Here are three rendered screenshots from the game.
The update is set to be release on November Twelfth [12th], but for our Patron's, you will have access to the game on November Fifth [5th].
Thank you so much for sharing, Raminita!
I really hope by the time when the new update is released, I can still catch up. So far I'm still in Part 5. Hehehehe
Looks like in Part 12 we're going to get some deep lore. Looking at the first photo, it looks like Vicky still has trust issues against us and we're still trying to convice her to be our ally. As for the second pic, I'm guessing Sylvia will tell us a very sad story and possibly the truth about her and John and Malcolm.
For the third picture, looks like Abigail is recovering from her injuries she sustained in Part 11. I'm assuming she's talking with the MC (Us) through the phone. Perhaps updating us about her current condition.
As for the teaser pics. The first photo, looks like John, as usual, is playing with Sylvia.
As for the second pic, I'm still betting this is the first sex scene we have with Nicole. And I'm guessing this one of those moments where she really wants MC (Us) and we have no idea what's in store for us. I'm assuming the preview pictures that Night Hacker and REGUser shared. Most specifically the last one where Nicole is wearing gray jogging pants are related. And if you look closely at the picture Nicole is wearing stockings. Yay!

So I'm guessing she's covering up those stockings with those jogging pants to surprise MC.
This is how I believe that scene will play out. I have two beginning scenarios:
1. I'm assuming Nicole will perhaps get jealous of us hanging out with Chloe in the first photo that Night Hakcer and REGUser shared. Once we're done hanging out with Chloe, Nicole will bump into MC (Us) and ask us if we can have a chat. MC agrees and we head towards her bedroom.
2. I'm guessing Nicole could've gotten horny from Johns sudden erection from the end pf Part 12. Perhaps she wanted to have a situation where she wants to suprise someone all of a sudden leading to sex. Instead of doing it with John, she wants MC instead. Perhaps this is the moment where she starting to recognize her feelings towards MC (Us). I still doubt this scenario will happen but it's just a theory.
Judging from the third photo that Night Hacker and REGUser shared. Judging from Nicole's body language she wants MC (Us). And from MC's body language we have no idea what's in store for us. Also Nicole's pose as she closes her bedroom door is a very seductive look.
I can't wait to see Nicole again and play Part 12. I just hope I can catch up by the time Part 12 is released.