You are playing faithful that's why your comment is that way. On corrupt route, Ana doesn't seem to be happy with David hiding and all the doubting he does. So story on corrupt route is totally different.Thanks, that's nice to hear.
As the life goes on, you will notice that it is very hard to cover all the needs in 100%. It's almost impossible. I don't know if such a couple even exist. I guess it is possible, but I think it's really rare.
David do not satisfy Anna emotionally? Where did that come from? When did Anna say that or even think something like that?
It was quite the opposite actually.
In APM Anna seems very happy with David (until fake accusations), and the only thing lacking is sex aspect. Which is a problem that can be solved.
To be honest, it sounds like a typical female blame shifting from your side.
Very illogical one.
I disagree. They fell in love pretty quickly, that was a mutual feeling. Anna was charmed by David as much as he was with her.
This "trapping" thing is big nonsense and simply not true.
And about "child to keep her" - that's not true too. She's the one who pursues bigger family. She wants to have more babies than just one. Do you remember? She is wondering how to convince David to have more babies.
Did you play this game with caution? Have you read all the dialogues?
If you love someone, you don't think in those categories. Humans are not items that you can use as you like and then throw them away if you get bored.
If you think about them as a disposable pleasures, I don't envy you. It is a very sad and empty life. And the saddest part will come when you realize this while being old and lonely.
Loveless? Yes. Sexless? Depends why it's sexless.
Maybe it's funny to write something like this on such a site, but I will pick love any day and night over a sex.
I like sex very much and it is important, but it's just a pleasant activity. When you love someone though, it's just another level.
Level of success and happiness.
PS. Sorry for spamming this long shit here, I will not drag this topic further for your guys sake.![]()
And you had mentioned previously that if a partner dream about someone else when lover is in front of you is known as cheating.....It's not. Unless you act that way it's not. Just an example if a guy is attracted to Scarlett Johansson's body, totally sexual feelings for her beauty.....Not love as person but just physical attraction..They can even say she's hot and come on if Scarlett Johansson throw herself sexually towards anyone who is physically attracted to her, they will do it 99.99% sure. There is 0.1 percent like God kind of person who will not cheat, but humans are not made that way.
And coming back to, whatever we think is not in our control. Just in case or take an example if you have seen porn / any nude actress sex scene or any girl that you find attractive before marriage, and if your lover get nude in front of you for the first time/ lets say honeymoon after marriage....Your expectations of your lover nudity /sex will be totally based on what you have seen previously's natural and even if your lover body is less or more than whatever you saw previously / sex goes better or worse than what you have expected, previous image/scene or whatever we have experienced obviously comes in our mind and that's "expectation".....lover body can be more or less than expectation it's its not cheating at all.....but yea with time when love grows between partners and if you masturbate thinking about some other person is just a "sexual desire thought" like whatever excite you more or works for unless you act on your thoughts and go physically for others, it's not called actual cheating at all.
You can write all bible in here about faithfulness....or define how biblical faithful love should be..but for me if you havent practically acted as per your own thoughts in front of that person with whoever you are attracted to with a motive to fulfil your sexual desire, it's not considered as cheating.
And yea this is porn if you consider this as adult website it's fine, you can classify as whatever word sound peaceful in your mind..But enjoying some other fictional character sex story , with animated or real character, no matter even if you play faithful path route sex scenes will also fall under cheating right by the principle that you defined previously??... because that's not the woman that you might love in real life right, maybe you just like the character or role that they're playing, or situation that they're involved in...similar to what hollywood actresses do R rated movies in different roles....So indirectly it's kinda porn website only with some story in it. But yea I can say it's more like R rated website where there are stories whether it's adult or porn but scenes on this website are definitely R rated/explicit equivalent to porn and everyone in here are aware of that we get to see explicit sex not like adult movie hiding all pvt parts or censoring all pvt parts of doubt in that.
Just saying like if someone like faithful path, they can play faithful path...If someone like corrupt path, they can play corrupt path...In real life we are just enjoying sex game..But defining what action are classified as cheating and what's not after coming on a porn/adult/explicit website is bs's more like whatever floats your boat or whatever makes you that path. Not trying to offend you but just enjoy whatever path you like in the game. Everyone in here has their own fantasies. They are free to play whatever path they like and that only depends on what path MP creates lol...not on us. And moral also depends on people to people..just like politics...whoever like capitalism will bent towards right ...whoever like socialism, they'll go towards left...there is no right or wrong's just whatever principle individual has for their own life, they'll be bend towards those path more and more irrespective of what other people judge...Ana has not cheated yet as per me until she do penetrative sex....Or initiate sexual advance towards others....Submitting to someone else because of situation she's stuck in is also not considered as cheating...just like Chris made her submit towards him by manipulating her in uncertain route. So unless she really do sex with someone where she's willing to do it without a thought of as a revenge on David for her sexual pleasure...thats the time she will cheat. Submitting her to sex is more like taking advantage of her character / nature/situation and thats what Chris is doing.....where extreme cases can be more like blackmail path or making her do in exchange of something valuable to her/rape under alcohol influence when her senses are low etc. should also not fall under cheating situation.
One can say that Ana gave BJ to Chris on Car is act of cheating...Its not...Chris manipulated her and wanted her to give BJ and manipulated her in a way that she will find satisfaction as a revenge on David inside the car because he knows her nature and he knows she is weak now...... Ana wanted her daughter and she wanted Chris to convince David to give his daughter custody to Ana....That's what she wanted and that's what she's stuck in the situation...where she knows Chris nature and she has to give BJ. That's not cheating at all as per me..she's stuck in situation and she's willing to do for her own future life happiness after divorce....not because she want to have sex/relationship with Chris. Offcourse with time spent with Chris, she came closer to him and become more comfortable in these tease acts....but she was not looking for sexual favors from him, she wanted her daughter, she has no one to stand on her side so she has to fight alone against david for divorce right.. and she is comfortable to do those tease act with chris for now where he was being manipulative and trying to take full advantage of her situation.
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