The magic is in all routes, its just that you not seeing it in loyal or break up paths and you prevent anyone taking advantage of the spell that on Chloe so far in loyal path. I think only a matter of time before it seen in all paths since Chloe seems to be susceptible to commands regardless who they from its only a matter of time before a command will be given that is a give away (Is no surprise the one to exploit first was a creepy teacher that naturally gives command to students rather than asking).Well there you go magic on the NTR route I'm not likely to play that part everything on the non-NTR has seemed pretty normal to me and no magic involved.
Guess what I've still not seen any magic, what even is all this talk of commandsThe magic is in all routes, its just that you not seeing it in loyal or break up paths and you prevent anyone taking advantage of the spell that on Chloe so far in loyal path. I think only a matter of time before it seen in all paths since Chloe seems to be susceptible to commands regardless who they from its only a matter of time before a command will be given that is a give away (Is no surprise the one to exploit first was a creepy teacher that naturally gives command to students rather than asking).
Check my previous post out for the save #2,413please can someone send me a save of the beginnig of part 5?