Maybe you wouldn't like the story as much without Chris...
Some can see a really great story (that is more enjoyable) without Chris being the way he's written.
Some probably don't like the current story, just Anna, and curious to see if there's any hope of a "good" path that isn't complete crap...
In context of this story as is, Chris is a "cliche", "mustache twirling" villain character.
He's a "good" villain character in the sense that he's playing his part well.
And yes, it's a "good" angle to this story; which could be done differently and still be good if not better.
Chris the "perfect" villain? Absolutely not.
Voldemort, Darth Vader, even Palpatine are "perfect" villains.
Kendra is closer to the "perfect" villain in this story.
Chris is like Umbridge, also a "cliche" villain character but "good"; you just hate them, no empathy or sympathy what so ever.
They are just pieces of shit that need to die slow, painful deaths...