MP introduced alot of situation together for Ana where any woman on this earth will tear apart.
1. Her father was strict with her.
A little of an understatement. There is "strict" and then there Anna's father
2. David cheated on her atleast that's what she think and no one has any proof for his innocence. She has proof from others that he did cheated on her. Her previous bf wanted hardcore sex advantage of her physically
Now the intel she is getting from others is unfortunate since its all false and misleading and that is one Hell of an obstacle to overcome and something that really isn't Anna's fault. **Now what I find interesting is how Anna has described letting men getting away with things they have done to her. It accounts for a lot based on what has happened so far.
3. Work boss and colleagues where she try to hangout and work hard are trying to take advantage of her weakness...like Hank trying to take advantage of her daddy issues and want to sexually harass her by spanking her and kissing her everyday, Kendra want to know more about her and alcohol obviously.
More bad luck for Anna to be surrounded by such lowlifes. Not Anna's fault for others' behaviors and might even be forgiven for being so naive. However Anna still is aware of right and wrong, and it will be a reoccurring theme.
4. David trying to get back to her without proof and trying to get custody of sophia too.
As stupid as David is, even he has to ponder bad outcome possibilities. The real question which is more damning, Anna's naivety or David's bad judgement of people. At nearly every step David could have made it much more difficult for Kendra to poison his marriage, starting with not even talking to Alexia. Maybe it ought to have occurred to David that Anna wouldn't like him getting friendly with Alexia... there was no game choice to "politely excuse himself and walk away from Alexia"...but there wouldn't have been a game
5. She knows David company doesnt have money, so she need extra money too for taking care of her daughter. David also hide his own company details and always act jealous of wherever she goes or whoever she wanna spend time with.
Defects in David's personality. Even had David told Anna early on, about his company's situation it would still have been a stress on the marriage. The smart move for David would be to try and save the business but update the resume and keep an eye open for another job.
6. Her hormones, sexually dissatisfied all the time. David wanted his sexual BJ fantasy that she hated previously about his own ex bf. So he's also not understanding.
One, David really isn't that good in bed, premature ejaculation--ya! an issue. He couldn't have gone down on Anna first...? True enough somethings people are not into, like BJs. One would think by now David would know what Anna likes and doesn't like.
7. She try to open up in office that she considers as friend and she is opening to David ex Kendra who is throwing her sexually to everyone.
Yes... Kendra going around the office selling out Anna as a slut where she is or isn't, shouldn't have an impact on Anna... listening to Kendra's advice, that's on Anna. But Anna is making herself a useful idiot for Kendra's plans.
I mean in corrupt path, MP introduced all these obstacles in Ana's life where she has no father.
That seriously goes to your first point. Yes, Anna balked and rebelled (with Grant's help) but never too much--we can assume Anna felt safe and protect within her father's influence and now that he's gone and now with Hank playing the daddy card Anna is vulnerable. We don't know much about her mother yet. But she's trying to consult about her problems with her doc
I just wonder if the doctor will give Anna some bad advice that makes things worst...I mean if any girl goes through these 6/7 issues where her future is at stake..where none of her husband friend is there to support her not even his Best Man.
Now if anywhere, anyone can find fault in Anna is her current relationship with Chris {David's best friend}. Anna has to know that any sexual attention from Chris is cause for her to keep Chris at arm's length. No degree of naivety can close that circle that such behaviors is acceptable... so there should not have been those chats/texts or conversations in the beginning--later on in desperation, maybe Anna would foolishly seek out Chris' help... and end up in teh same position she is in now. Where will she open up to?? She will break up...It's not a corrupt path...MP has created a disaster situation for ANA where she can't be herself for fun in her workplace or home or friends. Her boss want to spank and kissing her.
It happens and that's Hank's fault...and Marvin's... and Jake... and Timothy and Dale... It becomes Anna's fault if she gives in because she knows better. But... and it's a big but... Anna is human with all the good, and bad that is human nature. In general women know having sex leads to getting pregnant, and yet still there are a lot of unwanted pregnancies out there-- just saying to make a point.
I mean a normal woman would have done suicide where for money she has to go through sexual harassment on work then hear from husband who went to cheat on her...
or withdraw inwardly not letting anyone get close to her or she will find someone else to love or take care of at least one of her few situations as sexual desire or finance or care for her few problems mentioned above.
The whole hormone thing is a little too much a theme. Yes, it doesn't help but it doesn't make women Slut Monsters... being very sexual, that can be very normal for people, but as you say add up all these stresses and add in anger of David's betrayal and now Anna comparing his short comings to those around her ..that MP created for Ana and that's what she is searching for......I am surprised she survived 2 weeks without getting fucked or suicide. And here as a gamer people judge her as slut lol. Man it's sad life for Ana in corrupt path. I mean none of the women life/situation will be so complicated as Ana that's for sure.
As much as David and Anna are victims to the world around them and other's evil plans, the defects of their marriage are getting exposed. Does pose a good question though... EVEN IF DAVID AND ANNA FIND A WAY BACK would it be better to move on from each other, or go through all the pains of therapy that may or may not resolve their own flaws