If Anna bangs some other dude while David is innocent, them staying together at the end would not be "perfect and surprising"... It would be the expected, irritating, and infuriating end to the "faithful" cuck route...

Quite frankly, David should leave her ass now and get custody of their daughter for Anna being mentally unstable or an absolute moron...
The perfect, surprising end will be David John Wicking ever other dude and Kendra in this story with Anna crawling back on her knees to David begging him to forgive her for sending Chris pics of her wearing David's favorite lingerie and for being an absolutely incompetent, gullible wife and attorney...
See there are 4 ways of how this VN can be played depending on emotions:
1: David faithful, Ana faithful
2. David corrupt, Ana faithful
3. David faithful, Ana corrupt
4. David corrupt, Ana corrupt
I hope for different endings in all 4 paths. But the story unfotunately doesn't support on David corrupt path. Like even if David go full on corrupt for Alexia, he cannot get her.
In 1st path, there's an obvious ending reject everyone's move and stay together (boring one) lol. you get to see their sex scene under the blanket.
In second path, I want Ana to leave David and be with someone else Jake / Robinson whoever she think is best for her. But this one will not be there because even if we play David as corrupt, we don't get anything for David as of now lol.
In 3rd one, I want like some kind of revenge from David against Kendra and where Ana has to realise her mistake and beg to David to stay together where David has to forgive her...then the decision will come on David's hand what to do? whether to stay or leave her.
4th part where both of them divorce and live with their own fantasies and different partners and somehow Kendra gets David...Just want to see what all path this VN has to offer.
We are playing as Ana and David....But kendra has her role ..She got mental because David left her in the past. She did loved David and both of them were happy but breakup made her mental..He chose Ana over her..will see with upcoming story Kendra want revenge or she want David back with him.
Right like you just said David should go Hulk and smash everyone lol because we are playing as David POV...but if the game is played from Kendra POV and her partner leave her for some other girl...we would be playing as Kendra going hulk on all David accomplishment.