before meeting her parents ( and at the same time the future love of the mc, that meeting was a blessing for the mc and for us too).
I guess, it's part of MC's (Our) character development too. Seeing the love of his life (Nicole) dressed in the most sexiest fashion (which is just the tip of the iceberg), does nothing to initiate sex and just cuddles and sleeps with her is part of his character growth. But it sort of contradicts itself when you play deal 18. If you play deal 18 through the normal or "Replay Gallery", once you stop eating/sucking on her right boob/girl MC will ask Nicole truthfully on why she put on a black lingerie night gown and ask if she was trying to seduce us so we can initiate to have sex with her; which she caves in and says yes and starts to kiss MC (Us).

As for the virginity thing, I think you'r talking about the "Prologue" sex scene with Chloe. As I recall MC (Us) doesn't like to use condoms but Chloe heavily encourages it to which MC will follow and puts on a condom. Ok so let's assume they performed a lot of sex before we officially meet John but according to what was shown in the Prologue we can only assume that both Chloe and MC (Us) have always used condoms when we have sex. MC (Us) and Nicole don't. I know I'm making a big deal out of this but I just got curious on what Beeman said to Chloe about "taking her virginity" because he wasn't using a condom in the "Chloe is not my GF and "Chloe is Strange path" when the first time they had sex in the classroom. Because I Googled and losing your virginity means you're having sex for the first time regardless if you're using a condom.

And your last comment about the "day: prologue" when we see Chloe's dress and try to sneak out. That was a right time and right place moment. Since that was the night that MC (Us) fell in love with Nicole. Also where MC (Us) and Nicole were jerking and cummed at the same time was great foreshadowing. All of the sex scenes that MC (Us) has with Nicole they end up cumming at the same time.

Another topic: I just notice dev Orb added Marilyn in the "Replay Gallery" last time it was just Nicole and Chloe.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2017
I think I just cant anymore with this game. I play this stuff for fun and Silva just kills me, I feel so bad for her. And now with the MC knowing everything he does essentially forcing her to continue being abused I think thats it for me. The last scene with her and scumbag was the breaking point, if the MC actually cared about anything but himself he wouldnt let her continue to do that, he is irredeemable imo and I just dont want to watch anymore of it.


Dec 6, 2018
I guess, it's part of MC's (Our) character development too. Seeing the love of his life (Nicole) dressed in the most sexiest fashion (which is just the tip of the iceberg), does nothing to initiate sex and just cuddles and sleeps with her is part of his character growth. But it sort of contradicts itself when you play deal 18. If you play deal 18 through the normal or "Replay Gallery", once you stop eating/sucking on her right boob/girl MC will ask Nicole truthfully on why she put on a black lingerie night gown and ask if she was trying to seduce us so we can initiate to have sex with her; which she caves in and says yes and starts to kiss MC (Us).

As for the virginity thing, I think you'r talking about the "Prologue" sex scene with Chloe. As I recall MC (Us) doesn't like to use condoms but Chloe heavily encourages it to which MC will follow and puts on a condom. Ok so let's assume they performed a lot of sex before we officially meet John but according to what was shown in the Prologue we can only assume that both Chloe and MC (Us) have always used condoms when we have sex. MC (Us) and Nicole don't. I know I'm making a big deal out of this but I just got curious on what Beeman said to Chloe about "taking her virginity" because he wasn't using a condom in the "Chloe is not my GF and "Chloe is Strange path" when the first time they had sex in the classroom. Because I Googled and losing your virginity means you're having sex for the first time regardless if you're using a condom.

And your last comment about the "day: prologue" when we see Chloe's dress and try to sneak out. That was a right time and right place moment. Since that was the night that MC (Us) fell in love with Nicole. Also where MC (Us) and Nicole were jerking and cummed at the same time was great foreshadowing. All of the sex scenes that MC (Us) has with Nicole they end up cumming at the same time.

Another topic: I just notice dev Orb added Marilyn in the "Replay Gallery" last time it was just Nicole and Chloe.
Well, the mc grows (can be done in a lot of better and different ways i must add) but like you said, the build up contradicts itself with the final scene, the more i know about "deal" 18 the more i still think that the scene in the love route is very underwhelming, but hoping to have some content in the next update to make up for this like we said. The virginity thing (Beeman and Chloe route does not exist for me X) ), many people can have different considerations about this, but to me, it is your first sexual experience with someone, in the game probably it is Chloe or maybe not, the mc may had another ex, but i think that it is not Nicole if that is what you asking.
I do not agree here, i still think that during the first parts the mc only used Nicole for sex, no feelings until the end of part 2 and the start of part 3 when he realises that he was starting to feel something for her and this is the inflection point of the game, still seeing Nicole only as someone to just use for your pleasure or something more than just sex (this is why when Nicole decides to just end the relation with you at part 3 i think, the scene and the grief of the mc is shown more if you are in the love path, because it is when the mc and you as a player realises that he had developed strong feelings for her) . And thanks for telling me, i did not know about Marilyn, that is great and i got all of her scenes in my game, hoping to see more of her in the next update (i love she-devil characters like her in fiction, not so much in real life X) ).
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Jul 5, 2018
Having fun with an AI interpolation tool, I made a couple of videos from animations. If
View attachment 3104314
I stop being a lazy ass I'll make more.
View attachment 3104313
That's pretty clever, why not share this knowledge with Orb?

The more animations the better and since he only does loops this will fit the style of his game.

Considering AI can spit this out in no time, I am sure it will also save him time each update.
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Active Member
Aug 13, 2020
I think I just cant anymore with this game. I play this stuff for fun and Silva just kills me, I feel so bad for her. And now with the MC knowing everything he does essentially forcing her to continue being abused I think thats it for me. The last scene with her and scumbag was the breaking point, if the MC actually cared about anything but himself he wouldnt let her continue to do that, he is irredeemable imo and I just dont want to watch anymore of it.
Chloe's dad is a wolf in sheepskin, but the MC is a bigger wolf in sheepskin, that the reason Chloe's dad likes him imo. But I don't think he is to bad, he just like most rich people, money makes power, Silvia maybe doesn't llike how he treats her, but those other women seem not to mind, so much so far i played. But the only guy I hate is Mr. Beeman, I did cheat a bit to see the NTR scenes, then role back to have back the normal chloe gf path, but god I don't know what Chloe sees in Mr Beeman, he is fat, hairy, fugly and a drunkard, he is the biggest loser in the VN, even his dick is not big, just a fat tree stump.
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Apr 11, 2023
Well, the mc grows (can be done in a lot of better and different ways i must add) but like you said, the build up contradicts itself with the final scene, the more i know about "deal" 18 the more i still think that the scene in the love route is very underwhelming, but hoping to have some content in the next update to make up for this like we said. The virginity thing (Beeman and Chloe route does not exist for me X) ), many people can have different considerations about this, but to me, it is your first sexual experience with someone, in the game probably it is Chloe or maybe not, the mc may had another ex, but i think that it is not Nicole if that is what you asking.
I do not agree here, i still think that during the first parts the mc only used Nicole for sex, no feelings until the end of part 2 and the start of part 3 when he realises that he was starting to feel something for her and this is the inflection point of the game, still seeing Nicole only as someone to just use for your pleasure or something more than just sex (this is why when Nicole decides to just end the relation with you at part 3 i think, the scene and the grief of the mc is shown more if you are in the love path, because it is when the mc and you as a player realises that he had developed strong feelings for her) . And thanks for telling me, i did not know about Marilyn, that is great and i got all of her scenes in my game, hoping to see more of her in the next update (i love she-devil characters like her in fiction, not so much in real life X) ).
We just have to be patient. I'm sure the people who are in the love path, like us, we'll get sex scenes with Nicole in Part 13. Part 12 is somewhat similar to Part 10 in regards to having no sex scenes. Well in Part 12 it matters on "corruption points" but for Part 10 it's a matter of choosing the correct choice and points. My first playthrough of the game, in part 10, I didn't experience the library sex scene with Nicole because I didn't choose the choice to go with our mom to the library and for the second sex scene where we had with Nicole outside in front of her home I didn't experience that too because my "corruption points" were low.

About the virginty, I'm just going to say that both MC (Us) and Chloe are not virgins anymore even way before the prologue or beginning of the game. Because I Google and read that losing your virginity means you're having sex for the first time regardless if you're using a condom.

Interesting point, about you don't agree that MC (Us) didn't start to have feelings for Nicole when we saw pleasuring herself in her bathroom. Well I believe it's somewhat half and half. Half you started to be attracted to her and half that we started to have feeling for her. Maybe we can say that moment, where we saw Nicole jerking to herself, is when MC (Us) started to develop a crush on her and the parts that followed we develop feelings for her. Throughout the story of the game the night where we saw Nicole pleasuring herself it's always referenced and an important mark on MC's (Our) life. I remember where MC (Us) said to Nicole that, when we (MC) saw her in the bathroom, that was one of the moments where he started to have feelings and be attractive to her (I can't remember which part he said this though). Marilyn did bring up that MC is attracted to MILFs one time when they were talking in school.

Having fun with an AI interpolation tool, I made a couple of videos from animations. If
View attachment 3104314
I stop being a lazy ass I'll make more.
View attachment 3104313
I almost couldn't tell the difference but after watching it a few more times. This is a lot smoother, comparing it to the actual sex scene.
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Active Member
Aug 13, 2020
Hm the longer I play, something start bothering me, even though MC is in love with Nicole and in love with Chloe, and beside a few times he said he loves them, there barely much emotion in the relations, it feel somewhat unnaturel, I never called my loved ones in every sentence i speak them with their name, I gave them cute nicknames and showed more passion to them. But in this VN it feels like robots talking to eachother with forced show of love. Also MC parents questioning Chloe is weird, she doesn't cheat on MC but they act as if she is some kniving two faced slut, not good enough for their son. As much I like this VN and the story is awesome, the passion and emotion feels lost, there is little naturel human behaviour in the sentences.


Dec 6, 2018
We just have to be patient. I'm sure the people who are in the love path, like us, we'll get sex scenes with Nicole in Part 13. Part 12 is somewhat similar to Part 10 in regards to having no sex scenes. Well in Part 12 it matters on "corruption points" but for Part 10 it's a matter of choosing the correct choice and points. My first playthrough of the game, in part 10, I didn't experience the library sex scene with Nicole because I didn't choose the choice to go with our mom to the library and for the second sex scene where we had with Nicole outside in front of her home I didn't experience that too because my "corruption points" were low.

About the virginty, I'm just going to say that both MC (Us) and Chloe are not virgins anymore even way before the prologue or beginning of the game. Because I Google and read that losing your virginity means you're having sex for the first time regardless if you're using a condom.

Interesting point, about you don't agree that MC (Us) didn't start to have feelings for Nicole when we saw pleasuring herself in her bathroom. Well I believe it's somewhat half and half. Half you started to be attracted to her and half that we started to have feeling for her. Maybe we can say that moment, where we saw Nicole jerking to herself, is when MC (Us) started to develop a crush on her and the parts that followed we develop feelings for her. Throughout the story of the game the night where we saw Nicole pleasuring herself it's always referenced and an important mark on MC's (Our) life. I remember where MC (Us) said to Nicole that, when we (MC) saw her in the bathroom, that was one of the moments where he started to have feelings and be attractive to her (I can't remember which part he said this though). Marilyn did bring up that MC is attracted to MILFs one time when they were talking in school.
Oh, the library scene was so great in term of scenes and the dialogue, i love it too, at least you can get a scene and the story in part 10 was interesting, with that dinner scene in the ending, it was worth it skipping the sexual scene, at least in my opinion. And yes, watching Nicole in that moment in her privacy was key too to the mc, it was the moment that he took the advantage of her at the start of the game.

Having fun with an AI interpolation tool, I made a couple of videos from animations. If
View attachment 3104314
I stop being a lazy ass I'll make more.
View attachment 3104313
I am intrigued to see more longer scenes with this tool but they look great
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Dec 6, 2018
Hm the longer I play, something start bothering me, even though MC is in love with Nicole and in love with Chloe, and beside a few times he said he loves them, there barely much emotion in the relations, it feel somewhat unnaturel, I never called my loved ones in every sentence i speak them with their name, I gave them cute nicknames and showed more passion to them. But in this VN it feels like robots talking to eachother with forced show of love. Also MC parents questioning Chloe is weird, she doesn't cheat on MC but they act as if she is some kniving two faced slut, not good enough for their son. As much I like this VN and the story is awesome, the passion and emotion feels lost, there is little naturel human behaviour in the sentences.
Yes, the game in the first parts are good in scenes and story but the characters and dialogue are a little bit lacking, but i encourage you to keep playing because in my opinion it gets much better later (at least until this new update which is a mixed bag) depending of the route and the options that you choose.
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