man, i still am amazed at the number of people on here that actually like Chris. he is basically the biggest piece of shit on the planet. i guess those of you that like him and the way he is behaving are probably just like him. and, that's not a good thing. if i was in the situation David is in, there would come a time at some point that either Anna or Chris would make the mistake of leaving their phone for David to find, and since he is wondering why Anna and Chris text so much, at some point he is going to check it out..and then, Chris is a dead man. and Anna will be before a divorce judge and lose custody of her precious Sophie.. her lack of dealing with Chris invading her privacy in the bathroom is definately egging him on to get bolder until he will either rape her, or have David see what's going on. Chris is a cunt. there is not another way to see him. #HOPECHRISGETSTHEJOFFREYBARATHEONENDING..