Gotta say I really love using this mod while playing this game (I usually avoid using mods). It opens up a lot more options to see everything so you don't miss stuff because of having to choose one or the other.
Did run into one small issue though. Since you can only choose between the pool with the girls or going to the gym with Valery, if you choose Valery, you don't have the scene with Jade. But when in the Boutique later when you talk to Jade, it treats it as if you have gone to the pool with the girls even if you didn't go and went to the gym with Valery instead. So Jade talks about all the fun you had at the pool, yet you never went to the pool.
So just an option/suggestion, maybe set it up so you can do both? Go to the gym with Valery and then to the pool with the girls afterwards? Or vice versa. Just so it makes sense later on when interacting with Jade at the Boutique. Not sure if it's an easy thing to do or not, but just a suggestion for continuity purposes.
Otherwise really loving this mod. Being able to see more is so much better.